Question EXCITED FOR Assassin's Creed Valhalla

May 2, 2020
What are your opinions about the UBISOFT's upcoming title Assassin's Creed Valhalla? A lot of people seem excited, but I'm not!
Jan 13, 2020
I'm super jazzed for Valhalla!

I think the Assassin's Creed franchise has made steady improvement over the past few iterations. I hope it stays too huge and adds more depth.

I also want to kill loads and loads of Christians and rid the land of churches and their absurd god!
Nov 25, 2019
I really enjoyed the last two Assassin's Creed releases, so I look forward to this one as well.
Their storytelling has improved greatly over the years, and ship battles have always been fun. While Viking ships don't usually have much in the way of armaments, I am still hoping for some good sea warfare.
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May 1, 2020
I still have pending Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey, games which respective settings admittedly excite me more than Valhalla's. However, this one still looks promising enough, the settlement mechanics alone sound like something very much up my alley.

It remains to be seen if it holds up to its promises.
May 2, 2020
I'm super jazzed for Valhalla!

I think the Assassin's Creed franchise has made steady improvement over the past few iterations. I hope it stays too huge and adds more depth.

I also want to kill loads and loads of Christians and rid the land of churches and their absurd god!
why do you hate christians!??
Jan 13, 2020
I'll pick up the complete version on sale a year from now or something. These have become open world mid-fantasy hack and slashers. There is very little, if any, of the heart of the Assassin Creed franchise in them. It didn't help that I dislike Greece as a setting nor do I care much for Vikings. Egypt was awesome though. Loved Egypt.
Jan 13, 2020
why do you hate christians!??
Two reasons. Firstly, my ancestors were Celts, which means they were rad pagans who fornicated in the moonlight and ate mushrooms and painted their faces and stuff.

Secondly, because Christians RUINED EVERYTHING:

They're all about "don't drink ale!" and "Dont lay with women!" and also "There is only one god!" and "Don't fornicate in the moonlight with witches covered in goat blood!" and other nonsenses like that. Also they made people go to prayers all the time and taught everyone to be ashamed of their blood-soaked, moonlit naked bodies. Gah! Let me at 'em!
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May 4, 2020
I don't really see what anyone sees in Odyssey already.
It doesn't look that good, despite everyone saying it looks magnificent.
The combat animations are jittery, and I don't really care for that RPG gameplay where you can pierce through someone with a spear so hard it comes out of their back, and they keeps fighting like nothing happened, but that's more like a personal preference.
Jan 13, 2020
I've been playing it and the animations seem pretty darn smooth to me.
But, I agree about unrealistic combat as a general statement.
In the combat RPG of my dreams every strike would matter. If you're hit, even in your armor, you should suffer for it. Getting pierced through your body or hewn on your arm or leg you should be totally screwed. Broken arm, blood loss, exhaustion etc. Of course, Asssassin's Creed isn't really that kind of a game.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Why are you not excited @stevenegg?

I hope the game will be good, but I am a bit skeptical when I noticed how they already have a bonus mission and ultimate packs for preorder. Not to mention how I found the trailer to be rushed. If they already had the time to make that fancy-schmancy collector's edition statue, they might as well have given some more thought into that trailer also.
May 4, 2020
I've been playing it and the animations seem pretty darn smooth to me.
But, I agree about unrealistic combat as a general statement.
In the combat RPG of my dreams every strike would matter. If you're hit, even in your armor, you should suffer for it. Getting pierced through your body or hewn on your arm or leg you should be totally screwed. Broken arm, blood loss, exhaustion etc. Of course, Asssassin's Creed isn't really that kind of a game.

I'm watching a video right now to see about that.
Looks like they are smooth most of the time, but pretty often there's like some kind of weird teleported animation.
Like this
Or this.
I guess that's what's rubbed me the wrong way when i tried it.

In the combat RPG of my dreams every strike would matter. If you're hit, even in your armor, you should suffer for it. Getting pierced through your body or hewn on your arm or leg you should be totally screwed. Broken arm, blood loss, exhaustion etc. Of course, Asssassin's Creed isn't really that kind of a game.

Couldn't agree more.
Jan 13, 2020
My relationship with Assassin's Creed games has been somewhat backwards. When the first couple of titles came out, I off-handedly dismissed them as 'generic console peasant trash' for some reason. Then I picked up the second one in a mega-sale, for about 5 Euros, years after it had been out.

It blew my mind in the most unexpected fashion. I had to totally go back and eat my dismissive words. I quickly grabbed the rest of the series (I think that Revelations had just come out back then), again, dirt cheap. I fell in love with the lore, the freedom of movement, the overall vibe that they exuded. They took me there. Completely transported me. And I was a total sucker for their blending of real history and that whole First Civilization mambo-jumbo.

I remember pre-ordering AC III, hyped to the gills. Finally, I had caught up with the times. I would enjoy an epic new AC game along with the rest of the gaming world, not years after the fact. Imagine my disappointment when AC III turned out as weak as it did. I got one of the collector's editions and I couldn't even get rid of it on eBay for 10 quid or so. That bad.

I stuck with the series though.

Black Flag was extraordinary, they remade Pirates! for the 21st century. It was the first AC game that I aggressively pursued to get 100% completion, just because it was so much damn fun that I never wanted it to end.

Unity was a love-letter to Paris. I couldn't care less about the disastrous PC launch. I even bought an overpriced GTX 970 that I could barely afford, just so that I could run it maxed out on Day 1.

Syndicate was tired but still, a rollicking good time.

Then Origins hit, and it gripped me way more than it had any right to. Odyssey? Goddamn. We played it to 100% completion along with my wife, completely enraptured with its depiction of our lost world.

Totally hyped about Valhalla, pre-ordered the Gold Edition and cannot wait to get lost in all of its beauty and madness.

If Ubisoft ever decides to hire seriously competent writers to work on AC, they are going to take that final step up there with the all-time greats.
Jan 13, 2020
Eh, I am not.

One, I am tired of the whole "Vikings are totally awesome!" BS Blabber about the show, every millenial moron with braided hair and beards, and that stupid team up in Minnesota.

Two, we have overkill on the medieval setting right now that last couple of years. For me, especially, playing ESO no matter what it feels just so Norse like in setting and visuals.

Three, while Origins and Odyssey are great (and beautiful) hack and slash action games with an edge of fantasy thrown in they are no longer "Assassin's Creed" at their core. They went for a more Witcher-like formula and it worked for popularity, but sacrificed a lot of its soul in the process.

Four, I am burnt out on open worlds. Give me a 30-40 hour game with well crafted levels and narrative versus an 80 hour game full of 40 hours of fetch and kill X quests solely there for grinding for crafting and XP.

So no, I amn not excited about Assassins Creed Valhalla.
Jul 13, 2020
Does seem like a lot of the same but with a new coat of pain and in a new setting.
Probably gonna wait for some sale in the near future.
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Jan 13, 2020
I pre-ordered the game as soon as it was announced. I usually don't do this, but I was really into the idea of a viking-themed AC and when they said they were going "even more full-on RPG" I just went at it.

Having seen the game-play leak that is now the game-play reveal trailer, it does look very much like Odyssey, and I didn't see anything that made me jump out of my seat and lunge, frothing toward the RPG differences. But then, we'll just have to wait and see when it comes out how that turns out.

I hope for a better feeling equipment system. While the tons of loot, and matching sets of loot is technically an RPG thing, it's a console-like RPG thing the way AC does it. In my mind a real RPG doesn't have you auto crunching through piles of loot for crafting materials and color-matching armor sets. OH NO, you repair that armor young viking, and when you finally decide to put on something new, it'll matter.

Also, I want to have to trim my viking's toenails, which I'm sure is something real vikings had to do at least yearly, and so any authentic RPG should demand the same commitment from its players!
Jul 13, 2020
Still not fully sold on the game but, admittedly, this looks a bit more interesting than I expected o_O

Agree, this looks much better then previous trailers. I'm just afraid it's only on the surface and it's still gonna be same old AC game as always.


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