Baldur's Gate (BG3) Mechanics


Jun 7, 2021
I really enjoyed the previous BG games, some of my favorites. However...

I am finding the current, early access version via Steam, to be a painful gaming experience. The camera views can be incredibly awkward and the turn-based gaming seems very crude.

The pace of the game is also very slow.

Am I the only one feeling let down by this iteration?
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Did you play any Divinity Original Sin 1/2 also made by Larian? Last time I looked the gameplay looks very similar to that, although those games weren't using D&D rules and spells underneath the surface.

There was a lot of talk around it when the first act released to beta. Some people were a little disappointed at the fact it arguably looked more like Divinity Original Sin 3 than BG3 including myself.

I don't tend to play things until they fully release, but I'm still probably going to get it some time, as I really liked the Divinity games anyway and I've liked what I've seen of the gameplay. I haven't followed it closely at all though.

Do you think some of your issues might be due to it being unfinished or is it something more?


Jun 7, 2021
Thanks for the reply. I played at the encouragement of my daughter (also a big BG fan). I haven't played any version of Divinity. May give them a shot.

Usually, I don't play beta/early release games either, but made an exception this time. I am sure that some of the clunkiness is due to its relative immaturity (very good point).

I can only hope that the final/release version is better, else it will likely be the end of the BG-line.
I hope so too! I'll give it a fair go, never want to see a game fail, and Larian do seem to be genuinely passionate about what they do.

You might find Divinity Original Sin 2 easier to get into as it was an improvement over the first game in a lot of ways and the story stands on its own. I found the combat a lot of fun to play around with once you get used to it.

If you prefer something with similar real time with pause combat to BG, Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny and a few others might be the thing. My favourite of those was Tyranny but Pillars was very good too, and theres also Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous which came out recently, which could be worth a shot.


Jun 7, 2021
I hope so too! I'll give it a fair go, never want to see a game fail, and Larian do seem to be genuinely passionate about what they do.

You might find Divinity Original Sin 2 easier to get into as it was an improvement over the first game in a lot of ways and the story stands on its own. I found the combat a lot of fun to play around with once you get used to it.

If you prefer something with similar real time with pause combat to BG, Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny and a few others might be the thing. My favourite of those was Tyranny but Pillars was very good too, and theres also Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous which came out recently, which could be worth a shot.
Sounds like some possibilities to play over the holidays. Thank you.


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