I just started playing but I beat the campaign twice and I'm pretty well-geared, hoping to find some people to play with that will help grind some more gear and try to take the game on in hardcore and nightmare modes.
I would say, don't be in a rush to upgrade your gear is the biggest thing. It's not a huge deal if you do, but a good way to make the game more difficult is to upgrade your gear before you actually need to, as the game scales to your gear score. So try to only upgrade when you get stuck and upgrade only one or two levels at a time and try to keep all of the gear you use around the same levels. Also note that the game scales to the highest level gear you have in your entire inventory, not what you have equipped. Other than that, it's a really fun game, especially with a friend, so good luck and have fun!It's on my to play list so I don't really qualify.
Any tips you could give tho, gonna play with a friend in coop and we know zero to nothing.
Take your time and enjoy the ride, my friend. I'd be down to adventure together anytime.Thanks for the tip, that's really helpful information. I might call on you when i get better at game and have a better gear score so we can group up together for higher difficulties if you're still gonna play by then.
I'm a slowpoke just to warn you.