What is your go prone key?


Not all games allow a choice, of course. I'm playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 at the moment, and it's Hold C—press C is the Crouch key, and hold C for longer for Prone.

I suppose a bit of backstory i'm playing Enlisted beta and prone is set to Z. I've tried it and i'm not comfortable with it there tbh. especially i have to let go to the A key to press it. I think the only real option for me is probably with my thumb. So C key might be a good bet. Will test it a bit and see.
The good news is that i can bind prone with the crouch key in enlisted which makes my life a lot easier (not tested it in real game scenario) I think my go to sometimes is C or V key depending on the game.

Generally i like to bind the couch key to ctrl as well.
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Jan 13, 2020
In the beginning (Delta Force by Novalogic), it was they Z key. And it still is the Z key, but any game worth going prone in tends to have a stance system where you can hold the key or stance down/up with multiple presses. In that case it all is done with shift for up and control for down. Then L-Alt for sprinting. I usually put fire select on my mouse, sometimes grenade throw as well... it sounds weird but I usually prefer it on the mouse as a thumb tap.
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Mar 9, 2020
In the beginning (Delta Force by Novalogic), it was they Z key.
I seem to recall using the arrow keys and page up and page down for stance changes, something I definitely do not do now, lol.

For me it's been Crtl for as long as I can remember but I don't know if that was default setting in an early COD or something I picked myself. Crtl Prone, C Crouch, and Space for stand/jump.
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Jan 13, 2020
Crtl Prone, C Crouch, and Space for stand/jump.

I've tried using Space for stand and for whatever reason it irks me so much haha. I feel like in most shooters, if you can even jump, then bunny hopping is real and so I just can't have jump and stand on the same button.
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Mar 9, 2020
I've tried using Space for stand and for whatever reason it irks me so much haha. I feel like in most shooters, if you can even jump, then bunny hopping is real and so I just can't have jump and stand on the same button.

I feel ya. It depends on the game for me to be honest. If it has a stance system then I like when the sprint key or jump key will automatically take you out of prone to standing. For bunny hopping I'll have jump ALSO bound to mouse wheel, but it will be on space as well. Space is the universal jump key IMO, and I never know what to do with it in cover shooters when you can't jump like Division 2 and Outriders.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
For bunny hopping I'll have jump ALSO bound to mouse wheel...

...I never know what to do with [the keybind] in cover shooters when you can't jump like Division 2 and Outriders.

Jump bound to the mousewheel? :alien: intense. Usually I bind whatever ping function the game has to that.

I do really miss the mouse wheel bump left/right buttons I had on my old mouse.

There is still a 'vault' command in Division 2, I think. I didn't really have too many problems with keybindings in that game, but it's been a while since playing and I'm thinking of jumping in again, so I'll revise my statement if necessary. :)
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Oct 8, 2020
Keypad INSERT/0 or Keypad 1 o_O

Left hand on the mouse and my right hand is doing finger gymnastics on the arrow keys (my main movement keys) with my ringfinger and pinky handling the keypad keys.

I'm a weirdo I guess...
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Jan 13, 2020
Which FPS introduced 'go prone' first, Battlefield 1942 I think? Anyways, it has been Z since that very first game all those many decades ago.


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All I know is that every time I go prone, all I can see is grass, which doesn't help me any.

I think if I were playing a game where it was important that I might move it to the mouse because, from my experience, it usually defaults to "Z", and I can never comfortably hit that. But I have various buttons on my mouse that aren't in use during games, and I can hit those with ease.
All I know is that every time I go prone, all I can see is grass, which doesn't help me any.

I think if I were playing a game where it was important that I might move it to the mouse because, from my experience, it usually defaults to "Z", and I can never comfortably hit that. But I have various buttons on my mouse that aren't in use during games, and I can hit those with ease.

This was usually my go to option if i had keys free. But in most cases this is usually overruled by more important stuff like switching weapons , quick melee, special abilities. I have a razor basilisk so only 3 side buttons. One of those is default set to slow down mouse sensitivity for pinpoint aiming. not ideal tbh.


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