2D scrolling video games have become fashionable? Do they have a future, beyond fashions and indie video games?

Apr 9, 2024
2D scrolling video games have become fashionable again, for the most veteran players, who grew up with 8 and 16-bit video games. But fashions don't last forever. During the generations of 32, 64 and 128-bit video game consoles, people said that full 3D video games were like 2D scrolling ones, but better than these. And those of. Scroll 2D, became outdated or outdated. Now they remain as retro or Neoclassical games, video games such as Street Fighter V, by Capcom, Ghost'n Goblins Resurrection (Capcom), Contra Operation Galuga (Wayforward), Sonic 2.5D, Guilty Gear Strive, or Gran Blue Fantasy Vs (Arc System Work )

Full 3D scroll, is like 2D scroll, but better.? Because ?

On the contrary, are there video game genres that were born for 2D scroll? What could these video games be?

2D scrolling video games, they are now in fashion. Do they have a future, beyond fashions and indie video games ?
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On a Journey
128bit video consoles?

Sounds like a natural progression from N64, but nothing runs at 128bit
the sixth generation is also called the 128-bit generation

with that logic, and every console doubled bit depth, we are on over 1024bit now? Windows is really slow, only being on 64bit still.

N64 didn't run at 64bit as it stands. For all of its operations anyway, it was mostly 32bit.
For most general purpose operations, the Nintendo 64 uses 32 bits – the memory logic, etc. However, it does allow for 64 bits when it comes to graphical accuracy when calculating vectors and performing arithmetic.
not sure what real 1st 64bit console was. Jaguar is suggested but it used 2 32bit chips.

its all marketing for the most part... and not your question ...

I would say Metroid should have stayed 2d... it was a better game...
platform games work better in 2d, regardless of nintendo's attempts to make Mario 3d
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2D scrolling video games have become fashionable again, for the most veteran players, who grew up with 8 and 16-bit video games. But fashions don't last forever. During the generations of 32, 64 and 128-bit video game consoles, people said that full 3D video games were like 2D scrolling ones, but better than these. And those of. Scroll 2D, became outdated or outdated. Now they remain as retro or Neoclassical games, video games such as Street Fighter V, by Capcom, Ghost'n Goblins Resurrection (Capcom), Contra Operation Galuga (Wayforward), Sonic 2.5D, Guilty Gear Strive, or Gran Blue Fantasy Vs (Arc System Work )

Full 3D scroll, is like 2D scroll, but better.? Because ?

On the contrary, are there video game genres that were born for 2D scroll? What could these video games be?

2D scrolling video games, they are now in fashion. Do they have a future, beyond fashions and indie video games ?
I dont think its just older people playing newer 2d Metroidvanias but I could be wrong. Theres certainly no shortage of them coming out every year now, as well as a lot of 16bit oe retro inspired games in other genres.

Its possible that genres wont completely die anymore, maybe they will cycle in and out of vogue over time.


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