You know, I hate to pile on to the CDPR hate wagon, but I'm a little irritated after looking through the first page of C2077 mods on Nexus. Actually, I'm more than a little irritated. How many times have we heard things like "game development is hard. If you fix one thing, it breaks another...." in relation to this game and how we have to give CDPR time.
Here's the truth. We've had maybe 4 updates in a year from CDPR with some bug fixes. Not a ton of them, mind you. Icarus had more bug fixes in the first week than CDPR did in a year. But what about all the stuff people have complained about in the game, like the lack of a working metro system, the inability to change your looks, the poor driving, the poor NPC AI? Well, all of that's been fixed now, but not by CDPR but by 4 modders. Four! Not some giant team, just 4 random modders. Thanks to them you can now do all that stuff. There are even a couple of bug squashing mods. What has CDPR been doing for the last year?
But back to this mod, it looks pretty awesome. It has a bunch of stations you can walk through, and as you ride the train, you can switch to 3rd person if you want to better enjoy the scenery.