Which game features are you tired of?

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Am I the only one who quite likes this?
[having most perks early]

Oh gosh no, I'll bet most grownups like it too—you know, players mature enough to decide whether or not to take advantage of such situations. You don't HAVE to add the last 2 Health slots, you don't HAVE to select AP ammo, you can walk thru predator-infested territory instead of drive a tank thru it, ignore the BFG, etc etc.

Options are a Good Thing!
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On a Journey
Diablo 4 has level scaling, unless its changed from beta. You are never stronger than things that level up with you, you are constantly needing to upgrade gear to stay on par... I just remembered that. Its one thing I am not looking forward to.

steps back: Sacred 2 had it as well but it was never in your face, it was tied to your survivability bonus (I can't remember what skill was called) meaning they got higher levels the longer you lived) and must have slowly increased. If DIablo 4 was more subtle about it, it wouldn't be a problem.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I like the leveling in recent Far Crys New Dawn and 6. The severity depends on location, ie you still meet low-level opposition in low-level areas and high-level in h-l areas, regardless of your own level. So your choice how much pain you want to face.

Here's part of Far Cry 6's map, showing various regions from Rank 3 to Rank 8. So you know what you'll face:



On a Journey
thats how it should be. Wow used to have a high lvl area right next to the undead starting zone. I wouldn't know if its still the same now. You should have to be careful entering a new region, you shouldn't have to worry about everything everywhere being higher lvl suddenly. There is no sense of progression if its always the same. Makes me question why even have levels... or skills... or even play?

Games for masochists?
I'm going to be that guy, but MTX in non f2p games. I'm talking about paying money to buy extra resources, x2 exp, p2w maybe opening a lootbox for progression etc. MTX themselves aren't inherently bad but the avaricious AAA publishers has distilled it into something absolutely insidious. Sure its optional, but they are tweaking game settings/numbers so that it could justify their existence, you know; manufacturing a problem so they could sell you a solution. Either accept the grind (adding needless tedium to a game) or pay to get around it.

I'm sitting on the fence on continuous DLC. Namely RTS games. On the one hand, i should look at the DLC after i've beaten the base game and should consider if i want more. Plus its a good way to add the features that the Devs didn't have time to implement or add extra content to make it better.

Yet at the same time, it feels like constantly bleeding players for money especially if its additional features/content that enhances the base game. Again, this varies in implementation, sometimes the Devs retroactively add basic features (cities skylines) and a more complete feature is DLC. yet on the other-hand there's Gladius, there are only 4 factions and DLC for extra units etc. yet at the same time, i know that i'll probably not play the game after playing a single faction so i shouldn't worry. But when i had the chance to play the game i felt that the game was a really lightweight experience.

edit: i'll quickly add another one. A large world map with absolutely nothing in them. I'm talking about large fields or vast patches of scenary with nothing to do in them. yes, i'm not expecting every inch to be activities, but still if you don't give me compelling reasons to go there, its just pointless for me being there. it also makes large areas bland. And no, adding collectibles and fetch quests in those areas don't count. i think Assassin's creed / just cause 2 does a good job of just having loads of bases for you to see and do. Whereas Arkham knight's gotham was just visually small and also void of much content. It didn't feel like a city undersiege by spec ops or criminals. It was so piecemeal how they introduced everything.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@neogunhero @PCG Dash I'm in the other part of the town in Dying Light and I got some of the skills full so I get prompted by a message saying I have to start the next expansion to level faster (or something like that). I don't like that part because it looks like the level scaling isn't done well when you are met with a skill system like that and it makes grinding for more XP counterproductive. Saying that I do like how I am getting more powerful and especially because I can now use the grappling hook. It is one of the coolest items I have used in a game and it makes it insanely fun to traverse the landscape.
I feel like a lot of these are RPG mechanics being added to non-RPG games. Stuff like unwanted story, empty open worlds, uninteresting perks, unnecessary leveling, uninspired loot, etc. The rest is mostly survival mechanics, like crafting, degrading equipment, etc.

Ah degrading weapons. An interesting one this. in the grand scheme of things, most players simply keep on top of the condition of weapons and thus adds nothing but pointless delays. yet make them too brittle and people will get annoyed at the frequency of replacing them. Survival games i guess make sense, but for everything else it seems like a pointless delay or at the very least have a considerable amount of durability before it breaks.

Then theres minecraft were my enjoyment for exploration grinds to a halt as i craft new picks. The fact that picks can wear out means i'm more hesitant to use mroe expensive materials to make one. may last longer, but the amount of wear and tear means rarer resources might get exhausted much faster.
Then theres minecraft were my enjoyment for exploration grinds to a halt as i craft new picks. The fact that picks can wear out means i'm more hesitant to use mroe expensive materials to make one. may last longer, but the amount of wear and tear means rarer resources might get exhausted much faster.

Agreed. I once used a Feed the Beast modpack and discovered one of the mods allowed you to add a modification to your pickaxe that slowly restored durability. I immediately set out to gather the ingredients and made sure I had a decent supply for when I would upgrade my tools.

Now I want to play Minecraft with mods again. It's just a shame that the big modpacks make the loading time take up to 5-10 minutes...
May 11, 2022
I like the way they make you maintain your weapons in RD2 because it feels like natural usage and rain, slowly degrades them. Cleaning them with gun oil.

But Days Gone, I've got a carbide tipped saw blade nailed to a wood handle, yet everytime I split a freak's head it degrades significantly. Also if you let it degrade to 0% you lose it, NOT FAIR!

Then again the guns don't degrade at all.
Yeah, I agree. I don't mind if it gives you a bonus if you are "well fed", but I hate it if it gives you a penalty for not eating.

It depends a lot on how quickly you get hungry and how easy it is to get food for me. For example, I think in Kingdom Come: Deliverance I mostly just ate from the occasional cooking pot I found while wandering around. I don't think I ever went hungry or felt like hunger was something I really needed to pay attention to.


On a Journey
Food should just be a way to get temp buffs, not a necessity

Too many games all have same features. Its FOMO? Have to include all the features popular games have. Eventually there will just be 1 game per category that is a smorgasbord of all the previous games features. Probably look like Forknife does, or the lego games where they shoved so many IP together its not 1 characters game anymore, its about everyone.
Weapons and Armor wearing down in games, specially game series that never had it before like Zelda.
Most games that have that I just don't play. It's a turn off.

Every game now having mine this, cut that, get material to make stuff, repair it or upgrade it. It's so boring and annoying now.


On a Journey
Every game now having mine this, cut that, get material to make stuff, repair it or upgrade it. It's so boring and annoying now.
But Mindcrap has it, every game has to have it... all the kids demand that all games are the same now. If Terraria has crafting, everything has to have it.

Sort of glad most of the games I play don't follow trends.
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May 11, 2022
This is specific to Days Gone(but may happen in others), all the time it switches on the main quest, after you finish any other quest but also everytime you go to the main army base. It's just I want to choose and continually have to Deselect.

Also it keeps switching weapons, I want the club/axe and it keeps switching to sidearm. I'd like a way to control that.