What's the most iconic (or your favorite) minigame?

Lauren Morton

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019

Hey PC gamers welcome back to the chat log! This week Mollie and I had a surprisingly rousing debate about minigames with Chris. Turns out that Chris hates hacking minigames and I hate fishing minigames and all of us are really bad at some minigames. We covered some of the basics like poker and mahjong versus lockpicking and hacking and some of our deep cuts like Kynseed's cooking or the polarizing conversation minigame in Oblivion.

Which minigame is your favorite? (or is the most iconic?)​

Based on our chat, it kind of feels like Bethesda's RPG minigames are some of the most iconic. Everyone knows Fallout's terminal hacking and The Elder Scrolls lockpicking. Some sickos like Chris even enjoy the lockpicking in Oblivion. But as for our favorites? Personally I love a really great, tactile cocking minigame. Others may have a fondness for fishing that I just can't relate to. Do you have a favorite type of minigame? Or a very specific favorite from a particular game?


On a Journey
Fishing in Ocarina of Time came to mind first... trying to get the big fish... showing my age :)

Card games in New Vegas were fun. At least the ones I worked out, never worked out caravan


Community Contributor
I cheated and looked back at old topics, too. ;) I'll stick with my old answer: the bowling mini-game in Yakuza 0. The circuit completions in Watch Dogs 2 & 3 were fun, too, because the circuit covered a BIG area. They might cover the outside of an entire building!

P.S. I think the ELEX games did lock picking like Morrowind's. I've definitely seen it used in other games.
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