Question What's the best Hearthstone deck you use?

PCG Harry

Guides Editor
Staff member
Dec 11, 2019
Calling all Hearthstone fans! I'm Harry, PC Gamer's Guides Editor, and I want to know what you think is the best Hearthstone deck. What's the collection of cards you've stuck with through thick and thin? What deck has got you the most wins? Will it suit beginners or more experienced players?

Our Guides Writer (and Hearthstone nut), Emma, is currently working away on an article listing the best Hearthstone decks in the game, but we want to see what your favourites are. A few of the best ones will feature in the final article, so here's what we want to know:
  • What you think is the best Hearthstone deck and why (plus the deck code)
  • Your win rate with this deck
  • What kinds of decks your deck counters
  • Is it better suited to beginners or veteran players?
We look forward to seeing your favourite card combinations!
Dec 15, 2019
I play primarily in Standard mode, so my decks have varied quite a lot according to the meta. I've found most success with aggro hunters, but recently I've been doing well with a variant of the new Demon Hunter class (deck code at the bottom, if anyone fancies a shot).

Not sure what my win rate is exactly, but it's taken me from bronze to Platinum rank pretty easily. A good one for fairly experienced players looking to climb through lower ranks fast. There's a mid-range Warlock deck in circulation that it doesn't play well against, but that's it.

### Aggro Demon Hunter
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (0) Twin Slice
# 2x (1) Battlefiend
# 1x (1) Consume Magic
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 2x (2) Chaos Strike
# 2x (2) Sightless Watcher
# 2x (2) Spectral Sight
# 1x (2) Umberwing
# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades
# 1x (3) Altruis the Outcast
# 2x (3) Eye Beam
# 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing
# 1x (4) Raging Felscreamer
# 2x (5) Glaivebound Adept
# 1x (5) Metamorphosis
# 1x (6) Imprisoned Antaen
# 2x (6) Skull of Gul'dan
# 2x (7) Priestess of Fury
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PCG Emma

Staff member
Jan 14, 2020
I play primarily in Standard mode, so my decks have varied quite a lot according to the meta. I've found most success with aggro hunters, but recently I've been doing well with a variant of the new Demon Hunter class (deck code at the bottom, if anyone fancies a shot).

Not sure what my win rate is exactly, but it's taken me from bronze to Platinum rank pretty easily. A good one for fairly experienced players looking to climb through lower ranks fast. There's a mid-range Warlock deck in circulation that it doesn't play well against, but that's it.

### Aggro Demon Hunter
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (0) Twin Slice
# 2x (1) Battlefiend
# 1x (1) Consume Magic
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 2x (2) Chaos Strike
# 2x (2) Sightless Watcher
# 2x (2) Spectral Sight
# 1x (2) Umberwing
# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades
# 1x (3) Altruis the Outcast
# 2x (3) Eye Beam
# 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing
# 1x (4) Raging Felscreamer
# 2x (5) Glaivebound Adept
# 1x (5) Metamorphosis
# 1x (6) Imprisoned Antaen
# 2x (6) Skull of Gul'dan
# 2x (7) Priestess of Fury

This is a solid deck list, thanks for sharing! As someone who loves Highlander Mage I've run into a few similar aggro Demon Hunters and I've been struggling to counter this build, haha! Bronze to Platinum is excellent progress, too! Are you planning on making the climb to Legend this month?
Dec 15, 2019
Haha! Yeah, it's been crushing the current crop of Highlander Mages. Demon Hunter will get nerfed in the next update, no doubt.

I'd love to get to Legend but I'm just not that good a player. I never made it past rank 7 in the old tier system, so I'll be happy if I can reach platinum 5 this month.


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