What game(s) are you looking towards in 2020?

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PCG James

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Dec 9, 2019
I'd be excited to see a June release of Elden Ring, but with no gameplay or almost anything about the game being released at this point, it seems hard to believe that the game is going to be ready for June. That said, if it happens, that would be awesome!

Wow, can't believe I forgot to mention Elden Ring. A June release feels a bit optimistic to me though. Happy to be surprised.
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Nov 24, 2019
I am intensely looking forward to Vampire Bloodlines 2. And Cyberpunk.
And Crusader Kings 3. And for some reason in spite of that most recent game show trailer, Humankind.

Of those, I'm almost certain Crusader Kings 3 is going to be the biggest time-suck. But I'm willing to bet that Cyberpunk is the one that prompts people to call in sick for the week and barrel through.
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Jan 13, 2020
Warcraft 3: Reforged
Evil Genius 2: World Domination
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Psychonauts 2

And hundreds of games in my library that I have never even played.
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Jan 13, 2020
  • Cyberpunk 2077​
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Baldur's Gate 3 (fingers crossed)
  • Wasteland 3
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  • Hollow Knight: Silksong
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2 (fingers crossed)
  • Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Kingdom of Night
  • Bloodlines 2 (though I am not having high hopes)
@Rensje Got the same feeling towards Diablo 4. If they manage to nail down the dark and gritty atmosphere, combined with good classes, there might just be hope.

Oooh just boosted my spirits re: isometric/turn-based RPG's! I forgot about Wasteland 3 - is that a definite? And I kind of feel like Baldur's Gate 3 will slip, though the pedigree is exciting. SKALD is totally new to me!
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Oooh just boosted my spirits re: isometric/turn-based RPG's! I forgot about Wasteland 3 - is that a definite? And I kind of feel like Baldur's Gate 3 will slip, though the pedigree is exciting.

BG3 2020 is grasping a small straw, but they might just surprise us with a December release. One thing is for sure though, Larian Studios will definitely not rush for a release, especially for such an important game. I have to say, I was a bit surprised with them even going for it, but if there is one company that could make gold, it has to be Larian.

While there has been little gameplay from inXile Entertainment and with a history of rushed/delayed products, I am confident it will release. So far 2020 does not have many upcoming post-apocalyptic strategy games and releasing it a month after Cyberpunk 2077 seems like a good plan. The robotic/shooting hype will get Wasteland 3 even more attention.
Last edited:
Jan 15, 2020
There is only one answer: Cyberpunk 2077.

I feel like it's not a game I'm looking forward to this year.....but a game I've been looking forward to for years.
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Jan 14, 2020
MS Flight Simulator is my most anticpated game in a long while. Its announcement came from nowhere after all this time and every video I saw since is vrey exciting. I am ready and so is my pc.
Jan 13, 2020
BG3 2020 is grasping a small straw, but they might just surprise us with a December release. One thing is for sure though, Larian Studios will definitely not rush for a release, especially for such an important game. I have to say, I was a bit surprised with them even going for it, but if there is one company that could make gold, it has to be Larian.

While there has been little gameplay from inXile Entertainment and with a history of rushed/delayed products, I am confident it will release. So far 2020 does not have many upcoming post-apocalyptic strategy games and releasing it a month after Cyberpunk 2077 seems like a good plan. The robotic/shooting hype will get Wasteland 3 even more attention.

I think you're right on both.

On a tangent, but I can't get over how these different CRPGs are in terms of polish - playing Wasteland 2 after Divinity is kind of like being zapped in an alternate timeline where cathode ray tubes still exist and you have to memorise phone numbers because what are smartphones again?

How can they exist at the same time? Not to mention the Shadowrun and Pillars/Torment series.

So I'm super excited to play Wasteland 3 against Baldur's Gate 3 (aka Divinity 3)
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Jan 13, 2020
I can't wait to finally be able to play Temtem. Been following the game ever since it got announced as available for purchase on the Discord store, and it's finally coming to a store I can purchase it. All impressions so far seem very promising.

Jan 14, 2020
Hollow Knight: Silksong
DOOM: Eternal
HADES (Full Release)
Fall Guys

Interested but not exactly Hyped for Cyberpunk
Jan 18, 2020
Not a lot of games capture my attention these days, so only Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines 2 and The Last of Us II have caught me eye so far.

I'm sure I'll find other games to spend my money on throughout the year. ;)
Jan 22, 2020
Halo infinite is what i'm anticipating most out of both hype and fear. my hype comes from the fact that 343 has proven themselves to the pc audience, and has also proven to all halo fans that they've heard our criticism. my fear comes from the fact that halo infinite is going to be a 'games as a service' and how we havent seen any gameplay at all despite it launching this year. i have faith, but damn its pretty scary too considering how the last games went.
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