What is best video card for my pc?

Jul 7, 2020
I've got HP Desktop 7100 MT:
i7 2.80
Iona 1.0
Bus Clock: 133 megahertz
My question is: What is the best video card I can install?
Example: Can I install 1060 or even 1660?
Thx n advance :)
Feb 17, 2020
Some / many newer graphics cards apparently need the bios to be UEFI, which I'm assuming that system doesn't have?

Other limiting factors can be
- case size vs GPU size
- power supply wattage
- power supply connectors (whether it has a 6 pin / 8 pin connector for a GPU or not)

If the PSU doesn't have supplementary power connectors, your best bet would be a GTX 1650 (notwithstanding the BIOS issue).

Sometimes even where a GPU requires a UEFI bios, the card maker can provide on request a legacy VBIOS for it. Sometimes.
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Jul 7, 2020
Thx a lot Oussebon :)
You encouraged me to upgrade.
Yesterday My pc was:
i7 2.80
RAM 8gb
PSU 300w
I replaced PSU to Corsair 450. Newer GPU, GTX 1060 6gb Gigabyte Windforce. And RAM 32gb.
May I ask another question?
You can always take the 32gb and move it to another pc when youre done with that one, but i would get a higher PSU for a 1060 even if a 450 meets the wattage of a 10 series.

Also, i hope your case has enough room for that card/airflow, you will have to deal with heating issues adding a new card like that to the case of a HP Desktop after looking up that computer.
Feb 17, 2020
You can always take the 32gb and move it to another pc when youre done with that one
Just to note, the RAM for that system is DDR3. So while that's technically true - of course you can swap RAM between systems - if they upgrade to any platform released since 2017 (or anything that's been worth buying since 2015) that won't be possible. Because it all uses DDR4. And we're not that far off DDR5.

but i would get a higher PSU for a 1060 even if a 450 meets the wattage of a 10 series.
That's just not necessary at all. And they've bought the replacement PSU now - changing it yet again would be a bad investment. A 450W VS is fine for the system, and they should keep using it.
Personally just wouldn't keep a PSU under 500 around with newer cards and i get that about the ram, but were talking about upgrade a system thats already way outdated. He should just replace everything with a new budget build, which none of us suggested. If hes going to stay with the system, upgrading the ram isnt a bad idea and getting a bigger cpu isnt. Thats even if his case can fit a new card in the first place.
Feb 17, 2020
Cards being newer has nothing to do with PSU requirement.

Indeed compared to older cards, a newer card of the same performance draws less power. Compare GTX 970 to GTX 1060 - more performance, lower TDP. Because more efficient architecture.

The OP appears to have relatively limited funds, or else they'd not still be using a pre Sandy-bridge platform for gaming. Which is not a criticism of them, of course. But taking that as read, telling them to replace a perfectly adequate PSU that they have literally just got for a higher wattage one purely on the basis of personal preference is, in my view, at best unhelpful.

"None of us" suggested a new system because the OP never asked about replacing CPU / RAM / mobo. They only mentioned adding a GPU. Had they talked about pouring money into an obsolete platform, I'm sure one of us would have warned against it. I certainly would have anyway.

If hes going to stay with the system, upgrading the ram isnt a bad idea and getting a bigger cpu isnt.
Upgrading the RAM might be a reasonable idea. Maybe (I usually argue sticking to 8gb on a platform that old, and saving the money to a new platform). But either way, 32gb RAM for an ancient platform for gaming is not worth it. And a bigger CPU - that doesn't even mean anything.
Jul 7, 2020
Ous & DX, I really appreciate this educational notes :)
1-In the market (not online) I only found 450w PSU ( 77$, Corsair VS450). 500w and above costs a lot more.
2-I bought 1060-6gb for cheaper price, used. 173$.
3-I took the 32gb RAM from another old broken pc.
So, upgrading to 32gb RAM and GTX 1060 6gb and Corsair VS450 cost me 250$ total.
Note: The PSU has a separated cable for the VGA.
And I noticed a number on the mother board N1996! After searching it should be MS-7613(lona-GL8E).
Jul 7, 2020
My question now: How can I make sure that everything is alright?
I mean is there a specific test, an app or a website,etc.
Till now, for surfing and playing Counter Strike Source ( The old version) seems great. Temperature while playing is around 140F.
With old VGA GT 730, temp hits 212 mostly :)