Weird West Review: Knee-deep in supernatural horror (PCG Review-Score 79)

PCG Jody

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
I've played the first few hours and so far I'm loving it. Using rifles most of the time means I get to duck down behind cover, pop up to pick someone off, then duck down again as the return fire pwings off the rocks.

Though there's a lot more sneaking and choking than there is shooting. It's really got that "here's a guarded camp with three different ways in you can see and maybe more you'll uncover as you scope out the patrols" vibe down pat.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Weird West sits pretty high on my Steam wishlist, and it looks like an interesting & bizarre RPGish isometric game from the perspectives of 5 different characters. But I've never heard the term "twin-stick shooter" before, so I'm not really sure what it means.

I've played a lot of Isometric RPGs over the years, games with real time combat like Diablo, games with real time w/pause like Pillars of Eternity, and games with turn based combat like Divinity Original Sin. From the videos on the Steam page, WW appears to have real time combat, but I don't know what that "twin stick" term refers to. Sounds like something you'd do with a controller.
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Sounds like something you'd do with a controller.
Yep. One to move, one to shoot. Remember to Robotron game waaaaay back in the arcade games?

Only the gameplay clearly isn't like that, it's just the way moving and shooting is done. I'm dubious of the game because I'm dubious about how that's going to work out on mouse/keyboard. Though I don't know... it's not like I don't have a controller sitting right here, too.

PCG Jody

Staff member
Dec 9, 2019
If you've ever played the kind of top-down game where you move with WASD but aim with the mouse, you're probably familiar with this. It's how I played Assault Android Cactus, The Ascent, and probably a bunch of other games I can't think of right now. It's different from the click-to-move controls in your average action-RPG or RTS or other top-down real-time game, but I've never heard a good name for it.

I don't think Weird West's controls are that big a deal, honestly. It's in a genre we're used to playing in first-person, and this is how top-down games approximate first-person controls.


Community Contributor
There's no game called.... oh
In other news - game publishers projected to run out of relevant names in three years! Trailer at 11.


Community Contributor
The game officially entered on my wishlist. :) I had the occasion to watch it for a few dozens of minutes on CohhCarnage live stream. Also very positive articles such as this from PC Gamer did their job. I'll probably wait until the game is on sale, like I usually do, but it seems the game is really solid.


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