Which game features are you tired of?


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Bad talent trees. As an example, I thought the talent tree for my character in Redfall was pointless. Just your regular damage boost/cool down in this and that and a wider area of attacks. It does not feel unique and is more like a system they added because then they could strike that off the list. I imagine they could have saved valuable time and resources by doing something more productive for their game.

Since you mentioned loot I'll also throw in that the loot mechanics in Redfall were also poorly managed. When you open a loot cache only to find three different snipers in each colored rarity, you realize they did not know what they were doing with the loot system. That is something that works in a grindy ARPG with loot explosions, not in a shooter like this where you open single chests or loot from single corpses as it minimizes the sense of progression or any value in the items you find.
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On a Journey
Redfall is a collection of them

The map isn't really helpful, you can't make out any landmarks or anything, its only there to act as a barrier to progression as you need to clear areas to finish game. This is the biggest feature that needs to die (with Ubisoft) as it became a cliche for them and they were going to stop but its too late, too many copy cats. Every game needs to have a map full of identical quests

Pointless talent trees - redundant - see above post. Half skills are repeated over characters... 4 characters but very little difference. That and a lot of the skills are tiny percentage changes. Perks in Fallout did something meaningful, 1% better aim is meaningless. They don't understand... do it right or don't bother including the system.

Bugs... well, they are features :)
  1. AI that is brain dead - lets you shoot them, can't tell if you standing right next to them if you crouching, and gets stuck on everything,
  2. Guns that disappear,
  3. bad net code,
  4. crashing
in no particular order

Too many of them in all games, can we have a game released this year that isn't broken - AAA game anyway. Lots of small games work fine on release, Big companies too big to care?

sub section for ARPG: Not every game needs a talent tree like Path of Exile... I am looking at you Diablo
Or End game... but that ship has sailed.
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I agree with loot, specifically games where you are constantly getting new loot to replace your old loot. It feels much more rewarding when you had to work to get a specific weapon or piece of gear that was rare and more powerful than the standard stuff. Looter-shooters are the worst at this, though the grind can be fun at first it starts to wear thin quick and just becomes too much.

I also especially dislike games that have a ton of voice acted characters who speak robotically. One person speaks then the next person speaks as soon as the other is done. There is no realistic flow of the conversation. I think these days that may be an easy thing to be better at in games but maybe I’m wrong.


Community Contributor
Balancing a game around more casual players. For instance, in many AAA games they have a skill tree. Great, I love having a choice of tools to play a game! However, they also want all the players that skip most of the side-quests and, even then, quit the game half-way through to have fun. So, when I play, I've got more than enough skills to finish the entire game by the time I get half-way through. I'll often stop bothering to level up in many AAA games!

The "detective mode" thing irks me now, too. Batman using his investigative instincts and maybe some infrared gizmos so he can track footprints at a running pace makes sense to me. Geralt using his skills + magic, too. However, many games use this as a crutch now. They don't want to use the old "follow the golden line" trick, so they use this.

I'm surprised agoraphobia has not become a common malady for long time gamers. Any time we find ourselves in a big, open space, we get attacked by a boss. In the rare times we don't, we'll probably find our way back to that space again later and then get attacked. (Semi-exception: in cover shooters, the space will have small bits of cover scattered around.)
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Balancing a game around more casual players. For instance, in many AAA games they have a skill tree. Great, I love having a choice of tools to play a game! However, they also want all the players that skip most of the side-quests and, even then, quit the game half-way through to have fun. So, when I play, I've got more than enough skills to finish the entire game by the time I get half-way through. I'll often top bothering to level up in many AAA games!

This was the case on Dying Light 1. I just entered the new zone about halfway through the game and I had nearly all the perks unlocked that I really wanted. Made the game extremely easy for me even after increasing difficulty.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Any time we find ourselves in a big, open space, we get attacked by a boss
Man, you are playing the wrong games! You won't find me clearing rooms and corridors, no siree—give me a life on the open range every time. I go into big open spaces looking for trouble, and it's very rare to get attacked by boss-grade opponents—only happens if I want to fight bosses, like in Far Cry 4 Valley of the Yetis.

But I'm totally on board with your point that unskippable boss fights are an abomination.

I've got more than enough skills to finish the entire game by the time I get half-way through. I'll often top bothering to level up in many AAA games!
That's the way to do it. Of course devs want casual players to have fun, they can't ignore their market's needs and expect to survive. Personally I ignore the BFGs as much as possible—eg Far Cry 6 is the first FC where I've had to use more than a rifle to down choppers, and I still avoid machine guns and most explosives.

We're not forced to adopt any voluntary buffs, tailor the game to your needs.

What I'm Tired of

Mentioned here many times before, so just a list:
Endless DLC trickle
Intro long and/or difficult
Unskippable Cut Scenes long or often
Minimap horizontal strip
Required off-genre play
Bad console ports
Can't turn off interminable loot animations


Community Contributor
The lack of option to save in multiple slots. It complicates things a lot and generates a huge problem if you have a power blackout during autosave. Never happened to me personally, but there's always a risk. I also don't like when the game doesn't offer an option to save in every moment. It's ok when you can't save during combat, but the checkpoint system when you're not fighting can be frustrating. What if I need to shut the the game immediately? It's a matter of loosing game progress or dropping real life duties. :p

I also don't like when a typical shooter game incorporates complicated story. This was the case in Doom Eternal and it made the game worse than Doom 2016 IMHO. Who needs a refined plot in such title? Completely unnecessary and it distracts from the core part of the game.


On a Journey
I also don't like when a typical shooter game incorporates complicated story. This was the case in Doom Eternal and it made the game worse than Doom 2016 IMHO. Who needs a refined plot in such title? Completely unnecessary and it distracts from the core part of the game.
shooting games don't need hour long conversations in middle... unless game is all cut scenes and very little game - https://www.playstation.com/en-au/games/the-order-1886/

Just as ARPG also don't need stories.

you not playing them for the amazing conversations.


Community Contributor
The lack of option to save in multiple slots. It complicates things a lot and generates a huge problem if you have a power blackout during autosave. Never happened to me personally, but there's always a risk. I also don't like when the game doesn't offer an option to save in every moment. It's ok when you can't save during combat, but the checkpoint system when you're not fighting can be frustrating. What if I need to shut the the game immediately? It's a matter of loosing game progress or dropping real life duties. :p

I also don't like when a typical shooter game incorporates complicated story. This was the case in Doom Eternal and it made the game worse than Doom 2016 IMHO. Who needs a refined plot in such title? Completely unnecessary and it distracts from the core part of the game.
Autosaves to a single save slot SHOULDN'T get messed up if there's a sudden power outage. They have to do it right, though. FIRST you make the new save, THEN make the new save the official save (which should take extremely little time, like a folder or file rename), THEN delete the old save. Saving over the top of an existing file is where things go bad.

I hear ya on not being able to save whenever, even though I'm probably a lot less likely to need to put a game down at a moment's notice. The practice is getting rarer and rarer, though.

And the sudden lore in Doom Eternal was insane. Doom 2016 started putting some in, then Eternal went crazy with all this backstory to our simple Doom Marine! I normally love lore, but I skipped most of that stuff.


Community Contributor
Autosaves to a single save slot SHOULDN'T get messed up if there's a sudden power outage. They have to do it right, though. FIRST you make the new save, THEN make the new save the official save (which should take extremely little time, like a folder or file rename), THEN delete the old save. Saving over the top of an existing file is where things go bad.

But I was talking about situations where there's no other option than autosave. The game saves automatically when shifting to another location or another square of open world and that's it. One of the examples is Batman Arkham series.

I hear ya on not being able to save whenever, even though I'm probably a lot less likely to need to put a game down at a moment's notice. The practice is getting rarer and rarer, though.

There's barely any reason not to implement an option to save in any moment. In the past there were some console limitations that prevented from implementing this feature to games. Now the limitations are gone and the games still use this system. It's also annoying where you can technically save in every moment, but the game takes you back to the start of the particular level portion when you load. Probably it's even worse than the lack of proper "save in every moment" system.

And the sudden lore in Doom Eternal was insane. Doom 2016 started putting some in, then Eternal went crazy with all this backstory to our simple Doom Marine! I normally love lore, but I skipped most of that stuff.

I read almost everything in Doom 2016, but really didn't have the desire to do so in Doom Eternal. Maybe id Software is doing a Quake reboot right now and I'm afraid what they might put in the game. :p
May 11, 2022
Inspired by another thread, "Discussion: How similar to another game is too similar?".

Which game features are you tired of seeing being implemented?

Personally, I am starting to get a little bit sick of loot. For some games, it is perfectly fine, and it actually adds to the game, but sometimes it seems like it is just a feature that adds little to nothing to the game.
Yes with games like Skyrim, loot was ridiculous, I had enough to fill about three castles which strangely fitted into a few chests. I kept it just because, and also because it might have some important function in a future quest.(but never did).
But Days Gone it makes sense, post viral apocalypse, everything is in short supply and I do spend a lot of time collecting scrap to repair my bike and weapon, plus bandages so it makes sense. Replacing traps and grenades becomes a speciality.
May 11, 2022
I'm surprised agoraphobia has not become a common malady for long time gamers. Any time we find ourselves in a big, open space, we get attacked by a boss. In the rare times we don't, we'll probably find our way back to that space again later and then get attacked. (Semi-exception: in cover shooters, the space will have small bits of cover scattered around.)
That's one thing I really like about DG. In RD2 not much happens out in the open world and you know that wolves, big cats and bears seem to have a territory, so you are more aware and stealthy in those areas. Outlaw attacks are rare.
But in DG it's constant out in the open; freaks(incl: these sceaming women and these massive dudes), mauraders, snipers and outlaws, ropes across roads, wolves, bears, bear traps. It's exciting.

But I know it's only a game, I live in a post viral world and although people took to panic buying it's no post apocalypse.
May 11, 2022
Not the hammers.

Yeah, that's annoying, not having a clue until much later which of all the early jun loot will be eventually useful.
There was one in particular, at the castle with the wizards(it's been a while I've forgotten the names).
The leader would send you to deal with this anomaly which was protected by these spectres. And he would always say, 'I hope you kept that staff', but it was never really needed.

PCG Dash

Staff member
Apr 7, 2023
This was the case on Dying Light 1. I just entered the new zone about halfway through the game and I had nearly all the perks unlocked that I really wanted. Made the game extremely easy for me even after increasing difficulty.
Am I the only one who quite likes this? Obviously it's very annoying if it happens too early, but there's something nice about being able to breeze your way through the hardest parts of a game because you've taken the time to do extras - it's a good reward for having completed the side content imo!


On a Journey
And the sudden lore in Doom Eternal was insane. Doom 2016 started putting some in, then Eternal went crazy with all this backstory to our simple Doom Marine! I normally love lore, but I skipped most of that stuff.

there shouldn't be backstories in self insert games, you lose freedom to imagine who you are.
Fallout 4 was bad, no choice, you play as these 2 people we made up for you.
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Am I the only one who quite likes this? Obviously it's very annoying if it happens too early, but there's something nice about being able to breeze your way through the hardest parts of a game because you've taken the time to do extras - it's a good reward for having completed the side content imo!
It is annoying when it happens too early in the game, then towards the end of the game where it’s supposed to be the most difficult you end up finishing it relatively easily. However it is nice to feel super powerful and slice through enemies with ease.