Jun 3, 2020
CPU: AMD fx-8350 - £150 new
Motherboard: ASUS SABERTOOTH_990FX - £100 new
Memory: Corsair-CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9-Vengeance-Performance-Memory-Black/dp/B004CRSM48 ( x2 4G) - £40 each new
SanDisk SSD PLUS 240 GB Sata III 2.5 Inch Internal SSD, Up to 530 MB/s £38
Video Card: AMD RADEON RX 5500 XT 8GBVRAM £220 new
Case: N/A I have my pc build into my Computer area
Power Supply: unknown but its a cheap £30 one
MONITOR: SAMSUNG LC32F39MFUUXEN Full HD 32” Curved LED Monitor - £219
Total: £872, Doesnt include custom fans or cooling,
So i really am wanting to upgrade! But i don't know where to start, I can run games pretty good at max settings but something just seems off I get lag spikes mostly in FPS Games, I am just hoping i dont have to fork out on a better motherboard which would in turn require a new cpu and Ram asI'm using ddr3 not ddr4,
Any advise is helpful, Thank you


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
So i really am wanting to upgrade! But i don't know where to start, I can run games pretty good at max settings but something just seems off I get lag spikes mostly in FPS Games, I am just hoping i dont have to fork out on a better motherboard which would in turn require a new cpu and Ram asI'm using ddr3 not ddr4,
Any advise is helpful, Thank you
You are roughly at the peak of what your motherboard supports CPU-wise, so upgrading would indeed mean getting a new CPU and RAM. However, before we jump to that conclusion, let's dig into what might be causing these lag spikes.

You say you can run games pretty well at high settings, but sometimes you get lag spikes. Do you mean momentary framerate drops? Does this occur in both single player and multiplayer scenarios? What game or games are the worst offenders?

What framerates do you get in these games normally vs during drops? Do the drops still occur if you lower the settings? Do they occur when v-sync is turned off?

Try using a program like MSI Afterburner (or hw monitor, or a program of your choice) to monitor your performance in these games and see what's happening when you encounter those lag spikes. Is your CPU or RAM going to 100%? How are your temps and clock speeds?
Jun 3, 2020
I currently use MSI afterburner and my cpu sits around 20% And yes even if i lower my settings to the bare minimun i still get these lag spikes hit me, and yeah they are frame rate drops, So i will usually run between 60-90 at ultra max settings, in games like, CoD MW , World of warcraft, Dota 2, But Randomly, only on games like Dota 2, CoD, Pubg, Even Black ops 4, I will go from 70fps - 3 fps for about 2 seconds, and my screen will stutter freeze then recouperate but will do it again after about 3 minutes and repeats
MY Cpu runs at about 49cels, Gpu at 72cels, My clock speed is 1843
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
What is your CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage usage percentage during these frame drops? Do you have any programs running in the background while gaming?

You mention framerate drops in games with prominent multiplayer. Do you also experience drops in singleplayer?
Jun 3, 2020
It is only on Multiplayer, and my cpu is at around 30-40% during gameplay, Gpu basically at around 50% vram being used ram sits at 6-7Gb And no no programes at all i even tend to disable my anti virus during gaming sessions too "Avast"

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Where are your games installed on? Are they on your HDD or on your SSD? If you have games on your SSD, do they perform better? An slow HDD can cause some problems.
Also, since your videocard is much newer than the rest of the build, did you have these issues before upgrading that too? Could be a driver issue for your GPU otherwise.

ALso, if it's only multiplayer, how good (or bad) is your internet connection?

I also experience framedrops in Dota2 with my setup though, but not that bad (drops from 120fps to 90fps ish). Do these drops take place during teamfights where alot of things are going on at the same time? That's where my PC occasionally struggles.
Jun 3, 2020
I have games installed on both and they have the same issue, some games run perfectly just fps games and dota do not, My Internet is wired and the speed is, 120mbps download 8.44 mbps Upload, I did have these issues before upgrading the Gpu they was alot worse however as i'd constantly spike beforehand now its roughly every 3 minutes or so