Am I the only one who starts every game by moving keypresses to his extra mouse buttons?


Community Contributor
The old thread about going prone reminded me of this. Depending on which mouse I use, I will have at least 2 buttons (forward and backward) that aren't used for anything in the game, but usually I use an ambidextrous mouse so I have an extra 4 buttons. I use them all the time, so they are easy for me to quickly hit, and I don't have to move any fingers that are already on duty somewhere else--right thumb for normal forward and backward, right ring finger for alt forward and backward.

All these dumb keys I'm supposed to hit? No thanks. Never mind the crazy keys you are supposed to hit quickly, who in their right mind is going to take their hand off their mouse to hit "M" for map or "I" for inventory?

It literally makes almost every single game better.
Well, I do that quite often, but generally only in games that have a ton of bindings. I was very upset RE Village does not allow it, but not surprised, as CAPCOM seem to have zero respect for proper mouse support. It seems to extend even to aim quality in this game when using mouse. I get subtle hitching often times when aiming, which I also see in vidoes of others using mouse, but I don't see it in ones where players are using gamepads.

Screw gamepads, they don't belong in shooters!
Can't say i use the additional mouse keys for your basic WASD stuff. However, the closest when it comes to movement has been my long suffering bane of the prone key. Yes some games have hold down crouch long enough to go prone, but that sometimes is too slow.

Other then that, the usual stuff, use key, switch weapons, melee attack, grenade etc i would like to use my mouse keys more but i have a razor basilisk and i have 3 on the side. i would have liked the razor naga and have the radial buttons. Then i could assign squad keys or most (if not all) weapons etc.


Community Contributor
Well, I do that quite often, but generally only in games that have a ton of bindings. I was very upset RE Village does not allow it, but not surprised, as CAPCOM seem to have zero respect for proper mouse support. It seems to extend even to aim quality in this game when using mouse. I get subtle hitching often times when aiming, which I also see in vidoes of others using mouse, but I don't see it in ones where players are using gamepads.

Screw gamepads, they don't belong in shooters!

So weird that you had hitching in the game. I didn't have any, and I am very aware of it when it happens. I can even tell when a mouse skips pixels--and went on a long quest to find a mouse that wouldn't do that. But you are definitely right that Japanese developers disrespect the mouse/keyboard. I've refunded several games that either didn't implement mouse controls at all or did it so poorly that I refused to play the game.
So weird that you had hitching in the game. I didn't have any, and I am very aware of it when it happens. I can even tell when a mouse skips pixels--and went on a long quest to find a mouse that wouldn't do that. But you are definitely right that Japanese developers disrespect the mouse/keyboard. I've refunded several games that either didn't implement mouse controls at all or did it so poorly that I refused to play the game.
Well, I can only think you are very lucky then, because it's a pretty common complaint about this game, and it seems to only come from mouse users.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I don't do this, as I don't play the intense action and melee games that many of you do—only one would be the mouse scroll wheel to switch weapons, which some games have.

Sounds like a good idea tho.

I make a few changes to the keys tho, like C & V for crouch & prone or L-Shift for sprint, G for grenade unless scroll wheel handles that also.
...only one would be the mouse scroll wheel to switch weapons, which some games have.
This is the way I ended up switching between the Super Shotgun and Ballista in Doom Eternal. The initial reason was fast switching back and forth between the last two weapons used via tapping the weapon menu key is bugged, often inserting the regular shotgun instead. It ended up also being a faster, more intuitive way of switching them though.
I don't have extra buttons on my current mouse, but I used to have one with two buttons and I did assign crouch to one of them, which was very useful to quickly fall prone when being shot at. I don't remember what I assigned to the other button.

I think I might still have that mouse somewhere, but I'm not sure where it is or if it still works.
Wow, I honestly haven't seen a mouse without side buttons in ages. Next time you are in the market for a mouse, check out the SteelSeries 310 or 600. The 310 is ambidextrous, so it has the buttons on both sides. The tracking is absolutely phenomenal with these.

I got the cheapest office mouse I could find, it was like $10. I don't really have $60 to spend on just a mouse right now.


Community Contributor
I rarely use those buttons most of the time, but this year they've gotten heavy use. I map the 'loot magnet' in X4:Foundations to the top thumb button because I often want to stop (which is backspace) and use that at the same time. This way I can use my right hand to start sucking up loot while using my left to hit the backspace.

Mechwarrior 5 has those buttons mapped by default. Big mechs have a lot of weapons, so left button to shoot the big laser and right button to shoot the missile isn't going to cut it.


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