Quern - Undying Thoughts

I've had this game since it first released on PC, but I got stuck right away and then didn't pick it up again - until yesterday. I started a brand new game yesterday and was able to breeze past where I was originally stuck. Time went extremely quick and before I knew it, I had been playing for 3 hours and it was 11pm (I rarely play in long stints such as that).

I highly recommend this game to anyone that enjoys a good puzzle, and/or anyone who was a fan of Myst. I am trying so hard not to look up any guides online, as I do not want to just give up on puzzles and then cheat. I got stuck on a puzzle last night before going to bed, but I am hoping with new eyes I'll be able to solve it.

Is there anyone else who has had this game on their radar, or who have played it? To those that played it, did you complete it without any guides? How did you find the experience?
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Thanks for the tip! I do enjoy a good puzzle from time to time. Now, I just have to finish up on the Talos Principle. I would hate to be juggling more than one puzzle game at the time - my brain might implode.
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Funny you mentioned that, I also installed The Talos Principle this weekend as well (but won't be playing until I have completed Quern). I've also had The Talos Principle since release, but I got many FPS drops on it when it first came out, but it's probably had many updates (and I've had a gpu update) since them.
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