COD-MW keeps crashing in MP

Feb 15, 2020
So as the title suggests Modern Warfare keeps crashing in multiplayer. When I first installed the game on release I don't believe it crashed while playing multiplayer. But now I can get in maybe five matches before it crashes at most. Its really a big turn off and am wondering if anybody here has a solution.

My PC specs are listed in my signature below. I run the game maxed out on 1440p and all I have running through AMD's Raedeon Software is Enhanced Sync. I thought by turning that off it might solve the problem or at least make it better but no joy.

So... I just run the game maxed out on 1440p and I have reinstalled the game recently. I update my video drivers regularly and its been a few updates since MW's release. Again, not sure what to do. If any of you fine people have a solution or advice please let me know.

Feb 17, 2020
Are there any Windows updates listed in the update history that happened around the time you started getting the problems?

Any game updates?

Can you validate the game files? (verify the files / scan and repair / whatever it gets called in your game client)
Feb 15, 2020
1. Well its hard to say. I stopped playing a couple months ago and started up again. I now crash as I did not before.

2. MW updates pretty regularly and is handled by the game client.

3. I did a fresh install last week. Everything is current and valid.
Feb 17, 2020
Normally I'd suggest posting on the game's forums to ask, in case it's a known issue or other people are having the same. The MW forums look like trash with no help to be had anywhere... but it could still be worth a shot, despite how long the odds...

Anything else crash? Have you tried some aggressive stress tests or some other games that torture the system like recent Assassin's Creed titles?
Feb 15, 2020
Anything else crash? Have you tried some aggressive stress tests or some other games that torture the system like recent Assassin's Creed titles?

I sometimes crash in other titles but its uncommon to rare that it happens. When I do crash in other titles its random and nothing appears to be wrong with my Rig.

I did take your advice and checked out the MW Forums. There is no point posting there lol. To be honest, I think its just a Radeon thing that is causing my MW MP sessions to crash. AMD has issues with drivers but they do eventually iron out the kinks.