What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

Just finished up Vanquish by Platinum Games and it was great. The combat fast and slick, bullet time slow motion from rocket knee slides into dodge rolls, with instantaneous weapon swaps in mid air. Its a cover shooter that doesnt want you to stay in cover for long. Good boss battles and enemy variety that encourages you to swap weapons for different situations. The story and characters are dumb fun action movie stuff, but the setting of a kind of space Normandy landing on an Ringworld/Orbital gives you the feeling that youre in one part of a wider battle in a way that was pretty common back in the 2000's post Medal of Honour and Halo that maybe we dont really see much anymore in shooters.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORat7h-KC3s&t=110s

Definitely not me, but as an example of gameplay.

The game ends on a hook with the main boss escaping and doing the evil guy stare at the camera, but since then theyve made a few other games and not gone back. Some of the best 3rd person shooting I've ever played and its a wonder why they didnt go back to it. It released in 2010 on PS3/Xbox 360 and the PC version came out in 2017, I assume with a few upgrades. With a 2024 graphical makeover and a bit of polish and evolution here and there on the mechanics this series could be an all time great.

So, any game you'd like to see a sequel for that never got one until now?
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First thing that comes to mind for me? World in Conflict by massive entertainment. For some reason WiC has a mark on me and i absolutely loved that RTS game. The story itself leaves a lot of stuff unresolved. What happened in the war in europe? what about events in the far east? Stuff like that. Had a strong set of characters and i would have liked to see more Esports games of WiC as well.

other then that, i can't think of any other games tbh.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Half Life 2

Waddayamean that's already a sequel? So what, sequels can't have their own sequel? Humpfff okay, if you must be super fussy…

Rise of Nations
Had a spinoff Rise of Legends, expansions, remaster… but no proper sequel. Iconic and excellent game which was the first major marriage of 4X and RTS, which remains a relatively unexplored niche.

Command and Conquer Generals
My fav C&C game with its great Zero Hour expansion. Sequel was promised and canceled, promised and canceled, … which may have been just as well, because EA planned for it to be free to play—probably unnecessary cos EA had successfully ruined the C&C legacy by then, so no need for a final nail.

Grim Fandango
Bit hazy by now, but it was hilarious and beautiful—damn shame it didn't sell enough to warrant a sequel, and led to the decline of adventure games ~25 years ago.

The Last Express
Similar iconic status to Grim Fandango, and similar fate.

Total Annihilation
SupCom is a really good spiritual successor, so that's ok. Shame tho it took ~ 10 years, should've been a sequel while the iron was hot.

Only because there's a great game in there, from a great dev—HK1 just wasn't it, but don't give up.

Starfield 2
What, too soon? Geez, really being fussy here…

And finally… Kaamos_Llama 2
We've had Goat Simulator sequels, so why not? Just cos alpacas rule, I guess …


Community Contributor
Half Life 2

Waddayamean that's already a sequel?
It just says what game deserves a sequel, it doesn't say that game can't itself be a sequel!

Sword of the Stars 2 - first game was great, second game could have been even better, but something happened between the devs and the publisher. If they could make another game like this with turn based 4X for the strategy and Homeworld 3's engine for the battles.... wow.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 - just get HK-47 into another RPG, I don't care how.

The Last Remnant - I would love to see a prequel (The First Remnant?) that covers where these Remnants came from. A return to that games unique battle system would be great.

BattleTech - but not soon. Give us another five years at least before putting BattleTech 2 out there.

Secret World - the single player sequel! That setting was so awesome....

Crysis - yes the first game. This time make a proper sequel to the first game instead of making a new game series that console gamers could pretend was Crysis.

Star Citizen: Squadron 42 - isn't it about time for this game to have a sequel?? ;)
A couple of mine:

Two Worlds -Great drop-in/drop-out coop 3rd person combat but like in Skyrim
Ghost Recon -Plenty of them out there, but deserves a good sequel
F.E.A.R. - Last one was too short for me, loved the bullet time and shooting. Trepang 2 scratches this itch, but would love another F.E.A.R.

I know Titanfall and Fable are "in development" and rumors suggest a March release for Titanfall 3 but its a perfect game that deserves a sequel in my book. Looked gorgeous, quick snappy combat in mech suits and had a decent story.

Sacred 2. It never got a good one

Agree 100% Sacred 3, to me, was made out of vengeance against the original creators of Sacred 2. Sacred 2 had so much going for it, i feel this series could come back seein how the ARPG is blowing up, though good luck pulling players away from LE or POE.
The original Far Cry.

Its been ages since I played it and I liked it a lot at the time. It wasnt quite an open world IIRC sort of a wider open levels that allowed you to go into the bases from different angles, then there were weird evil monkeys later on.

Reducing the scale of the open world to make it more focused while still having plenty of space, somewhere in the middle of Far Cry 3-6 and say Doom sounds really interesting to me. I havent played a shooter like that in a bit at least.
It just says what game deserves a sequel, it doesn't say that game can't itself be a sequel!

Sword of the Stars 2 - first game was great, second game could have been even better, but something happened between the devs and the publisher. If they could make another game like this with turn based 4X for the strategy and Homeworld 3's engine for the battles.... wow.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 - just get HK-47 into another RPG, I don't care how.

The Last Remnant - I would love to see a prequel (The First Remnant?) that covers where these Remnants came from. A return to that games unique battle system would be great.

BattleTech - but not soon. Give us another five years at least before putting BattleTech 2 out there.

Secret World - the single player sequel! That setting was so awesome....

Crysis - yes the first game. This time make a proper sequel to the first game instead of making a new game series that console gamers could pretend was Crysis.

Star Citizen: Squadron 42 - isn't it about time for this game to have a sequel?? ;)

Battletech has some really well regarded mods I havent even looked at yet, could probably play that for 10 years still. Awesome game.

A couple of mine:

Two Worlds -Great drop-in/drop-out coop 3rd person combat but like in Skyrim
Ghost Recon -Plenty of them out there, but deserves a good sequel
F.E.A.R. - Last one was too short for me, loved the bullet time and shooting. Trepang 2 scratches this itch, but would love another F.E.A.R.

I know Titanfall and Fable are "in development" and rumors suggest a March release for Titanfall 3 but its a perfect game that deserves a sequel in my book. Looked gorgeous, quick snappy combat in mech suits and had a decent story.

Agree 100% Sacred 3, to me, was made out of vengeance against the original creators of Sacred 2. Sacred 2 had so much going for it, i feel this series could come back seein how the ARPG is blowing up, though good luck pulling players away from LE or POE.
TitanFall 2 was so good, have to replay that soon. Also need to get on Trepang2 which I didnt have wishlisted for some reason.


On a Journey
Agree 100% Sacred 3, to me, was made out of vengeance against the original creators of Sacred 2.
it was a profit take... on that theme, need a new Batman game, the most recent was also just a profit take. Sell a game based on previous games greatness, but don't give anyone any review copies. Hit and run tactics.

Sacred 2 devs did want to make a new game but it all fell apart. I don't want to think about what could have been. Its been a long time since I played in a world with so much personality. Time between playing it last may be creating rose tainted glasses... might seem better than it was. A modernized Sacred 2 would have been nice... stops thinking about it.

We want sequels but without dramatic changes in game play to point its not same game anymore. We don't want changes to make it more like the games we have now, but more like the game it follows. No taking name and just wearing it as a skin suit.
BattleTech - but not soon. Give us another five years at least before putting BattleTech 2 out there.

The sooner the better! Battletech is great and I have 210-hours in it, but I'd guess that at least 75-hours of that is waiting for the game to load and think about AI moves. They really need to move away from Unity or something, because the general slowness of the game is frustrated.

As for follow-ups:

Deus Ex - Yes, I know we got three games after the fact, but the second is...not good, Human Revolution is pretty nice and Mankind Divided has great gameplay, but the story is nonsense and never completes. I would like to see a proper follow-up to the original that stays truer to it.

XCOM2 - No one does it like Firaxis and I'm really not at all interested in Superheroes. Sure there are lots of "XCOM-Alikes" out there, but they all fail to have what XCOM has and typically, whenever someone says, "It's like XCOM", I become immediately skeptical, because generally what they mean is, "It has turn based combat."

Might and Magic X - I wouldn't really say I'm a fan of the series, as I've played a bit of Xeen, but I really loved the modern update that 10 was. Having another grid based, "open world" RPG like M&M would be pretty great.
Days Gone

This is a very good and unique "zombie apocalypse" game, where the enemies as the devs say are not really zombies. This is why they call them freaks, as there is a MUCH broader story written around them than a mere infectious outbreak, or any of the other common causes of such mutations used.

The story is well written, as is the dialog, and the voice acting very good as well. There's been an online petition going on for some time to urge Sony to greenlight a Days Gone 2. The game also ended with a pretty provocative cliff hanger that sets up the possibility for a Days Gone 2 to be even more thrilling.

It's not just the enemies in the game that are unique either, you play a biker that rides around the trails and dilapidated roads of rural Oregon, which itself is beautifully crafted graphically. There are also mutated dogs that can run fast enough to catch up to your bike, and Freaks that can pounce at you and knock you off it.

The freaks are also intelligent enough to gather and migrate in hoards, and some are very fast, or very big and strong., though those ones stick to themselves. There's also six hostile human factions, ranging from a cult to a militia. One of the factions is called NERO, which is a government emergency response team that is studying the freaks.

The petition currently has over 220,000 signatures, and is still growing in numbers.
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Days Gone

This is a very good and unique "zombie apocalypse" game, where the enemies as the devs say are not really zombies. This is why they call them freaks, as there is a MUCH broader story written around them than a mere infectious outbreak, or any of the other common causes of such mutations used.

The story is well written, as is the dialog, and the voice acting very good as well. There's been an online petition going on for some time to urge Sony to greenlight a Days Gone 2. The game also ended with a pretty provocative cliff hanger that sets up the possibility for a Days Gone 2 to be even more thrilling.

It's not just the enemies in the game that are unique either, you play a biker that rides around the trails and dilapidated roads of rural Oregon, which itself is beautifully crafted graphically. There are also mutated dogs that can run fast enough to catch up to your bike, and Freaks that can pounce at you and knock you off it.

The freaks are also intelligent enough to gather and migrate in hoards, and some are very fast, or very big and strong., though those ones stick to themselves. There's also six hostile human factions, ranging from a cult to a militia. One of the factions is called NERO, which is a government emergency response team that is studying the freaks.

The petition currently has over 220,000 signatures, and is still growing in numbers.

Loved Days Gone. Wouldnt mind a city setting for something like this.
Loved Days Gone. Wouldnt mind a city setting for something like this.

I'm not sure, a city works well for Dying Light, because it has parkour. The unique thing here is traveling on the bike, and using it as a save point and ammo cache. The other thing about Days Gone is it features dangerous animals like bears and wolves, but also deer you can hunt. In a city you'd lose that feeling.

I liked the very rustic feeling of Days Gone, and not just the woods and trails, but things like the old saw mill. Bend Studio itself is pretty much located in rural Oregon, and I can't imagine them wanting to use a city location, because they love everything about the wild of Oregon. It's easy to see why they love it, it's a beautiful place.

I could see how maybe biking to a big city for certain missions, or even being located there with a faction for as much as a third of the game, but I feel it would need to be based in a more wild area to stay true to the roots of the first game. It's also been some time since the outbreak happened, and even longer with a sequel, so even the city would have to be overgrown.
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Half Life 2

Waddayamean that's already a sequel? So what, sequels can't have their own sequel? Humpfff okay, if you must be super fussy…

Total Annihilation
SupCom is a really good spiritual successor, so that's ok. Shame tho it took ~ 10 years, should've been a sequel while the iron was hot.
Well It kinda got one with Total Anihilation Kingdoms but most people probably forgot about that one pretty quick. Not a bad game, just not as good as TA.
Grim Fandango
I‘m with you on this one :) I would love to see another story in the style and gameplay of Grim Fandango!

I would also wish for a sequel of The Council (2018). First of all, the ending was not only too abrupt but it also felt like a huge cliffhanger, that until now… never got resolved :confused:
And secondly, I really want another game where I can have discussion battles with historic figures (if not George Washington, then how about Marie Curie? Albert Einstein? Oppenheimer? I could name you many many more if you want).


Community Contributor
Battletech has some really well regarded mods I havent even looked at yet, could probably play that for 10 years still. Awesome game.
That's true! Looks like RogueTech is still going - last update was just before Halloween.
And secondly, I really want another game where I can have discussion battles with historic figures (if not George Washington, then how about Marie Curie? Albert Einstein? Oppenheimer? I could name you many many more if you want).
Ayn Rand and Karl Marx, at the same time. Oh wait, they would probably start to argue with each other in Russian. Arg.
Deus Ex - Yes, I know we got three games after the fact, but the second is...not good, Human Revolution is pretty nice and Mankind Divided has great gameplay, but the story is nonsense and never completes. I would like to see a proper follow-up to the original that stays truer to it.
This is exactly what I was going to say. Even though I am a big fan of HR and MD, I’ve always wanted a proper, true to the original sequel. Watching any sort of video essays or behind the scenes of Human Revolution, it was very clear they modernized the franchise to appeal to primarily console players. They chose one of the most revered PC games and turned it into a fairly generic third person cover shooter, which was all the rage back in 2011 when Human Revolution came out.

I want to see a real immersive sim sequel for Deus Ex. It doesn’t even have to bring back JC Denton, just focus on the gameplay and world building. Cyberpunk 2077 proved there is a major interest in cyberpunk themed games, and no other game captures the true aesthetic more than Deus Ex 2000.

I want a huge array of augmentation to choose from that all affect gameplay in small or significant ways. I want to have neural implants that make me smarter giving me access to unique dialogue, I want to stack boxes on top of each other to get through a window when I don’t know how else to get in, I want to my actions to affect the whole game and have it show me my consequences. These are all things that we are fully capable of making in a modern game, we just need the drive and initiative from a dedicated group of developers to do this.


On a Journey
Fallout New Vegas
Wave Race 64 (No one said it had to be a PC game... okay, maybe forums title but I am bending it for this)
F-Zero (any of them, just a new game in series would be nice... it sort of stopped on Game Cube). Could be the don't want games that show how slow their hardware is now.
Okay, I stop old Nintendo games now...
Half life 2 (lol)

its hard to think of a sequel that hasn't been made... when that is all that seems to be made now.


Community Contributor
Where's my sequel to Oni, Bungie??

I want to see a real immersive sim sequel for Deus Ex. It doesn’t even have to bring back JC Denton, just focus on the gameplay and world building. Cyberpunk 2077 proved there is a major interest in cyberpunk themed games, and no other game captures the true aesthetic more than Deus Ex 2000.

I want a huge array of augmentation to choose from that all affect gameplay in small or significant ways. I want to have neural implants that make me smarter giving me access to unique dialogue, I want to stack boxes on top of each other to get through a window when I don’t know how else to get in, I want to my actions to affect the whole game and have it show me my consequences. These are all things that we are fully capable of making in a modern game, we just need the drive and initiative from a dedicated group of developers to do this.
Well, how about Cyberpunk? There's no way to stack boxes that I could find, but you can shove them around with cars - or just climb on top of the cars. The whole stealth-or-not choice is there except against the bosses. The implants are there. You're playing a character named "V" instead of "JC" - but it's still initials!