Hey PC Gamers, thanks again to everyone listening and especially to those of you who came to talk with Mollie and I here last week! It was really encouraging to hear that some of you have been following along all last year and we're psyched to be hanging out in our very own forums again.
This week's chat log topic is a surprisingly tricky one, because while it's the one part of a game we've all seen the most of by definition, it's also the part we're most likely to forget about after it's over.
What's the best (or worst) tutorial you've played in a game?
This week Mollie and I invited PCG staff writer Harvey Randall to join us for a chat about game tutorials. Mollie is a guilty tutorial skipper, I am a tutorial suffer through-er, and Harvey does a little of both. They can be such a drag, especially when the entire game pauses, goes dark, and a very long text popup with three slides explains a basic concept to you. So we want to hear about some memorable game tutorials you've experienced, whether they were the worst of the worst or shockingly good. And someone back me up on this: platformer tutorials are usually the best ones, right?Oh! And I found that old game design theory video I referenced but couldn't remember the name of. It was this Tutorials 101 by Extra Credits, which was fresh off the YouTube press while I was in university game design courses in 2012. Yikes, that was over a decade ago 😅 Clearly I internalized a lot of this back in school because it feels like we talked about a lot of these points during this week's episode. I swear there was yet another Extra Credits video about platformer tutorials specifically and how they teach players with unwritten cues but I can't seem to find that one. I've slept a few times since 2012.
Anyhow, thanks for listening and watching this week!