Random Game Thoughts Thread—December 04-December 10

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I turn those things off. There's an option to do so in the settings
Oh, that's good—but I'll leave it on, it's another way to get some game news. I'm fine with a few companies I get a lot of benefit from sending me their marketing. What annoys me is random ads for baby food et al out around the internet.

why not just use the game program itself for that?
Just guessing that it's a lot more efficient to build that into one launcher app than into every game.
No. I turn those things off. There's an option to do so in the settings.

Odd thing about the launchers is that some of them don't do marketing. I'm playing Age of Wonders: Planetfall and that pops up this launcher:

I haven't really seen any marketing in that launcher, except maybe for the DLC - but that can be put in the main menu of the game, too. Maybe the real point of it is the little 'hero bar' thing in the lower right that now just has two entries. One points to the official wiki (which isn't very good) and the other panel points to a survey (expired). I suppose they could do some tracking things with the launcher, but why not just use the game program itself for that? {shrug}

Maybe this launcher is just so you can change settings, DLC and/or mods before starting the actual game? Some games take quite a lot longer to load with mods, which sucks if you want to change which mods you're using and have to restart the game again (looking at you, Rimworld).

On the topic of Rimworld, I ended up starting a new game instead of waiting for anyone to stumble upon the deserted colony from the previous game. I put a bit more effort into who I took with me and where I was settling this time and it paid off. I have about 10 colonists, though 3 of them are useless and have been put in a separate outpost. They will be banished as soon as I'm sure it won't cause a mental breakdown in the rest.

Things were going very well for most of the game, until right before I had to stop for the night. First, I had a group of insectoids burrow their way directly into my storage room. Luckily I got an advance warning, but I only have one guy who's decent in melee and mostly rely on enemies dying before they can reach me, so there were a lot of wounded, but luckily no deaths.

After that, a mechanoid ship landed that started killing all the plants around it in a slowly but ever increasing radius, guarded by two mechanoids. I had just unlocked the technology to build turrets, so I built one near the ship and got all but one of my colonists to shoot the mechanoids, which worked better than expected, though I'm not sure the turret actually hit anything. I only got two wounded from that fight and no deaths.

However, while I was still shooting at the ship, a group of six raiders arrived at my colony. I only just managed to withdraw the colonists that were still shooting at the ship in time to deal with those, luckily again only taking minimal damage.

Before I even got everyone to the hospital, a group of 7 feral cats showed up. Now I thought that a bunch of cats would be far less of a threat than a megaspider with entourage, two death robots or 6 guys with guns, but they were determined to prove me wrong. Only one of the cats was hit before they reached my colonists and they quickly swarmed them. My one melee guy held four of them off for a bit, but went down much quicker than I expected. The rest of my colonists aren't very good in melee and guns aren't very good melee weapons to begin with.

I was forced to recruit the last colonist, my most valuable one, to pick up a weapon and help pummel these cats. Together with the one other colonist left standing they managed to kill the last of the cats and drag everyone to the hospital.

Of course the colonist that was forced to join, who has the best stats out of all of them, was the one to develop an infection that seems like it's going to kill him.

Also, I have pretty much ran out of food and have locked the door to the prison so my colonists don't waste any more food or energy taking care of the wounded in there.

It's not all doom and gloom though, as just before I quit the game I got a message that two tamed megawolverines had wandered into my colony and decided to join. So if I manage to sort out my food problem I'll have some extra protection and otherwise their meat will buy me some extra time to figure out my food supplies.
Maybe I'm just old (well, no maybes there), or maybe my way of thinking of playing PC game today is a bit antiquated, but I just don't see any benefit to us, the game players, to being forced to use 2 launchers to launch a single game on Steam.
They definitely don't do it for our benefit. They do it so we'll have to at least glance at their store, which will up the chances that someone would buy another game from them.
No. I turn those things off. There's an option to do so in the settings.

Odd thing about the launchers is that some of them don't do marketing. I'm playing Age of Wonders: Planetfall and that pops up this launcher:

I haven't really seen any marketing in that launcher, except maybe for the DLC - but that can be put in the main menu of the game, too. Maybe the real point of it is the little 'hero bar' thing in the lower right that now just has two entries. One points to the official wiki (which isn't very good) and the other panel points to a survey (expired). I suppose they could do some tracking things with the launcher, but why not just use the game program itself for that? {shrug}

I would call that Age of Blunders when you can't opt out of ads in your games. I mean even if they relate to the title you bought, they should be an option IMO. :rolleyes:
Played some more Rimworld. Turns out Megawolverines eat a lot of food, as do 7 colonists, which is a bit of a problem if you only have one decent cook and especially if you want to make good quality meals. Luckily, I managed to make it work without anyone suffering too much. Except the one prisoner that went berserk from starvation, but I pacified him and eventually released all three prisoners I had completely healthy, which gave me enough goodwill to end the hostilities with their faction.

While food wasn't running out, I was only barely keeping up. The main problem being that good quality meals and megawolverines both require meat, which requires more micromanaging than vegetables. There's also a risk in hunting bigger animals, as they can become enraged and attack the hunter and you can't tell your colonists to hunt in pairs. So I would draft two colonists and manually control them to hunt the muffalo near me, but that was quite a bother. So when I saw a big group of muffalo, I decided to draft all my colonists and take them out all at once.

Of course, the entire herd rampaged at the same time and my colonists were quickly overwhelmed. One by one they fell, until they all had been downed (which is how I learned guard animals just leave when their handler goes down). Luckily that was the first time that happened, so the Man In Black event triggered. The four remaining muffalo were pretty wounded and with the help of a turret the Man In Black, also known as Happy, dispatched of them and started hauling the colonists back to the hospital. Luckily about half of them had only minor injuries and managed to get up by themselves and walk to the hospital, carrying those that were more wounded.

While the last two were on their way to the hospital, four raiders arrived, one of which with a grenade launcher and one with a stack of dynamite. Luckily they decided to attack my turrets first and they managed to get some friendly fire from the dynamite, so when the first turret exploded it took one of them with it. The second turret went down quicker, but the raiders were pretty damaged by then. One of them managed to walk into several traps I put around the colony and died, which caused the remaining two to flee, without any of my colonists having to get out of bed.

Eventually everyone made a full recovery (minus some missing toes and a few extra scars) and I have a ton of meat now, so I count this as a success.


Community Contributor
Yeah, if Paradox is using a standard way to control mods across multiple games, I could see them just making a program like this to deal with them in every game. Steam DLC probably is standardized already by Valve.
Yep, Stardock's been around for ~30 years, which is longer than Valve by ~5 years, and ~10 years before Steam.

Stardock used to have a launcher called Impulse—I remember futzing with it a bit and not being delighted—which they sold to GameStop… don't recall timings.
Impulse was a store, too, if I remember right. It updated programs when patches showed up, too. Essentially, it was a mini-Steam.
Maybe this launcher is just so you can change settings, DLC and/or mods before starting the actual game? Some games take quite a lot longer to load with mods, which sucks if you want to change which mods you're using and have to restart the game again (looking at you, Rimworld).
Oh! Come to think of it, this game does take particularly long to load up. Swapping out mods and turning DLC on/off would certainly require a restart.
I would call that Age of Blunders when you can't opt out of ads in your games. I mean even if they relate to the title you bought, they should be an option IMO. :rolleyes:
Lots and lots of games do this - some change the menu to something reflecting the latest DLC for everyone, some just change it after you buy the DLC. Others stick news about DLCs in "recent news" windows on the main menu. You've got to get the word out to people who don't even bother to look at their Steam library somehow!

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Lawsuit in Canada over gaming addiction.

Am I missing something here? How is it different from kids spending too much time on any other activity—TV, football, phone etc…?

Seems to me someone should be suing the parents for child neglect :rolleyes:
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I'm digging Darktide still. Still loving my giant helmet. Also checking out MS gamepass. Got Psychonauts 2, Scorn, TMNT and a few other games dl'd to play around with. Just in the process of downloading Mech Warrior. I thought what the hell. Last one I played was Mech Warrior 2 on my old PC. I need my Mech Warrior fix cause it's been so long.
My Rimworld game is still going fairly well. All my colonists are still alive, though not in one piece. Two of them lost a leg fighting some giant mutant creature and there's been several other body parts that have been destroyed. I've been trying to work towards the technology to create new limbs, but it's a slow process.

The raids are getting worse too. I got attacked by 22 feral cats, which wasn't too bad to deal with, but I had forgotten I gave one of my colonists a flamethrower and they don't try very hard to avoid friendly fire...

Got attacked by about 8 or so raiders with guns not long after, but they luckily focused mostly on a turret, allowing me to pick them off with only minor injuries. Then a group of about a dozen tribal raiders, which I underestimated severely. Turns out great bows do a lot of damage, especially if you are so overconfident you don't put your colonists behind cover.

The main problem now is that I've run out of components, which you need for any advanced stuff, including advanced armour. I'm hoping I can buy some at the nearby friendly settlement when I continue playing, as I really need to shore up my defenses. I've actually turned down the difficulty to peaceful until I've secured my colony a bit better.
I'm digging Darktide still. Still loving my giant helmet.

You mean like this?? lol. Captured this the other day.


Im digging Darktide too but it still needs optimization imo. Cant wait until they add private lobbies also. I think that the Zealot Preacher needs a buff somewhere, hes pretty mediocre amongst the group but he says the best 40k lines imo.

Well... Destiny 2 has a new season and this PCG article is spot on and reflects pretty much my sentiment.

They didnt mention that theres been no new maps to their pvp/pve mode Gambit and about 1 or 2 to their pvp mode Crucible over the last 3 years at least.

They also have a bunch of strikes (10-15 minute missions with their own story piece) that are still vaulted with the same 5-10 being rotated every season. Its boring to a vet but, being a clan leader recruiting new players, its fresh to them so i find destiny still interesting in that aspect (also playing with my wife and son)

Watched the Game Awards, didnt win a steam deck, thought the show as meh until that unknown dude at the end got on stage and said some nonsense, then was bummed to hear he was arrested for that. :rolleyes:


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I think I've gotten my Fallout New Vegas modded to a point where it's stable and I'm happy with the results. Loading times are short, gameplay is fluid, and I've had zero CTDs. I've only got 127 mods installed, 62 of which are just texture mods, but the Gamebryo engine that FoNV uses just isn't as stable as the Creation Engine used in Fallout 4 and Skyrim, and the number & quality of mods available for FoNV are far fewer.

It's obvious that you're playing an older game, as the details and visual impact just aren't the same as they are in Skyrim & Fallout 4 and the character models and animations aren't what we'd see today, but the gameplay is still excellent in my opinion.


Victor in Goodsprings

Trudy in the Prospector Saloon

I'll most likely switch to playingThe Witcher 3 Nex-Gen when it releases next week, but at least I'll have a stable mod build of FoNV when I go back to it.
I just learned Steam is having a sale on a bunch of turn-based indie games:

I didn't see anything about this on the main Steam page for some reason.

No mention of it on the PCGamer website either as far as I can see.

Lawsuit in Canada over gaming addiction.

Am I missing something here? How is it different from kids spending too much time on any other activity—TV, football, phone etc…?

Seems to me someone should be suing the parents for child neglect :rolleyes:

I do think videogames are more dangerous than football or TV because they consume more of your attention for longer periods of time. It's a lot easier staying up all night playing games than watching movies for example.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
62 of which are just texture mods
Just curious: is that one for trees, one for rocks, one for wooden saucers, one for…?

videogames are more dangerous than football or TV
Oh agreed, and gambling is more dangerous than games, and drugs are more…

Steam is having a sale on a bunch of turn-based indie games
Nice catch, hadn't heard of that either. I played demos of Istanbul and Wingspan a while ago, seemed pretty good.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
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Community Contributor
Am I missing something here? How is it different from kids spending too much time on any other activity—TV, football, phone etc…?

Unfortunately, addictiveness is a pretty smooth spectrum. Figuring out where to draw the line between legal and illegal is pretty much impossible and, even if you pick an arbitrary point, it's very hard to measure whether an activity is on one side of the line or the other. I'm afraid we're going to be stuck with this kind of lawsuit for all our lives. (And games purposefully trying to be addicting then saying it's not addicting enough to be illegal, too. See many mobile games for examples.)
Last one I played was Mech Warrior 2 on my old PC. I need my Mech Warrior fix cause it's been so long.
They've been waiting.

There are quite a few very nice mods for that game, but there's also a DLC coming along with a free update that's bound to break a bunch of them. If you want to use mods, you'll want to tell Steam not to update the game until you start it. Then, when the update shows up, go to the game properties and subscribe to the "beta test" that is the current version of the game. That way your mods won't break.

Or play hard and try to beat the game before the update shows up in late January.

P.S. At least somebody else out there thinks "MW2" stands for MechWarrior 2 and not Modern Warfare 2!

"Note: The Diablo IV Limited Collector’s Box does not include a copy of the game—this is a separate purchase."

Pure madness...


Community Contributor
Anyone play the older games? Worth checking out?
Mostly an online shooter with ice-skating robots. That's a really nice trailer, but probably not a game for me.
View: https://youtu.be/BxpCSX9bZ2k

Portal RTX showed up yesterday. People are trashing the hell out of it. 'It runs like crap on my 2060!' Well, yeah, the minimum spec says 3060, and a 3080 for "recommended." 'It's just an advertisement for NVIDIAs 4000 cards!' It's FREE and the only advertising I've seen so far are subtle NVIDIA logos. Ugh!

It is a weird thing, though. For whatever reason, NVIDIA's FPS counter doesn't even show up. Achievements get acknowledged in the game but often don't show up on Steam. It seems to need the latest drivers from NVIDIA, too, which might be what's behind people complaining about frequent crashing.
Mostly an online shooter with ice-skating robots. That's a really nice trailer, but probably not a game for me.
View: https://youtu.be/BxpCSX9bZ2k

Portal RTX showed up yesterday. People are trashing the hell out of it. 'It runs like crap on my 2060!' Well, yeah, the minimum spec says 3060, and a 3080 for "recommended." 'It's just an advertisement for NVIDIAs 4000 cards!' It's FREE and the only advertising I've seen so far are subtle NVIDIA logos. Ugh!

It is a weird thing, though. For whatever reason, NVIDIA's FPS counter doesn't even show up. Achievements get acknowledged in the game but often don't show up on Steam. It seems to need the latest drivers from NVIDIA, too, which might be what's behind people complaining about frequent crashing.

Not sure if its mostly online or not, if it has a significant campaign I'm way more interested. The footage I watched of the 5th game looked like more a fast paced simulation than a shooter. MW on (insert name of stimulant).

I'll give that a go. Even if its only because I have a soft spot for giant robots.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Just curious: is that one for trees, one for rocks, one for wooden saucers, one for…?
Pretty much, yes. There aren't the variety of large texture pack compilations that you'd find in other Bethesda games like Skyrim & Fallout 4. The largest I use is NMCS Texture pack: NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)

In essence what this mod does & doesn't do (in spoiler tags to preserve space):
What graphics does this mod change?
Trees (ie trunks/branches)
Medium to large sized objects (eg. toolboxes, Nuka cola vendors, chairs, cupboards etc).

What graphics does this mod NOT change?
Small clutter objects (eg bottles, cans, books etc)
NPC's (in game characters)
Bodies/ faces
Posters, Bill-boards
Decals, Effects
Foliage- grass, leaves, bushes etc.
Text/fonts/ UI elements.
From there, I just try to fill in the gaps with individual texture mods, for things such as robots, foliage, water, billboards, and so on. FoNV is an old game made on the ancient Gamebryo engine so there aren't many new texture mods available, so I find that I have to install a bunch of smaller mods for textures I'd like to upgrade.

I almost made a PCG Article post about this article, but it doesn't seem like there is much widespread modding interest on the forum, but I did bookmark the mod page for possible inclusion in my next Skyrim game. It's long been my RPG dream to combine the in-depth character personalities that Bioware creates with the open world games that Bethesda makes. This at the least is a modders attempt to do something similar, although those characters currently have no effect in the main game.


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