The most time you spend on the game in a day is a few hours


On a Journey
Over 18. if not more. I used to
  1. wake up,
  2. turn on game,
  3. play until I couldn't stay awake,
  4. goto sleep
Goto start (in other words, repeat from 1)

I didn't take any notice of time, its possible in the past I made it past 24 hours.

MMO are like that.
I can tell I am getting bored of a game by the less time I spend playing it. Eventually I don't even start it.
I don't play games constantly - it might sound that way - but there can be months when I don't play anything. I just binge on a game when a good one comes out. Until I get bored of it.
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Even as a teen I don’t think I managed more than 6 hours straight without taking a break. I’ve always needed to take break every now and then to stretch and grab a drink. These days I can hardly sit for an entire hour unbothered or needing to get up to do something, but I’ll max my sessions out at around 3 hours with breaks in between.


On a Journey
if its a good game I would go into a trance almost. I would still eat but that doesn't take that long, game can be on pause. Unless its an mmo, then you just found somewhere safe to sit or log out for the time.

Most of the time it has occurred would be in arpg games. Single player games where you could pause for most part.

Pretty much any new game will have me up late if I can. Especially if its the day I got game. Doesn't help I normally buy them at night. I should learn not to do that but I don't think to look at steam first thing in day... I have a routine and looking at Steam isn't on it normally.