Quiz: Name that movie

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Community Contributor
Thats the name of a movie?
No no, that's just a quote from it! And this is who said it...



Community Contributor
Little girls, this seems to say
Never stop upon your way
Never trust a stranger friend
No-one knows how it will end
As you're pretty, so be wise
Wolves may lurk in every guise
Now as then, 'tis simple truth
Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth.

The Company of Wolves

I wouldn't call it a great movie but, after binge watching a bunch of video tapes with friends back in the mid-80's then watching this one last, definitely fun stuff!
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Another hint: You might know the faces of these well-known actors. The movie actually got a ton of them and that is not something you often see in this type of low budget movie. Rest assured, while it is a low budget, it is a movie you definitely will remember as it is both as beautiful as it is gut-wrenching.



Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Mazer Since nobody got the answer, feel free to post it and make another one if you like. I highly recommend the movie to you all if you want a dark and gritty vampire movie set in New York in the '90s.
Jan 22, 2020
It's a terrible vampire rom-com from 1990, with a jokey title that's neither a pun nor a proper cliche.

Probably one that you either know or don't, feel free to google.

Edit: 1993 apparently. That decade had some issues.
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Jan 22, 2020
To remove the road block I've dropped on this thread, the movie is called 'Love Bites' and Adam Ant/Zachary Simms plays a vampire who elects to quit being a vampire after falling in love with a human woman. This is apparently as simple as weaning yourself off blood and onto normal food, hence the weird spaghetti scene.

Someone else have a crack, please. Need a palate cleanser.
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