What are some of your favorite things people have made in-game (any game)?

For instance, my Minecraft house:


But maybe you were thinking of something even better, like in the below video, for instance. This is a video made in-game (Planet Coaster) using the feature that lets you ride the rides you create. This creation is nearly unbelievable, but you can download it and put it in your park if you are skeptical. Everything, including the Xenomorphs, are constructed with bits and pieces available in the game.

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I think a lot of mods could be in this thread. But for now i'll get the ones that spring to mind. Specifically xcom2 ones. its still going strong and its fantastic.

True concealment mod - the timer doesn't start until you break cover, so stealth is much more useful and you can be careful near the start. Also you don't lose a turn timer from the word go so that's nice.

Gotcha (again) - A useful gui mod that gave you much more information specifically when it came to flanking. Just highlight a square and it will tell you whether you are flanking or being flanked. No need to make a move to find out if you're flanking or being stupid. Dead handy.

Titanfall cosmetics - a core staple cosmetic for my characters. made some pretty cool characters.

halo marine cosmetics - another one i mixed and matched with other cosmetics. perhaps made my resistance units look a bit too professional instead of rebels but it has its uses.

canpups asscessories - a top notch hand crafted mod

[X2] Military Camouflage Patterns- this gives you the cameo patterns for real world armies. Adds much more variety for my operatives. a popular thing i did was give cameos based on the recruits nationality.

countless voicepacks, map packs and minor tweaks and other cosmetics. Far too many to mention apparently i've got 72....


Community Contributor
Here's some screenshots of things I've been particularly proud of building in games:

View: https://imgur.com/a/yUlQRg1

Although I play a ton of city builders, probably the strangest / most interesting thing my friends and I built was in The Forest (Image 2). we put a fort in the middle of a lake with only ziplines running to it. We stored all our supplies and food there and it was impenetrable by invading creatures because they simply could not cross the water.
But maybe you were thinking of something even better, like in the below video, for instance. This is a video made in-game (Planet Coaster) using the feature that lets you ride the rides you create. This creation is nearly unbelievable, but you can download it and put it in your park if you are skeptical. Everything, including the Xenomorphs, are constructed with bits and pieces available in the game.

Would have been cool if an Alien queen jumped off the back of the coaster when you returned, just like in the 2nd movie.

I once made a rather significant mod for the Ascension level of Crysis, which is the one you were stuck in a Vtol the whole way. I made it so you could land it and get out. I added a few objectives where you salvage a Hovercraft and Helicopter, driving the hovercraft to a warehouse, and parking the heli on a helipad on it's roof. I also opened up the blocked tunnels on the train tracks, and added a train track bridge across an area with water, to connect to a little loading dock I turned into a small train station. The 3rd objective is the one I'm struggling to remember, but it involved going inside one of the tunnels to gather intel on something I think, which was inside a crashed train car. I placed a guy with a rocket launcher inside the tunnel, and a couple with assault rifles, whom were tough to deal with.

I made a narrow corridor for the hovercraft by clearing trees on the side of a ridge, and it was a hoot to drive on it. I placed a few Ceph Troopers here and there, and a Ceph Hunter right on the path just before the warehouse. If you were good at driving it you could drive it under it's legs and take shelter in the warehouse. The final objective being defeat the Hunter, for which there were weapons in the warehouse. I also put a barracks and friendly troops on the other side of the path where the warehouse was.

I also placed an enemy heli on a far ridge, and 4 KPA troops, for which I also placed an AI trigger point on the helipad to make them come investigate via a flight path I scripted in. All was going well until the final testing revealed the KPA would not respond to the AI trigger. It's a shame too because it was really fun to play other than that. The problem could have been partly due to the spec I had at the time, which made the editor run kind of laggy. They say with lower spec you need to save your editing progress often too, and I may not have been doing that enough. At any rate I learned not to get involved in complex mods unless you have spec that can handle the editor you're using well. Otherwise by the time you get better spec, you may have become disinterested in finishing it, and as well, players in general disinterested in the game.
I hope the way I worded the OP didn't lead people to think I was the one who made that Planet Coaster ride. Sometimes (usually) I'm just horrible at communicating.

I actually don't have any pictures of anything significant that I've built. I built a small town in Mincraft once, and a large area with mini-games for a Minecraft server. Oh, I do have some Satisfactory pictures, but they aren't particularly impressive.

The favorite thing that I built was my ship in World's Adrift. People used to go out of their way to come over and compliment me on it and take a quick tour. Also, I liked my bases in Fallout 76. They weren't massive because there is a limit on how many items you can use in your base, but they were nice. I actually did take some screenshots of those, but I have no idea where they are. I may check my other computer for them.
I'm not a particularly creative person, so I'm afraid I have nothing to show. I did look whether my Spore creations were saved anywhere online, but it doesn't seem like it.

I did once start on a Skyrim mod that allowed your followers to use potions. I got to the point where they would use a fire resist potion when hit by a fire attack, but implementing all of the other potions seemed like too much work, so I abandoned it.
It's not like you really need them to use potions anyway. They get in the way of your own attacks too often to make them a vital part of the gameplay.
No way this is just one person's work

note: Imagines how many likes this thread would have got about 14 months ago.

computer killing cities. Wonder what PC you need to run this smooth

These aren't mine, I don't have photos of anything I made in games. All of my rct 2 parks were made about 15 years ago and I didn't foresee this thread back then.
I hope the way I worded the OP didn't lead people to think I was the one who made that Planet Coaster ride. Sometimes (usually) I'm just horrible at communicating.
There was nothing misleading to me about the way you presented the OP. It was clear the Minecraft house was an example of your work, and the Coaster Planet one someone else's.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
It was clear the Minecraft house was an example of your work
Absolutely Zed, that house was so you

I only started taking game shots ~a month ago for our game screenshots thread, so sadly nothing to show. Then again, I can't recall building anything beyond a bit of a Sim City ~20 years ago—I guess RTS bases and Civ empires don't count? :D

Of others work, it was some huge recreation of a city in Minecraft—London if I recall correctly—that was breathtaking in its scope. Just a passing 'wow' tho, no idea where it is.

ETA fix quote attribution
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Absolutely Zed, that house was so you

I only started taking game shots ~a month ago for our game screenshots thread, so sadly nothing to show. Then again, I can't recall building anything beyond a bit of a Sim City ~20 years ago—I guess RTS bases and Civ empires don't count? :D

Of others work, it was some huge recreation of a city in Minecraft—London if I recall correctly—that was breathtaking in its scope. Just a passing 'wow' tho, no idea where it is.
Lol. How in the world did that quote get attributed to me?
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