What are the biggest blunders ingame you or someone you played with made?

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Hey guys,

The question about what your fondest memories of guild gaming where made me wonder about what the biggest blunders are that you made in a game, or that someone you were playing with made.

For me, I have 2: One blunder I made myself and one someone I was playing with made.

When I played H1Z1 (the Battle Royale one) I was really bad at it and always died before I even found someone, never killed someone either. If I did see someone I'd get maybe 2 shots of before I died. When I was playing with a friend I walked into a house while that friend landed somewhere else and was running towards me so we could team up. When I came outside of the house I did someone come running at me so I got scared and fired. Turned out H1Z1 wasn't (always) showing who was in your party or not so I ended up headshotting my friend.

Basically the best play I ever did in H1Z1 was headshotting a guy who I was playing with. Also, a few games later he got a car and promised to pick me up but he used his break too late and ended up driving me over.

Then another one someone else made:

We were playing GTA5 Online and trying to do all the heists with the same stack in order to get that bonus. But as requirement there was a limited amount of deaths allowed. We were playing with someone who enjoyed messing arround, always shooting out of cars etc. At some point she threw a grenade but missed and it ended up in the car, it exploded and we all died. The we had to do the entire mission with only 1 death allowed left.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
One of my biggest blunders happened two weeks ago in Warzone. I was in a group with friends and the gas were closing in. We got to a care package, got our sweet setup, and was talking about how the best way would be to move further on as we found out that we were completely surrounded by a cliffside. We ended up spending to much time talking and basically died in the gas as we realized the run to the safe zone would be too long. It was quite embarrassing standing there slowly dying from the gas and with the knowledge of that we just made the dumbest mistake ever.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Typical SC2 experience when I alt-tab between games. Glance over loading screen, assume my opponent is protoss because of his avatar. Opening standard 2gate/core because trying to do anything else gets you killed in 99% of situations.

It's terran (where you should do totally different opening if you plan on normal macro early game)

Well guess I am double stalker rushing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and hoping I will micro my way out of this.
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
One of my biggest blunders happened two weeks ago in Warzone. I was in a group with friends and the gas were closing in. We got to a care package, got our sweet setup, and was talking about how the best way would be to move further on as we found out that we were completely surrounded by a cliffside. We ended up spending to much time talking and basically died in the gas as we realized the run to the safe zone would be too long. It was quite embarrassing standing there slowly dying from the gas and with the knowledge of that we just made the dumbest mistake ever.

That makes me remember, I once played a solo game of H1Z1 where I realized I wasn't going to get into the safezone in time and was going to die in the gas, so I kinda just stood there afk waiting lol. I'm not sure if the people who were actively playing and died before me should be ashamed or not :p
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I'm straining to think of what my biggest blunder is, but I think my most consistent blunder is my grenadesmanship. I don't want to know how many times I've killed myself (and sometimes my teammates) with a poorly tossed grenade.

Speaking of which, if you are unaware of it, there is a YouTube channel called Gamesprout that is nothing but video compilations of game footage broken into fails, wins, and doing dumb things. Pretty funny stuff I watch regularly but be warned for some "colorful" language.
Planetside 2 - plenty of oops moments there. Friendly fire accidents because i forgot i changed factions mid battle and blew people apart. Accidentally knifing someone when i mean to revive them (although in defence it was some strange lag response that i pull out a knife when i use the mouse wheel to scroll weapons and tools). killing a fully occupied harasser.

But guildwise nothing tops fragging the Outfit leader . Threw a grenade into a room just as he was heroically charged into the room and ate frag. Although he probably wasn't going to last long when i saw a max stroll out dealing death.

l4d - playing on expert and killing my fellow team mates. Someone ran past me whilst i was discharging my weapon and one of my friends made me jump and i promptly shot him in the face. From 80 health to down.