Suggestions on vertical mice that work for gaming?

Perhaps because there aren't many Vertical gaming mice

Reddit link asking similar question
there are a few suggested in that thread:
Above is an amazon link

and a few others.

I haven't ever used one so I can't say which are better.
That's correct, there aren't many. Zelotes is one brand that has a few, but they are too small for my hands. One even has a toggle for your thumb on the top, but it only activates W,A,S,D and Space, and doesn't do it as well as a keyboard from what I've read. Thanks for the links btw, but I'd already come across those options and none panned out unfortunately.

Many brands say theirs will work for gaming, but you might not get a 1000 polling rate option, just 500. Honestly, I've never had a problem using 500 on the handful of games that have problems with 1000, and even many others when I forget to set it back to 1000. I think it only makes a small difference in twitch shooters like eSports titles.

I gamed for years on just a regular mouse, and to this day, the main thing for me that differentiates a regular mouse from a gaming mouse is high DPI and having two thumb buttons, both of which most vertical mice have. I have edited the title to read vertical mice that work for gaming.

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I have owned 2 vertical mouses and neither pleased me. I didn't like them for day to day tasks and both were problematic for gaming. Both were around the $40 price range and there are few models that come close to $100 that I am aware of, so getting better with higher prices may not be a guarantee.

Anyway, both of them have been sitting in a drawer for a long time.
I ended up buying the Logitech MX Vertical at Best Buy. It was on sale plus there was 20% off on top of that, which is a recycle and save offer. I don't know what to think about it so far. In the store I first saw it that had it on display (Office Depot), it fit well in my hand. I started playing STALKER 2 with it after setting it up at home, the part where you go back to Duga after getting the Psi Suppressor. I initially had better than expected semi long kills with the Vintar fighting against the Monolith, but as the session grew longer it felt clumsy to use. It's a bit heavier than my Razer, and bulkier, and it slips much worse when being gripped. I accidentally bashed into the end of my keyboard quite often, and quite a few times accidentally brushed the scroll causing a weapon switch at bad times. It's also WAY harder to react quickly with when random creatures attack unexpectedly, especially Blood Suckers. It's also hard to figure what sensitivity works best. I had my Razer in game set pretty low, about 25%, but this one I had to start at 50%, then 60%. I ended up taking it down to 40%, but the issues mentioned above are more the problem.

I'm going to force myself to use it for at least 3-4 weeks, but I will end up returning it if I can't get used to it.