Greetings and Salutations to all...first post.
I usually do the Romance thing just to get a break from the Grind.
Like ME 3 you are given an Apt. at the fabled Sunset Strip only to get more fighting, the Arcade...Boxing at Shattered Ezo, Shooting more of the same ole tired enemies to get a better score the Barla Von, I forget the name of the place, then only to meet Jack there for more Relaxation?!
If Battle and the Slaughter of her enemies is relaxing, it must follw that FemShep is a very relaxed individual!
For me it is a nice break from all the inserted quests that usually come like someone just dumped a basket full of them out on the Bridge.
I really liked the Romance in DA, have most of those games except the newest, and Yes the Heart next to the dialogue helped immensely, the point of the spoken dialogue not fitting with the spoken lines in ME, 2, 3, is right too, who wrote that?!
Anyway thanks for the opportunity to voice my Opinion.