Far Cry 6 releases 2021-October-07

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
9:30 am PT live stream
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvdjtwJNrOo&t=0s

A bit more info on PCG

Far Cry is one of my top 3 franchises, so hope to watch this. Interesting the talk of 'verticality', does that mean we're going Assassins Creedish?

My main hope for FC6 is that it's been built for PC first. The UI in FC3-5 has ranged atrocious-ok-decent, it would be nice if they finally nailed a really good UI—incl a sensible save system and the ability to skip videos after one viewing.

I liked the FC5 system of revealing missions and quests via people you'd meet out and about. I always like wandering the world just for its own sake, so it was nice for it to have utility in FC5.

What are y'all hoping to see in FC6?
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Main item: release date October 7th 2021.

Video lasted 43 minutes. First 30 well done about the location, but repetitive x 3 and slow as a snail, showing deterioration of the Caribbean island of Yara from idyll to brutal dictatorship—max 5-6 mins needed. If you skip, you won't miss any useful info.

The ~13 minutes about the game were similarly cinematic, interspersed with talk by narrative director. Lots of quick chopping & changing for dramatic effect like the first 30 minutes, except content was moving faster—running, driving, jumping etc.

Some crazy weapons, I guess building from New Dawn—the Saw Launcher is now a CD/DVD Launcher! The island is gorgeous of course, lush, varied and full; NPCs seem plentiful and varied also, and the pet alligator and doggy in a wheelchair bode well for the non-human lifeforms—Far Cry always does those very well anyway.

Stealthy or brazen, creepin' or blazin', looks like the usual gameplay choices will be there. You play as Dani Rojas—the video showed her female, but the quick glimpse of the character customization screen suggests can be male also, whichever you want.
No sign of Hurk!

Plot is the standard Latin American revolution against brutal dictator, so somewhat like Far Cry 4 in that respect.

Nothing shown of the UI, the weapon list, any skill or crafting choices. Didn't get any Assassins Creed vibe, verticality was not emphasized. No sense of how the plot will evolve, ie how you'll discover what needs doing, or what's possible to do. No game map shown, so can't tell if littered with side quests or not.

All in all, hugely disappointing from my POV as someone interested in playing this game. I got very little I wouldn't already have 'known' based on previous FCs. This video was definitely all salad and no meat—few sticks of crunchy celery nowhere near filling enough for this gamer with appetite.
Mar 9, 2020
It looks interesting but I have to admit I've never been able to hit it off with the Far Cry games since the first Crytek one. I just don't enjoy the open world/climb towers/collect animal bits aspects.

Hasn't stopped me from buying a bunch of them though. I own 2, 3, Primal, and 5 so who knows. Maybe this will be the one. At the very least it feels like just a little bit of Volition's development team infiltrated Ubisoft, what with the attack alligator and CD launcher gun playing the Macarena.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
don't enjoy the open world/climb towers/collect animal bits
Open world I love and require in my fav genres 4X, RTS, TBS & FPS. Discovering the map and exploring for the sake of it is a biggie for me—why I replay my Civ games most years, since the map is new every game.

Towers & looting: Agree, those are way overdone tedium. Looting would be fine if it was run over the bodies to get the goodies, but individual animations for each one—very tedious waste of time. Sometimes in Primal could have a dozen wolf corpses at my feet—getting an animation to skin each one is just ridiculous.
I own 2, 3, Primal, and 5
4 is my fav, and its Yeti DLC is quite good too. Still got the bits above you don't like, of course.
Jan 19, 2020
The gun play looks amazing. Ubisoft does that so well. I'm not a fan of the disc launcher, which seems silly to me, but it's hardly the only option so I don't really care that it's part of the lineup. The variation in choices looks so satisfying. Sometimes I want to play stealth bow and other times I want to rip it up with an automatic or machine gun. The grenades also look like a fine addition to encounter tactics.

In FarCry 5 I really hated the flying. I'm not very good at controlling the plane and I dreaded any mission or objective that had to do with the planes. I'm hoping any vehicle combat and operation this round have tighter controls and better handling, or at least are mostly optional.

The story and setting are as gritty and engaging as ever. Ubisoft builds such great worlds. I'm cautiously looking forward to this, but I'm hoping it isn't exclusive to their store or Epic. I'd prefer to buy it from Microsoft or Steam.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
The gun play looks amazing … I'm not a fan of the disc launcher
A lot of the weaponry seems to build on New Dawn, which also had 'home made' guns and a saw launcher. Maybe the disc launcher is so you can saunter along undetected as a civilian listening to your music, and then do a quick pop, and back to sauntering again—that could be fun.
Ubisoft builds such great worlds
Big fan of their worlds, especially the wildlife which has been top class since FC3. Ubi get a lot of stick—mostly re repitition afaics—but Far Cry has had great production values since FC3—almost no glitches, and very smooth gameplay. I detest driving, so I can't really comment on that or flying or boating—they're always just to be got thru for me, and then back on foot.

The UI, on the other hand, suffered greatly from being console-first. FC3 was truly abysmal, but thankfully it's steadily got less worse since, to the degree where the lack of a decent Save system is the main gripe. Ridiculous looting animations and key bindings is the other big area they need to sort out.
Jun 8, 2021
9:30 am PT live stream
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvdjtwJNrOo&t=0s

A bit more info on PCG

Far Cry is one of my top 3 franchises, so hope to watch this. Interesting the talk of 'verticality', does that mean we're going Assassins Creedish?

My main hope for FC6 is that it's been built for PC first. The UI in FC3-5 has ranged atrocious-ok-decent, it would be nice if they finally nailed a really good UI—incl a sensible save system and the ability to skip videos after one viewing.

I liked the FC5 system of revealing missions and quests via people you'd meet out and about. I always like wandering the world just for its own sake, so it was nice for it to have utility in FC5.

What are y'all hoping to see in FC6?
i hope the game wil be more competitive
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