PCG Article Why are people arguing about Atomic Heart

Will Mundfish's relation to Russia cause you not to pick this game up?

Ill be playing it on gamepass because itll be there and why not, and not directly buying it because im cheap lol, but ill still be playing it personally. I do not think im supporting Russia in its fight against Ukraine by doing this, like the article says, its really up to us to make these decisions and there are plenty of AAA gaming studios out there with terrible politics/work environments in many other countries throughout the world, Democratic or not. Might have to give the mentioned show a look.
I agree with the line about how we should look more closely at all of the shady stuff going on in the gaming industry (and really all industries).
Mundfish being financed by shady corporations doesn't matter all that much to me. (Almost) all big organisations are shady, but it's hard to get anything done without investors.

The Good Place is a good show. It's primarily a comedy show, but it does also discuss a bunch of different philosophical views and questions.
Preordering STALKER 2 and the next Metro game is probably a good choice if you want to support Ukrainians. It is said the next Metro will be announced sometime in 2023, and release in 2024. https://gagadget.com/en/216486-tom-...ro-exodus-sequel-announcement-is-due-in-2023/

Let's face it though, pretty much ALL well developed countries have corporate corruption, and certainly Ukraine is no exception there. Keep in mind as well, many Russian citizens have voiced their disapproval of the invasion of Ukraine, so it's probably not fair to hate on all Russians.


Community Contributor
Preordering STALKER 2 and the next Metro game is probably a good choice if you want to support Ukrainians. It is said the next Metro will be announced sometime in 2023, and release in 2024. https://gagadget.com/en/216486-tom-...ro-exodus-sequel-announcement-is-due-in-2023/

Let's face it though, pretty much ALL well developed countries have corporate corruption, and certainly Ukraine is no exception there. Keep in mind as well, many Russian citizens have voiced their disapproval of the invasion of Ukraine, so it's probably not fair to hate on all Russians.
I have several online friends in Russia, and not one of them supports the war. At least, that's what they tell me. I am finding a lot of support among the populace at various places online, though, a lot of national pride. The thing is, they aren't getting accurate information. Russia is feeding them a constant stream of disinformation and blocking international news sites. The guys I know, however, are terrified that it's not going to end with Ukraine, but they don't even realize that the war isn't going so well for Russia. I'm more worried that Russia will lash out with nuclear weapons than that they are going to invade more countries.

Anyway, the amount of support Russia's war effort would get from the sales of this game is probably very minimal. I'm going to give it a try on Game Pass.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I'm more worried that Russia will lash out with nuclear weapons than that they are going to invade more countries.
I know we're treading across thin ice here for the PCG forums as far as subject matter goes, but I will say that this is my fear also. I have more to say, but I won't, because I don't want to see this topic get locked down.

Anyway, the amount of support Russia's war effort would get from the sales of this game is probably very minimal. I'm going to give it a try on Game Pass.
What I found most interesting in that article were a couple of paragraphs near then end:

So, should I buy Atomic Heart?
In the opaque bramble of our global economy, we're all put in the difficult position to buy stuff that may be financially entangled with people, causes, or governments that, say, commit unspeakable atrocities. If we buy Hogwarts Legacy, are we indirectly supporting(opens in new tab) JK Rowling's transphobic comments? If we buy Call of Duty, are we endorsing Activision Blizzard's harmful labour practices? And if we buy Atomic Heart, are we, through some winding, invisible scheme, backing Russia's war against Ukraine?

We all have to make that decision ourselves. Personally I think the frustration felt by Ukrainians whose homes are being destroyed with Mundfish's vague, equivocal statements is entirely understandable. But I don't think there's enough concrete evidence to condemn the studio as a whole as 'pro-war' or anything like it. I suspect Mundfish, like millions of Russians, had the rug pulled out from under it by the start of a war it didn't ask for, and its moves since have been a clumsy attempt to navigate uncharted and choppy waters.

I think the general populus of any country, those not directly involved in a country's governmental bureaucracy, end up being the victims of any government's aggression. Mundfish may be a victim of speculation and misinformation just because they're based in Russia.


Community Contributor
Huh, I saw "So, should I by Atomic Heart?" and instantly skipped it. I'll make my own mind up, thank you!

That's a very well researched article, though! MUCH appreciated! A pity I can't up-vote it.

As for my own stance, I get to defer. It will be a year minimum before I would even think about buying the game.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I have more to say, but I won't
Thank you :)

When I did a work-related analysis ~35 years ago, there were car parts which crossed the Atlantic 15 times before getting into the hands of a consumer. The world and supply chain has continued to globalize since then.

Similarly with a game company. Where did the steel to build their office come from? The chips in their PCs? The clothes the devs wear? Their software tools? Etc Etc.

There is no such thing as a Russian game or an American car—last analysis of the latter I saw said a nominally American car was between 75% and 25% American behind the hype and marketing. And over half of those were models from Jap and EU companies.

So don't be too uncritical of what you're told—Russians are unlikely to be the only ones getting some spin ;)
I put it to you that there's a difference between 'the art director of this game is alleged to have done such & such' and 'we've been watching this game's nation of origin bomb hospitals regularly and without remorse for the last fifteen years.'

That's true, but his point is a lot of people will tell you not to play a game based on many different reasons. At the end of the day it's just a game.

People have gone over this stuff over a couple of threads by now. But on a basic level, if you researched the owners of any publicly owned companies shares you will no doubt find blood and dirt on a lot of the money involved. You also cant blame all citizens for the actions of their government.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
there's a difference between 'the art director of this game is alleged to have done such & such' and 'we've been watching this game's nation of origin bomb
Well of course: the art director is directly connected to the game, nation of origin isn't—big diff.

You also cant blame all citizens for the actions of their government
That doesn't happen much. I remember in the 00s, surveys of people around the world were very clear about the big gulf between how American people were regarded, compared to views about the USA gov.


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