An opinion you´re probably all alone with?

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I tried this "game" at least 2 or even 3 times but always ended it after 1 or 2 hours.

I absolutely don´t have any clue as to what is making this "game" so "great" and honestly this is one of those times i feel more like an Alien and less Human since EVERYONE just luvs this title so much while i am just not getting anything out of it.
Just a reminder, this was about Minecraft. Minecraft definitely isn't my thing, either. I don't have the patience for it. But my sons played it when they were younger, and it's a great game to learn things with. For instance, redstone in the game works like electricity. You can set up some pretty complex systems if you take the time. My boys both learned a lot about electrical circuits and how simple mechanics work because of that game. If you take the time and have the interest, you can get very creative and make some really cool stuff. They also learned a lot about crafting.

But I don't have the patience for it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
as well as cost of living
Oh yes, fully agree with that and @DXCHASE—I've never read anything about the games industry for decades which said it wasn't toxic in terms of overall compensation and lifestyle. Plus, there are many other industries where professionals have the same situation.

might be something to consider into that 'average' wage
Law of unintended consequences, unfortunately. Companies will adjust the average so they still end up paying mostly the same. The core problem is there is a large supply of young labor with limited external responsibilities who have stars in their eyes about game dev. So supply outstrips demand, which means power is on companies' side.

Same applies with other glamorous industries like fashion, movie, TV etc.

hooved animal anatomy
Suck some clovens at the same time—*chef's kiss*

good gameplay
Yep, sounds like a good constraint. Otoh it's nice in Civ when some dingbat civ on another continent sends a Settler and couple of Archers to settle one of my backfill locations. Let them develop it nicely and then relieve them of the burden :)


Sep 5, 2022
Minecraft definitely isn't my thing, either. I don't have the patience for it. But my sons played it when they were younger, and it's a great game to learn things with.

When i was a kid back the days, i didn´t have Minecraft but i practically did the same, all physically with sweat and tears:



Sep 5, 2022

In all those recent years, i haven´t got THAT much fun with a title! I kept coming back for more on RAGE 2 like it usually happend with the ARKHAM TRILOGY but not many games at all.

So i am completely clueless as to why so many gamers "hated" RAGE 2. :unsure::(:cry:
May 11, 2022
😳😨🤔🤭😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣 Now THAT´s an "Opinion you´re probably all alone with"! LMAO!

I remember when people claimed ROCKSTAR was the first time absolutely failing with its driving physics used in GTA IV and to be honst...i found them "weird" myself but it didn´t matter coz i got so bored with the gameplay and the story i never finished the game after all...i think i didn´t even got to the end of the first half of the game.

The cars felt heavy and you really had to mind your throttle control. I loved the realistic driving in that game but yeah the story...not the best. Niko Bellic's whining gets old really fast.
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Sep 5, 2022
Talkin about GTA VI since that leak...for some reason i don´t absolutely care, i haven´t even checked any of those leaked shots yet, let alone reading those articles as to where, why and how exactly all that "drama" happened (who really cares anyway, for ROCKSTAR it´s like swallowing an ugly pill so tiny, they don´t even really notice).

I guess i am goin to buy that title once it´s sold on a key-store for 20 bucks, not meaning i am so negative about GTA that i "hate" it, it´s just...GTA IV and V have been such a letdown, besides not really bringing something "new" except for the 3-characters-on-the-fly-switch in GTA V, that i am not expecting GTA VI to be "revolutionary" in any way...except they bring a multi-dimensional 6-characters-on-the-fly-switch where you also can switch characters in between different timelines too.

But probably the exact opposite of being OVERHYPED will happen to me, being shocked, amazed and baffled how actually fresh and great it actually is at the end!
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Nov 26, 2021
Here's my opinion I know I'm alone in: the d20 system and ThAC0 are the best combat calculation systems in video games. Essentially it's rolling a 20-sided die (d20), and then adding modifiers, as well as additional die for certain actions like a d6, d12, et cetera.

The reason why is because the math is visible and correct. Why BioWare thought this was an improvement over "d20 + modifiers = challenge success or failure" is beyond me. Even ThAC0, hated by all who can't wrap their head around it, is simply "Attacker's ThAC0 - Defender's AC = [minimum number on the dice required to hit]."

Even when video games do the math for us, surely ThAC0 is so much easier to balance and find out where errors lie, when Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Roleplaying Game had combat logs that worked like this?


How can one begin to theorycraft or optimise if the maths is clear as mud? Am I to trust the developers when a weapon's stats are green and red? Apparently not, when Blizzard Entertainment royally messed up item stats in World of Warcraft and not many realised. Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fuelled had this same problem. Meanwhile, if I roll a dice and modifiers and something's not right, I'd get called out at the table or I can send a bug report to the developers.

Without looking it up, what difference does an Accuracy of 75 and 4 make in Mass Effect? How much much power do I gain if I go from 180 damage to 336? Meanwhile, I can add up the difference between a 1d4 Dagger and 1d6 Longsword, and immediately weigh up my options at a glance, even if they have different properties.


Community Contributor
How can one begin to theorycraft or optimise if the maths is clear as mud?
Because some folks know math better than you?

Going back to AD&D days (where THAC0 comes from), it was nice because people were doing the math in their heads. Rolemaster had a much more interesting system, IMHO, where people wearing heavier armor were actually easier to hit but the damage done to them was almost always minor. Somebody with no armor that relies on dodging is harder to hit but, if they get hit, it HURTS! You can't do that with THAC0, though. The game provided a bunch of tables (one for every armor type) for you to roll against. Kinda painful for humans running a game session.

A computer is fine either way, though. It could make a few hundred thousand random rolls in a second. Difficulty in calculation no longer matters. Balancing isn't bad, either - just run a few million over the course of a minute to see how the numbers come out.
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Glitches sometimes make a game better. I love to laugh and some glitches are just gut busters.
Why I love some of the cyberpunk glitches, or the UFC glitches when guys would spaz out. It sucks and is hilarious at the same time.
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