another rubbish ending

I have taken part in a rubbish ending thread but cant find it so the game to start this new thread is MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA.

I had 4 weapon slots but loadout would not always let me have 4.
The orange direction markers are bugged , example .... stand at bottom of a staircase and marker points up , you go 1 step and it now points down. Its a big like being on a motorway cross over and the sat nav does not know if your on upper or lower level so it sends you the wrong way.
The end was a real let down and unlike m1,2,3. you never got a message to say no going back from here. Their was no point in going back anyway because the game put up red x on a lot of this side quests i had not yet done.

Something happens just before credits that leads you to think maybe their is an andromeda 2 , well if if does happen i wont be buying it.

Did you notice a reference to dragon age rendering in the credits.
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Yeah ME Andromeda just happens to be what I've been playing lately. It's mainly because I just got the Mass Effect Legendary Remaster of the original trilogy, and after playing it, I felt like playing Andromeda again. It's been so long since I played Andromeda, I'd forgotten about many of it's bugs. It's kind of ironic the game had bad launch reception mostly for weird facial and other animations, only to have these other bugs lingering, which are in many ways worse than just cosmetic.

The objective marker bug is indeed annoying, but eventually I got to the point where I wasn't fooled by it anymore, and knew where to go, usually. I did have one or two red X results for missing a few minor things, but those were easily resolved by loading a prior save. However, what ticks me off most on that topic is it shows Liam's Loyalty mission as complete, yet his final skill upgrade is still locked. He's the only one I had that problem with, all others I have fully skill upgraded.

Another thing that seems like it must be a bug to me, is some mining zones cannot be fully depleted by the Nomad, because I'll get them down to Good or Fair status, but suddenly driving anywhere near the zone icon, even if not in a probe circle, will render an Out of Zone status. Another thing I've seen happen is sometimes areas that are supposed to have hostile AI as you approach, are completely void of life. Then after driving away and coming back, or quitting and restarting the game, they're suddenly there. Then there's the mouse cursor staying onscreen, which was actually caused by the final update 1.10.

So yeah, there's tons more bugs than just the animations that were complained about most at launch. Some speculate, and I feel there is merit to this, that it was caused by not just EA forcing time limits and restricting the team's creative choices, but also the choice to use the Frostbite engine, vs Unreal Engine. Frostbite involves tons more code writing, so takes longer to use, which can easily cause more code mistakes.

I don't know if you've seen it or not, but they recently released a teaser about the next Mass Effect game, showing an older looking Liara, climbing and searching a snowy hilltop, that is scattered with dead Reaper parts. At the end she picks up a piece of a broken N7 helmet, and smiles. From this I couldn't help but feel she had intel that Shepard had been found, and perhaps healed and put in Cryo. Some have estimated by Liara's face wrinkles it could be about 200 years after ME3.

I know many assume Shepard died, but at the end of ME3 with the Destroy ending, the last thing they showed was Shepard lying down, then he took a breath. Many asked about this and Bioware confirmed that it meant Shepard had not died. The teaser I spoke of also has hints that the next game may involved both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. There's also been postings put up by Bioware stating they are looking for an Unreal Engine expert, which makes it look like they could be going back to UE for the next game. This makes sense, because both Andromeda and Anthem were made with Frostbite, had lots of bugs that caused lots of rework time and bad receptions for both games.

Last edited:
Jan 13, 2020
Yeah, after playing ME Legendary Edition fully a few months ago and enjoying that much, I also fired up Andromeda after finishing it years ago at its own release. I must have spent an hour in the character creation screen trying to make a beautiful female..... a near impossible task. Where it only took a few seconds in Mass Effect 1-3 or Dragon Age, here it's extremely difficult to make a female character actually look decent.

Frostbite engine is not my favorite either, I prefer Unreal Engine for Mass Effect, but I suppose the engine change works for a different galaxy, to a point.

Then there's the whole lack of support all these years later, and lack of DLC or expanded content, and no answers on the Quarian Ark. I was kinda hoping there would be a huge twist at the end, like a Mass Relay is discovered in the Heleus Cluster, which would confirm the Reapers also cultivated the Andromeda Galaxy every 50,000 years as well, seeing as how they've been doing it for Millions of Years, one would assume they would also remove advanced sentience from the neighboring galaxies as well.

Anyways, I actually enjoyed Andromeda when it came out, there were some pretty neat places to explore, and some good dialogue and voice acting here and there, but it just needed more stuff. If you can collect the memories and play back the Milky Way segments those are always interesting.

To be fair, the Heleus Cluster is tiny, and only a fraction the size of the overall Andromeda Galaxy, we still have no clue what is outside its borders other than perhaps the Kett Empire and a few other civilizations, but the point is the Andromeda Galaxy has tons of potential for future storytelling, now if only EA/Bioware would give it some love instead of trying to cover it up. The game needs some refinement and expansion, a sequel or two, and it's golden.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I don't know if you've seen it or not, but they recently released a teaser about the next Mass Effect game, showing an older looking Liara, climbing and searching a snowy hilltop, that is scattered with dead Reaper parts. At the end she picks up a piece of a broken N7 helmet, and smiles. From this I couldn't help but feel she had intel that Shepard had been found, and perhaps healed and put in Cryo. Some have estimated by Liara's face wrinkles it could be about 200 years after ME3.

I know many assume Shepard died, but at the end of ME3 with the Destroy ending, the last thing they showed was Shepard lying down, then he took a breath. Many asked about this and Bioware confirmed that it meant Shepard had not died. The teaser I spoke of also has hints that the next game may involved both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.

These were my exact feelings when I watched that ME4 trailer; after seeing that N7 helmet fragment, and Liara's smile, I knew that Shepard had survived. Shepard will be in the next game in some way. I don't know if he/she will be our character, but Shepard will be involved.

Then there's the whole lack of support all these years later, and lack of DLC or expanded content, and no answers on the Quarian Ark. I was kinda hoping there would be a huge twist at the end, like a Mass Relay is discovered in the Heleus Cluster, which would confirm the Reapers also cultivated the Andromeda Galaxy every 50,000 years as well, seeing as how they've been doing it for Millions of Years, one would assume they would also remove advanced sentience from the neighboring galaxies as well.

Anyways, I actually enjoyed Andromeda when it came out, there were some pretty neat places to explore, and some good dialogue and voice acting here and there, but it just needed more stuff. If you can collect the memories and play back the Milky Way segments those are always interesting.

Andromeda has it's issues and small bugs, but I've played it twice now, and really enjoyed it both times. The worst thing is what you mentioned, they just dropped all support and thoughts of adding DLCs. The question about the Quarian Ark was setup throughout the game to be a major DLC addition but never happened. The ending was rather open ended that left me wondering, "Well, what happens next?". But nothing happened, EA/Bioware just dropped the game.

Andromeda was cursed from the start, from the troubled development, to the thrashing it took in the press at release, mainly based on the animations; much of which was corrected later on. And no matter what Bioware did, Andromeda was going to be held up to ME1-3 and mercilessly picked apart. Is it as good as ME1-3? I certainly don't think so. I found it difficult to fit into the persona of either Scott or Sarah Ryder, whereas becoming Commander Shepard was instantaneous.

But Andromeda had a lot of good things. The planet exploration was fun and varied, the Vaults had a feeling of being massive and were a joy to explore, the companions and associated voice acting well done, and above all, the combat was the absolute best of any ME game in my opinion. And the Nomad was a blast to drive, especially as you upgraded it. So I still consider Andromeda to be an excellent open world RPG, even with it's faults.
Well I just finished my Andromeda Hardcore playthrough last night, and it turned out Liam's Loyalty mission hadn't even been done. I totally forgot about the one where he asks you to help him on the mission where you're fighting Scavengers on a Kett ship. So I finally got his loyalty and fully upgraded his skills.

One major nit pick I forgot to mention on the subject of how horribly done the objective markers are, is the many Additional Tasks that don't give you any objective marker to follow. I have a whopping 13 Additional Tasks incomplete because of it, including getting only 7 of the 9 Remnant Cores.


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