D2X-Rebirth Descent II

Mar 11, 2025
Greetings fellow Gamers,
I've looked around and do not see any topics or threads about this game.
I put in in "Shooter" because it is a first person shooter, but it is also a
space flight combat simulator.
It will also do multiplayer, although I have not tested it.
Descent was a classic when it came out. The developer of this new version
has done an excellent job. I hope to meet someone, or anyone willing
to play it with me.


Community Contributor
I'm not into multiplayer, though I sure remember Descent! No better game to develop your ability to find your way around in a maze.
Thing is, Overload looks vastly better, and it's only $6 on Steam right now. (It's on GOG but not on sale for whatever reason.)
View: https://youtu.be/ejpzRHSU9tg?si=tfEsMa02E7d0Bjwk

It's got a demo, too.
It's got a demo, too.

I haven't thought of this game since its first demo went public.

Taking a look at it now I never knew it had VR support. The price point is certainly worth it just to check out the VR aspect.

Thanks for dropping this info.
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Community Contributor
Oh, I think I see why not to use Overload now: the multiplayer. Is it even there now? The topic on it says you download a mod to play multiplayer - kinda odd, I'm not sure if that mode even works with the achievements, if it works at all after 4 years.

No skin off my nose. The main campaign is pretty big and there are a bunch of community-made levels, too, but somebody wanting to play against others is out of luck.

People who insist on getting 100% should also steer clear of this title.


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