Smilies dissapear

I noticed that, seems to happen when you use the emotes directly after a letter without a spacing. With spacing, it works.

I'm not getting it to work with spacing either. :)

Although with some experimentation, I did get one to stay by waiting a bit before entering a new character. I couldn't reproduce that though.

And I just opened this page on my phone after my laptop died and it loaded the post with the smiley, which is sticking around this time.

:) It also seems to be working on mobile

I was using Firefox on my laptop. I'll see if I can test it with other browsers when I get home.
wonder if that problem exists elsewhere.. most of the time I stick to the simple emoji I can type myself (the basics)

I know the selection changes depending on browser too, or they did when I tested them elsewhere. Some of them may not exist... i did report that at time but well, that forum was new and so much was happening that one more error from me was overlooked (I have found so many, I can understand it).
it is a fine line between having emoji working and having them appear randomly in quote text when it accidentally has the combo that matches a emoji but actually isn't. I do see the 2nd a lot.

I only use basic emoji so I haven't seen this behaviour before.


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