Are you good at building stuff in games?


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I noticed this quote from Zedclamet about building in Valheim and I thought it would be fun to hear from you all:
In every game that involves base building, players are divided into two groups: ones who build extraordinary creations and ones who wish they could build extraordinary creations but end up living in fancy boxes.

I'm probably one of the worst builders ever lived on this planet. A couple of examples of why:

In Valheim I'm so bad I often can't get the roof perfect for making the workbench. I end up with a house extremely small to live in and with smoke gathering inside so I slowly suffocate. Starting to see the level of building quality I bring?

The last example is from Minecraft. I played with my nephews and friends and started to build a base in exploration mode. While building one of the other guys said: "You want tips for building?" No, I said. I need to finish this myself, I said. House got finished and I had made a perfectly squared house with two windows and a door. The door was a bit high up on the wall because I guess I like to jump. The colors were made up of dirt and green and it basically looked like a **** brick. The roof was flat, so I guess you could basically think of it as a shed. I thought it was semi-ok, but the laughter from the other guys said the opposite.

So, I think I have put the list VERY low for you other guys. Have at it:p
I'm an absolutely awful builder in games. I'm no architect, don't bother with preplanning and half of my projects are boxy constructions built for practical purposes instead of beauty. The grind for the parts is also a serious drag.

I did put some effort in terraria building my home base to accommodate the various guests. i had an art gallery, a bar and a stairway that went to no where. But the most product part was stealing the traps from the hidden temple and set it up so that once activated, it would fire lethal poison darts or flames into predesigned long tunnels of death (fire on the ceilings and you had to walk towards a continuous stream of darts). it was going oh so well until the bosses could just move through the walls so the whole security system was ruined.

speaking of bosses, i did build elaborate arenas so that it maximized my chances to defeating the bosses. For the wall of flesh, i basically built one long bridge across the world so that i could always backpedal whilst hitting the boss and not fall into unsuspecting lava etc.

But the biggest project was probably the new game + with the wall of flesh defeated, the corruption began to spread. vast areas were danger zones and i died too regulary. It was spreading so quickly that i was on the defense. I spent months battling /containing it.

1. protect home base. Prevent blight spreading towards home. Begin plan building vast ditches with brick walls to prevent spread to home and monsters invading.

2. access surrounding areas and begin breaking the problem down into smaller parts. vast land areas were soon just big chunks of rock with vast gaps to prevent spread.

3. cheat and get a Clentaminator and thousands of green solution and begin spraying areas down. use world map to monitor progress.

4. spend every start of game session staring at world map looking for purple pixels. if an area i know was fine previously even had purple pixels, hose the area down. sometimes i would mine through the center of the chunk of rock and host the area down multiple times.

Sadly despite my efforts, the desert biome was lost. the sand made it neigh impossible to cleanse. The monsters too many. I had to seal off the entire with a huge chasm and a double think brick wall and made plans to move around it.

Stardew valley? my farm wasn't the prettiest and it was relatively efficient.


Community Contributor
First Subnautica base:

Yeah, really, just added rooms as needed.

Subnautica: Below Zero was much better:

And by that, I mean there's much better lighting. The base is still just kinda random.

How about this, from No Man's Sky?

Yyyyeah... that's a room, a teleporter, a landing pad, and some sort of power battery thing. It's barely a base at all. But it's in a really cool location!

So you see what I'm getting at? It's not about making a really cool base, it's about putting your base in a cool location, waiting for the lighting to get nice, then taking a screenshot! ;)
Not only are my buildings ugly as can be, they're not even laid out well as I just plunk down stuff wherever I have some room. I could probably save a lot of walking time by planning stuff out better. And moving stuff around is a lot of effort and a lot less fun than plunking down the next project in a random stretch of free land. Plus it's fun to rediscover old projects in places you haven't walked by in a while, tucked away in corners or in underground rooms you've forgotten about.

At least I keep my storage space decently organized.


Community Contributor
Another awful builder reports! :) I don't like games that heavily rely on building (excluding base building in RTS games). I never really got decent experience in this kind of games, so this is probably one of the reasons why I'm quite bad at it. I tried to do some serious building in Fallout 4 and briefly in Fortnite, but never got attracted by this option. So basically the results are poor because I don't play building games and I don't play building games because the results are poor. :D I don't even want to think what would be the results of my real life building. :p
Well, you all are making me feel better about my base building, so here's a couple more pictures:

This is a picture of my castle in Conan Exiles:

And this is a picture from No Man's Sky. I'm up in one of my towers looking down on my farm. All those domes are the farm, which is basically everything you can see out the window. There are other buildings not in the picture, like the one I'm standing in.

Sadly it was night and I didn't feel like waiting until day.


Even though I'm not good at it, base building is the main reason I play survival games.
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Is it possible to get to the top building? Or is it a game where you just build stuff and you don't travel around your world?
Yeah, that's where my first picture of NMS was taken from. There's a ladder you can unlock later.

Not sure what your second question means. I travel around a lot. There's a reason this base is so big. It isn't just for looks. You see, if you farm the right things in the right quantities, you can make very expensive pieces of electronics that sell for over a million each. It's the best way to make money. That's how I buy the $100 million plus ships.

In other gaming news, I tricked my son last night in Total War Warhammer 3. We're playing as Cathay, and we're using that mod that adds 16 new units to the game. The thing is, they are spread out amongst the different Cathay factions. We were both trying to confederate with as many as possible to get the new units, but there was one faction that simply wasn't going to confederate with us any time soon. It was doing too well. So I said, "It will give us a treacherous penalty, but let's just go ahead and attack them and take them over. He said, "Okay.." and attacked their nearest city, going to war with them and getting a very low reliability rating added to his legendary lord. When he was done taking that one city, I confederated with that faction, taking all the rest. I knew that if he attacked first, that they would be desperate to confederate because they wouldn't want to be at war with him.

It's the sort of joke you can only play on someone once, but it was funny at the time hearing him exclaim, 'Did you just confederate them!'
Yeah, that's where my first picture of NMS was taken from. There's a ladder you can unlock later.

Not sure what your second question means. I travel around a lot. There's a reason this base is so big. It isn't just for looks. You see, if you farm the right things in the right quantities, you can make very expensive pieces of electronics that sell for over a million each. It's the best way to make money. That's how I buy the $100 million plus ships.
My second question was just because I didn't realize you were talking about NMS. I didn't know if it was some other game that you only build stuff. I guess I wasn't paying close attention. If I would have gone back and looked at the pictures you were talking about, it was pretty obvious it was NMS.
May 3, 2022
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Not really.... I remember really flopping bad one time, i couldn't build a simple micro farm, my brother laughed me into the next universe but i'm getting better now though. I watched some videos online that helped me. And constant practice too
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