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On a Journey
I got bored of blue RGB so its all now Yellow

If you see any other colour, I suggest an eye test

Those are all the same colour to me. I can't help it if camera sees differently
Only yellow it sees is at bottom of the case, which is funny as I can't see that as well with glass on - its off in shot.

Just noticed that the top fan on AIO - the one I replaced a few weeks ago - is a slightly brighter yellow that the two below it, which is odd as they all on the same controller, and use same RGB software. I can only think they have a different revision to the two that came with AIO.

Its actually noticeable in the photo above, the white looks cleaner on top fan? right word? Fans were all cleaned about 3 weeks ago so that shouldn't be reason.

I plan on replacing them in about 3 weeks anyway. Remove the missmatch. Make them quieter as well.

so swapped rgb to green and now the color difference is less obvious, so its only certain colours/shades that make it stand out. The less bright ones probably hide it better.
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On a Journey
Fans with led screens in hubs... I can understand...

Where would you put these
Also, too many in one case will start to look really bad... even if they show out front of glass case.

And fans need to actually be good enough to use... they aren't just for looks... though its getting hard to tell. I wouldn't use these simply as you can get better without killing cooling for looks
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On a Journey
One advantage to have wireless KB & Mouse is if/when I plug PC in after its been unplugged, my keyboard rgb doesn't auto turn on. My Corsair KB used to do that all the time. Sure, if I bump kb when PC is off, it turns on but I can flick switch on back of KB off and it turns off.

think I order new fans for PC this weekend.
3 x

and 1 x
just in case we need more PWM cable length. Where the hub goes is something I still not sure about.

Probably get one of these at same time
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On a Journey
Keyboard being odd today, its really slow to react if I use Bluetooth but is fine on wired. I have been charging it most of day and I assumed it would be better by now. I wonder if restarting PC make any difference... guess I find out next restart.

that seemed to been the fix. A restart. Now its back to normal again :)

Thats problem I have with keyboard, there really isn't any way to tell how much battery its on. Windows is meant to know

Not sure how accurate this is as it always shows 100%

It should be fairly accurate today since its been plugged in 13 hours.

Seems its almost one year since I bought it. It still feels rock solid. I wonder if any dust got under the keycaps... I can't tell. I should look... just not now. I have the tools needed to do it, since they came with keyboard. Could even put the windows key on

Hardest part was training fingers not to hit print screen key when I want to hit delete. They right next to each other... it took a while, it happens less often now than it did the first few months. It does still happen enough that I hate how the escape key doesn't make the snipping tool disappear most of time and I have to use mouse to close it.

I should have got a 10kl keyboard as I still have yet to use the number pad... maybe next time. I thought it would help with a course I was going to do... nope. Only key I use over that side of keyboard still is the other enter key
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May 13, 2024
Nvidia has done away with Experience.

Downloading the app now, apparently doesnt require a sign in.

Good riddance. It always felt invasive. I run a lot of macros in excel VBA that call other apps, and having Experience running always interrupted. Same thing with macro keys from my keyboard if they switch to other apps. I never did look into why, but it was a lot easier just to turn the damn thing off.


On a Journey
One step closer

I wanted to see how they clipped together. Too easy
The holes where the screws go through have plastic covers I can put over them to make front of fan look smooth. You get covers for the back as well, but unless they are magic, the screws can't go through them and contact frame/AIO so those have to be spares. Handy

The power cable that attaches to them doesn't attach convincingly. As long as it can't shake loose, it should be okay.

Waiting for a friend to come over and offer assistance in case something doesn't work right... it shouldn't be too hard.

I won't miss the noise I can hear from current fans.

I will take all the plastic protectors off once its installed. Some might stay on, I wouldn't be able to see one side of the mirror on side of fans anyway.

Last look at my old fans

Its easier to read than I thought it would be

CPU, GPU & Fan speeds

I need to work out a new colour scheme, and clean my glass.

The downside to showing the temps and everything on fans is constant CPU usage, increasing heat, so the fans are running themselves? Swapping to just a static image reduces temps to down by 10c
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On a Journey
Observations. Startup is weird. Fans start and stop a few times before they work out PC is starting and then they fine.
Might pass control of fans to mb software and see if its any different at startup.

I did watch Jay make videos about them on his PC as well, and they stopped at startup for him too, so might be normal?
Looking around I see people where fans don't start at all so I will watch them I guess.


On a Journey
New fans going fine, quiet and not annoying like old ones.
Having fun getting a fan curve for the chassis fans as they conflict with each other, and I can't just link them to my NVMe to keep it chilly. Instead only choices are motherboard sensors and they both matched to one this is just behind my GPU.

Have to make 50rpm faster than the other or they make annoying noises. I had made it the top exhaust fan but swapping it to the bottom one seems to create less noise and still achieve job of keeping that sensor below 40c

If they weren't Noctua fans I could swap another new one there instead... but I have spent enough on fans this year... maybe next year. Could get a lian li TL 140mm fan and link it to current controller. I know just which one to get too. Best airflow fan they make. No LCD screen variety. additional lighting for case lol.

Probably just replace the top Noctua with it, the rear one held in by rubber screws from Noctua and taking it off will be fun. It has a 5 year warranty, I just leave it there.
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On a Journey
Not worth replacing either Noctua, the glass on my case has a black strip along frame to hide it but it also would block the mirror effects on side of Lian Li fans so would be a waste of money.

Its annoying that the hardware with seemingly the best ARGB software is Corsair. Lian Li's is pretty basic, Windows is worse, and My GPU won't even let me change it with anything apart from its program. And Signal RGB doesn't see my ram... sigh


On a Journey
Fixed something thats been annoying for about a year now, the colors on my ram.
I would set it to Red and it would show pink.
I found answer... its the stupid program, Icue would change the numerical values after you pick a colur in the circle.
If you set a color code it will use it.

It does it for all the colours so now I have Blue/Red color combo

though camera always sees it as slightly whiter. Oh well, rest matches.

I took motherboard software off as it can conflict with the fan rgb software. No yellow lights now... oh well.
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May 13, 2024
Fixed something thats been annoying for about a year now, the colors on my ram.
I would set it to Red and it would show pink.
I found answer... its the stupid program, Icue would change the numerical values after you pick a colur in the circle.
If you set a color code it will use it.

It does it for all the colours so now I have Blue/Red color combo

though camera always sees it as slightly whiter. Oh well, rest matches.

I took motherboard software off as it can conflict with the fan rgb software. No yellow lights now... oh well.

I've been having similar issues with color accuracy with Logitech G Hub the past year or so. My mouse and keyboard no longer have exact color match using the preset colors after an update. It's an MMO gaming mouse so there's 12 back-lit buttons on one side, and they're a shade off. I've tried modifying the colors manually to no avail. I miss the old software, never had any issues. I never used to care about this kind thing, but now it's bugging the crap out of me.


On a Journey
It doesn't help to put red rgb on 1 strip of ram and blue on another right next to it, as you end up with pink ram. I worked out that was part of the problem. As putting same hex code for ram FF0000 into 3 of my devices ended up with different appearances...
the code for lime green is yellow on my ram and light green on my Fans.

I managed to make it all red. To match the hardware and colour on my chassis fans and GPU stand... thought middle 2 ram sticks are a different red to the two sticks on either side. Trying to get as dark red as rest of the RGB

its a little dark but it will do until I want to mess with it again.
darkness matches my case since its that way already. Should take hdd out as it stands out to me now... only as I know where it is.


On a Journey
Generally when you build a PC you want to hide the cables as much as possible...

In the same vein as having rgb fans on your PSU, we also have RGB coated PSU cables
Lets make it all rainbow puke

As far as I can see, the only part of a PC that can't have RGB on it now are the PWM cables. And maybe sata cables... no one thought of them or they too hard to make? I guess when sata cables start to need power to run you might have gone too far.

I get it might be hard to do in white cases that are fishtanks, but most cases let you hide them... its cleaner.

We may have reached peak RGB. Now its add screens as well... which is nice and all but they all add constant activity to CPU as it has to refresh image - I know from my fans. Everyone needs way more cores in CPU before unnecessary addons like screens make any sense. All they do now is heat up PC more...

Unless you add a 2nd PC into box just to run the extras.
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On a Journey

Thoughts, all of his numbers only really apply to this case. They not universal.
For instance, his tests of of having intakes on base of case and blowing out top might suck in his case but for cases designed for that purpose, its a different matter

this one with 3 x 140mm fans in the base was close to best case a few years ago

clearly were stupid tests as the logical configs weren't tested
May 13, 2024
Finally got around to transferring the RAM from my previous gaming laptop (now my wife's) to my current one that I picked up in September.

Never would I have thought that I'd have a laptop with more RAM than my main rig.
