Riot games is clearly discriminating when it comes to banning. I am handicapped and have a handicap accessible computer. I let someone borrow my computer so that they could play valorant. They did install cheating software and hacked my account. When I got my computer back and tried to log in to my valorant account I noticed it had a permanent hardware ban on it. I contacted Riot Games, explained what happened and that I formatted the hard drive and took the computer back to factory settings and that this was a handicap accessible computer and they refuse to remove the hardware ban so that I can actually play valorant on a computer that I am physically able to. In the meantime, I am using a computer that I can't really physically play on and there are more cheaters playing valorant now than ever before and I am the one being punished for being nice and letting someone who didn't have a computer borrow it so they could play. If that isn't discrimination I don't know what is. I am moving forward with a campaign against Riot Games for discriminating against the disabled and picking and choosing who they ban.