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Oct 21, 2020
First things first, I'm getting my family together and a few close friends. This would admittedly get a group of 20 or so people together which is kinda hard to feed, but it's better than being dead. These people each have building and thinking skills, they're loyal to one another and, there is safety in numbers.

Then a base of operations is needed. Preferably something with a screen so it's hard to see. Perhaps a forest would work or a single building in an industrial zone. Make no observable defenses as the first defense is stealth. Build choke points so there's one way in. Find a hidden way out that is almost impossible to get up to, (a jump into a river?). One way in, two ways out.

As for fighting, all these fellows talking about big swords or guns... nah. We're going to get some pointy sticks and learn how to use the sling. The stick gives superior reach and can be used in a variety of utilitarian ways, digging through rubble, finding a safe path, and most importantly keeping things at a distance. Make one end pointy and you've got a good deterrent for any charging foe. Have a friend backing you up, and now the foe has one weapon to deal with two pointy sticks, not good. The sling offers a silent hunting tool that is easily transported (worn as a belt or wrapped around forearm) with plenty of ammunition (stones) about. Lead or other steel marbles could be used if needed for more challenging targets.

Food is the biggest issue. I have no interest in hurting people, so I would rather try to farm. The farms, to continue with stealth, need to grow somewhat wild. So haphazard planting is needed. Animals need to be hunted with care so that the area resembles a dangerous wildland. The more dangers, the better as we will learn how to live with them and the dangers will scare away the wanders who may cause harm. Fishing is likely going to be very important as it's a food source that can't run away and thus look suspicious.

Past that, I don't know.
Jan 29, 2020
Despite my fear of snakes, I quite like the idea of pulling a Gyro Captain from The Road Warrior and preying on the unsuspecting. I don't have the brawn to manage otherwise...
Oct 21, 2020
Well, first of all to survive the aftermath I will have to stock an insurmountable amount of food and water in a location which only I knows about. Mostly I will get them through scavenging at first because after a global disaster strikes there's no way you can grow food right away. So at first scavenging and hunting is the first option. During that period I will also scavenge for weapons. A couple of melee ones will be a good start then look for guns and ammunition later on. I will also stock a lot of ammunition so I can safeguard myself, my belongings and my trusted friends if I ever I have one those days. Definitely, fighting with other individuals will be a norm since survival instincts kick in because resources are scarce. I think that's the first phase of survival. The next phase will be about settling in. Either doing it alone or in a group, finding a suitable place for a colony is a must. I/we will look a place near a source of fresh drinking water in a highly elevated area where we can see the surroundings and always be on the lookout for anyone who will do us harm. An elevated terrain gives some advantage when it comes to colony security and during times of war. This will be a good update for Surviving the Aftermath isn't it, making use of terrain elevation for advantageous purposes. So far, that's what goes in my mind for now when it comes to surviving.
Mar 31, 2020
Read the Zombie Survival guide to start my preparation. Have a secure off grid base. With self sustainable food supplies.
Oct 22, 2020
I whould make myself look like a zombie and go undercover with the other zombies. Then kill then silently 1 by 1 like a ninja when no one is watching.
Sep 3, 2020
I'd take inspiration from my favourite tv show; The Walking Dead. I'd raid chemists for medications, hunting shops for weapons and a supermarket for food until I've set up a little farm that grows fruit, veg, has chickens for eggs and other farm animals for dairy and slaughter.
Oct 22, 2020
Hide. Just quite simply, find the best hiding place and wait for it all to blow over.
(Possibly whilst enjoying a nice pint)
Sep 8, 2020
easy just do exactly like how john goodman did in the movie 10 lane cloverfield and you will be fine or like they did in the metro games
Oct 22, 2020
If I had to survive in a zombie apocalypse, first I'd start with punching some trees and going strip mining. I'd come out on the surface after a few nights in the cave, pillage a village, and then build a secure home there. If there are any zombie villagers, I'll just use my diamond sword to kill them. Simple as that.
May 28, 2020
I'd just steal a bunch of tinned food from a supermarket early on ... then go where there's nobody around but some kind of fresh water, like some cabin up a mountain with a well or something, and just avoid people 100% ... no looking for survivors or trying to rebuild humanity ... if I could find a dog to hang out with that'd be gold though.
Aug 5, 2020
I would probably fantasize about me being a protagonist of a game and try to kill all the zombies I saw in front of me, it would also be very likely that I would die in this attempt hehe; but now seriously, I would gather as many people as possible to distribute the activities of each one, the main ones being essential for life, and I would try to take care and treat the sanity of everyone as much as I care more for others than for myself ; -;
Oct 22, 2020
Dig down under my garage and go there, I've got everything I could need in there and can come back up for supplies.
Ya know, in theory, I'm sort of a "bunker" kind of guy. The real sticking problem is, well, where the hell am I going to find a bunker to hide in? I suppose I could use my garage. Nonetheless, my general strategy is one of hunkering down. It's sort of a difficult strategy, though, because without prior planning (have stocks of food and water) it isn't all that viable. But I'm generally risk averse and I don't know how much I'd want to be wandering around. Or we could get philosophical and wonder how good surviving will even be in the long run if the quality of life is terrible.
Oct 22, 2020
I would stock up on can foods, jerky, and other items that wouldn’t expire right away. Head to a family member’s farm after that and live off that place while isolating.


Sep 30, 2020
Depends on the apocalypse, but if it involves zombies, then I was born ready. With baseball bat in hand, all I need is to be pointed in the direction of the hordes. Bring. It. On.
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