Xbox (PC) Game Showcase Live


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
A BIT stuttery stream with a couple of games I'm looking forward to hearing more from and one or two to play soon.

Hello Neighbour 2 looked interesting. Never got into the first one, but this one got some pretty cool looking art style. Balonwonderland looked kawaii and will be checking it out if I can on PC. Obsidian delivered some news, but it is hard to say much as the majority were just cinematics (maybe some more info after the show). I'm looking forward to trying out Grounded though. Big fan of the movie: Honey, I shrunk the kids (1989) and this game is basically IT:)

Jack Black and the Psychonauts 2. Meeeeeeh, hard to say really, but it definitely did not grab my attention too much. Psychonauts was an amazing, amazing, and amazing game and it will be very hard to even come close to it.

Medium looked scary and since I am a big wuss, I'm going to play it and cry.

FABLE! YEEES!!! Elden Ring, noooo:(
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Reactions: Pifanjr
May 2, 2020
Halo Infinite looks pretty good so far and it's coming to Steam as well. I'm liking how a lot of good first person shooters are coming out this year.

I am a bit disappointed with the lack of gameplay with STALKER 2 but they nailed the atmosphere. Also Fable!
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Jan 24, 2020
I liked the conference. Fable returning made me smile and STALKER 2 still happening is great. My only question from it is where was Age of Empires 4?


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