Question Do you buy collectors editions and if so which ones have you bought?

I know there aren't many collectors editions directed at PC gamers, but that doesn't mean we can't buy them. I will often look for deals on collectors editions to buy, but few have really met my criteria to buy, which mainly is being new, or like new, and have all the collectibles included as well as the original packaging. I won't go over a certain price either. I currently have purchased three collectors editions, one of them second hand that only had the collectibles and not the game. They are

Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Second hand with no game, but the statue and other collectibles were new condition. Mainly got it for the statue. While the game was pretty mediocre I always like the concept of the game, the city, and Faith as a character.

Marvel's Avengers - Bought this new from Amazon for about $60 (still that much on Amazon) after the game flopped. Again mainly for the statue, but the Mjolnir key chain and the Hulk bobblehead were great inclusions as well.

Martha is Dead - Okay, so I collect tarot decks and I just recently bought the collectors edition of this game solely for the custom tarot cards included. Oddly enough, the mini tarot deck (2 2cards) was the most disappointing collectible in the entire package, mainly because the cards were very dark and the artwork didn't really stand out like it should. Still, decent enough. The true star of the collection though was the 3 vinyl record set of the game's soundtrack which turns out to be really good.

So if collector's editions are of interest to you, which ones do you want and which ones do you have?
Hm, ive purchased a couple in my lifetime but my favorite out of all of them was the Skyrim Collectors Edition which came with an Alduin dragon on a wall type statue: I have since framed the poster.

Hm, ive purchased a couple in my lifetime but my favorite out of all of them was the Skyrim Collectors Edition which came with an Alduin dragon on a wall type statue: I have since framed the poster.
Yes, you can see part of it next to your Doom poster :D. I look for the Skyrim collectors edition from time to time, but I'm not willing to pay $300 for it. Cheaper ones are opened and don't have packaging or are missing items. Great item though.
mass effect andromeda, it's an rc car! It also has a camera so you can record video or drive by camera. Only downside is the app only works on andriod 6 with wifi so you need an old phone. Thankfully they are not to hard to find at this point.

Awesome rc car, and great collectors set. I bought it after I played the game and loved the nomad. I like rc cars and i got a deal at 100 bucks compared to normal rc cars on that price range it's better, retail was 200.

Some random persons vid
i have bought several Collectors editions

Far cry 3 - came with that survival guide. for those who want a crash course on survival.

Splinter cell: conviction. Sam fisher remains imprisoned in the plastic wrapping.

Duke nukem Forever - the shame is forever.

XCom2 - so it came with all the DLC (season pass?) and also the old xcom armor cosmetic. Which i never used. The mods made sure of that.

blazblue 2 for the vita - it was dirt cheap (like a fiver?) so i bought it. Never opened it though.
I got a couple of boxes that had art books, but no statues or anything like that.

I think I had the one for Mass Effect 3 and one or two of the Assassin's Creed games. Only looked in the art books once I think.
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I don't know, its certainly a well known game... for perhaps the wrong reasons. Its one for history books :)
It did come with a lot of tat. Like a metal case, a bust of duke nukem, some playing cards, a comic and some plastic dice where the 1 pip was the nuke symbol. Honestly tat. There's even a piece of paper to prove authenticity of my poor judgement.

Speaking of Mass effect, i did get mass effect 2 collectors edition which came with an artbook in a metalic case.

I did buy the witcher 2 special edition which came with a metal coin and a map i believe. wasn't the collectors edition mind.

Bioshock special edition - was just a metallic case. No poorly made figurine.

There was one collectors edition i might have wanted like the dishonored one with those cards or the shogun 2 total war collectiors edition or even that one with the chess set.
Dec 22, 2024
I've had a few, mostly because they'd be the same price or little more as regular editions.
Most were for consoles.

Specifically for PCs, I had/have:
- the one for Age of Mythology which had a minotaur figurine, a book about mythologies around the world and a soundtrack CD (not sure about this last one),
- the one for The Path, which had the game in a USB pen and a few postcards;
- the one for Machinarium which had a poster and a soundtrack CD.

The most impressive one I had was the one for Bioshock 2 for Xbox 360 or PS3 which came in a huge box with a coloured LP record.

I've sold much of my physical collection (which would be around 300 to 400 games) over the years and, these days, mostly only still have some that are worth more to me than they're worth commercially.
Which, when push comes to shove, are the real "collector's" editions. Anything else is mostly mass produced cheap tat, from my experience.
I did buy a few steel case XBox 360 games but none for the PC.

The closest thing to this was a American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator T-shirt and ATS Mug when they were closing their merchandising.

Generally I think collectors edition's are vastly overpriced, but if it's a game you really like then it's your personal preference.

I do remember a few even didn't come with a copy of the actual game!

What I don't like now is that there can be three or four different editions of a game. Please just make the normal game and a collector's edition with lots of physical goodies. Not just one that gives you a soundtrack and 2 days early access. Early access that often is when servers crash or the game is really buggy...
I just remembered that I also had the Dark Souls 2 collectors edition. I still have the art book and map, but the figure that came with it met a true to life Dark Souls fate when a book shelf toppled over and landed on it.

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mass effect andromeda, it's an rc car! It also has a camera so you can record video or drive by camera. Only downside is the app only works on andriod 6 with wifi so you need an old phone. Thankfully they are not to hard to find at this point.

There is also one with a diecast version of the vehicle. They seem to be reasonably priced too. Alas I am running out of space. I need to rearrange my living space to get more shelving in or move to a bigger place.
Black ops 6 is worse. You can buy a £17 skin of a stoned chameleon for use in multiplayer in a pseudo realistic military shooter :ROFLMAO:
Well, yeah, it's gotten ridiculous. I guess it kinda went off the rails after BLOPS 3. I haven't played a COD since Ghosts, and then only ever played the first 2 games, Ghosts, and the first Black Ops. I own Modern Warfare 2 but haven't played it.
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Community Contributor
I know there aren't many collectors editions directed at PC gamers, but that doesn't mean we can't buy them. I will often look for deals on collectors editions to buy, but few have really met my criteria to buy, which mainly is being new, or like new, and have all the collectibles included as well as the original packaging. I won't go over a certain price either. I currently have purchased three collectors editions, one of them second hand that only had the collectibles and not the game. They are

Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Second hand with no game, but the statue and other collectibles were new condition. Mainly got it for the statue. While the game was pretty mediocre I always like the concept of the game, the city, and Faith as a character.

Marvel's Avengers - Bought this new from Amazon for about $60 (still that much on Amazon) after the game flopped. Again mainly for the statue, but the Mjolnir key chain and the Hulk bobblehead were great inclusions as well.

Martha is Dead - Okay, so I collect tarot decks and I just recently bought the collectors edition of this game solely for the custom tarot cards included. Oddly enough, the mini tarot deck (2 2cards) was the most disappointing collectible in the entire package, mainly because the cards were very dark and the artwork didn't really stand out like it should. Still, decent enough. The true star of the collection though was the 3 vinyl record set of the game's soundtrack which turns out to be really good.

So if collector's editions are of interest to you, which ones do you want and which ones do you have?
I have never bought a collector's edition. I came close with Fallout 4, but couldn't pull the trigger. They seem to have gone the way of my self-respect, so I think I've completely missed out on them.
There is also one with a diecast version of the vehicle. They seem to be reasonably priced too. Alas I am running out of space. I need to rearrange my living space to get more shelving in or move to a bigger place.
Yea, I've been meaning to pick that up too. You can still buy that one direct from ea so it wasn't too popular. I guess kids these days unlike me are not into die cast.

I bought a starcraft protons 20 something years ago and some of the plastic is already breaking down and it was sitting on a shelf that never saw sun. Die cast will be here in 500 years. ;)
I bought the Star Wars: The Old Republic collectors edition
I totally regret not buying that when it was available. However, when my son visited for Christmas when we were in a Gamestop he bought me the Revan statue.

Speaking of Malgus, I just played the last bit or release content for SWTOR and it had a real interesting twist with Malgus where
Shae Vizla set Malgus free!
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