Far Cry 6 releases 2021-October-07

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Jul 18, 2021
I'm a bit hyped about it but don't want to get my hopes too high, considering all that we've seen in the past year of gaming, I'd rather not be disappointed again.
Jul 27, 2021
9:30 am PT live stream
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvdjtwJNrOo&t=0s

A bit more info on PCG

Far Cry is one of my top 3 franchises, so hope to watch this. Interesting the talk of 'verticality', does that mean we're going Assassins Creedish?

My main hope for FC6 is that it's been built for PC first. The UI in FC3-5 has ranged atrocious-ok-decent, it would be nice if they finally nailed a really good UI—incl a sensible save system and the ability to skip videos after one viewing.

I liked the FC5 system of revealing missions and quests via people you'd meet out and about. I always like wandering the world just for its own sake, so it was nice for it to have utility in FC5.

What are y'all hoping to see in FC6?
SO HYPEEEE!! Thanks for sharing bro
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