Question Do you buy collectors editions and if so which ones have you bought?

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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@January's Ghost I had a lot of fun with the game. One of my favorite activities was doing the datacrons which was for the most part fun to do except for the infamous air balloon wait and ride for the Tatooine datacron.

A fond memory was getting the slave bikini outfit from Hutta and slowly walk around the major hubs to show off the golden slave bikini and my NPC companion wearing the same outfit. People were drooling!

The PVP was for the most part good (I played as a Bounty Hunter Merc), except for the hilarious PVP farming that happened with both teams just staying there and farming points like on Ilum. The PVE raiding was weird and buggy and I can't say I had a fun time doing those.
my favorite activities was doing the datacrons
I still haven't gotten some on the newest planets that have them. Getting them is crazy.

A fond memory was getting the slave bikini outfit from Hutta and slowly walk around the major hubs to show off the golden slave bikini and my NPC companion wearing the same outfit. People were drooling!
It's always nice to show off reputation gear, especially THAT reputation gear.

The PVP was for the most part good (I played as a Bounty Hunter Merc), except for the hilarious PVP farming that happened with both teams just staying there and farming points like on Ilum.
Never did PVP but once or twice. Never was my thing.
The PVE raiding was weird and buggy and I can't say I had a fun time doing those.
Tried one or two operations, same story as WoW raids: to o much waiting to start, too much waiting while the boss fight gets explained to noobs, too much waiting to recover from wipes and go over strategies again. Just too much damn waiting.
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