Enter To Win A Razer Prize Pack from Iceflake & Paradox!

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Jun 2, 2020
Depends how the apocalypse is. If its about zombies then easy. I'd get a shovel and hit their head lol. Gathering medics from pharmacies, foods from malls, gears from stores... Ofc everyone would do that and I'd join a strong group to survive.
Sep 6, 2020
I would try to find out what causes the apocalyse to stop it or be able to survive it. I would try to harness the power of internet to gather the best people to find what to do best.
Mar 30, 2020
well, I'd need gasoline, ac generator, PCs and gather my thrusted friends to LAN playing... oh, maybe get some food now and then...
May 3, 2020
I hoard a lot of canned food, rice and buy various camping equipment. Then I take lessons in a survival course for at least 2 weeks. The apocalypse will be less painful, yay!
Oct 22, 2020
Stay alone as no one can be trusted, Try and get as far away as possible where i could live off the land
Feb 11, 2020
I would train myself with any weapon I can find and start to look for other survivors to team up with. With this, I will have a greater chance of surviving. 🔥
May 1, 2020
I would go to the nearest Walmart, because you know people are going to want to head there. I mean, they have a department for everything, so you could start a community. Then, I would utilize the forklifts to build a fence outside of the building. Since they have a gardening center, I would take the produce that would be going spoiled soon and some dirt and plant them on the roof. The auto center could be used to fix the vehicles for scavenging or finding other survivors.
May 2, 2020
The apocolypse would be great once I pair one of those prizes with my gaming PC and entire backlog of games! Bring it on!
Feb 12, 2020
First, I gotta gather all the necessary resources which would help me survive the initial stages of the apocalypse like food, water, sanitary items, batteries, torch light and all that stuff along with a weapon like a wooden bat, a good quality knife for cutting things and also some inflammable stuff with some firewood. And I'll probably take shelter in a basement to avoid getting exposed in the apocalypse for a while...
May 29, 2020
I'd make sure to find the nearest high rise flats that are structurally sound and build a barricade around it to reduce the chances of anyone getting near it. I'd then find the nearest food place and stock up with as much food as possible.. then attack anyone that comes near my flats:ROFLMAO:
May 27, 2020
1. Find a good weapon to defend myself.
2. Find a dog and name it Dogmeat.
3. Find a nice settlement with a good water supply and food source.
4. Be a hoarder. Grab everything I can carry and store it all in some random shack or container.
5. I have to look nice, so I'll start to wear the finest junk I can find.
It will be a walk in the park after that.
Jan 22, 2020
I would prob not survive the apocalypse... I'd prob stay holed in a house until I would either be forced to leave either from lack of food or water.
May 6, 2020
Oh my God! First off, let me say this is majorly awesome of you and your team!

What would I do in case of the apocalypse. So... I've been actually reading about this - in these troubled times the question is much more present than one might expect - and first thing's first: I would try to secure my home and apartment building as best I can and try to recruit my neighbours. Baricade the windows and doors except for the one backdoor we have, we can use that one for a while for moving in and out as it's much easier to guard.
Next step would be to get everyone on the same page about what the calamity that's happened is, figure out what their individual skills are and how each can contribute and try to convince them to either store the food in a common place or figure out some system of trading so that everyone's fed.
Then depending on the gravity of the dangers lurking, some of us would move out in cycles to secure food and scout for intel. Eventually we'd figure out transportation solutions as well and move to where the food supplies are, especially if the group gets too big.

In all seriousness, I'd love a tv series that covers something similar. Hope the game is so successful that you guys end up making one! <3

Good luck folks.
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