PS5 or Xbox series X

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Mar 17, 2020
You have to go were your friends are. I break the consoles down to this. The series X is a great Xbox console, and if you have the ultimate game pass you can go between your pc and Xbox almost seamlessly. The PlayStation is good for 1st party exclusives, I mean come on... They have Miles Morales Spider-Man. Their new controller is cool the way the did the feed back. Now, with that being said neither console is in my opinion is groundbreaking. I think the last groundbreaking console was the Switch.
I am siding with going with a GPU and start PC gaming but I have learnt that getting a gpu is no easy feat unless I am prepared to over pay like crazy. I am not prepared to have my pants pulled down.
It's not that it wouldn't be the best option if you can afford building a decent PC instead, it's just that it will take far more patience waiting for COVID and the insane pricing to subside. IMO it's worth it in the long run, waiting 6-9 months to see if things improve pales in comparison to the 3 or more years you'll use it.
Dec 16, 2020
It's not that it wouldn't be the best option if you can afford building a decent PC instead, it's just that it will take far more patience waiting for COVID and the insane pricing to subside. IMO it's worth it in the long run, waiting 6-9 months to see if things improve pales in comparison to the 3 or more years you'll use it.

I suppose I could use my PS4 in the meantime.
I suppose I could use my PS4 in the meantime.
Well if that's the case, not much to worry about. I mean PS4 gets most titles, just not the ones made for Xbox and PC exclusively. I just realized your wait may be even longer now since that huge ship went down in Suez Canal though, it had 20,000 containers. Everyone is saying that's going to affect shipping of all goods. REALLY bad time for something like that to happen.
Apr 23, 2021
I got the PS5 over the Xbox Series X/S. Keep in mind that was my first Playstation ever, I normally stuck to Xbox, I chose it because I already owned an Xbox One S, and it can run the same games, and almost all of the Xbox games are availiable on PC if you have one. I got the PS5 for its Adaptive triggers and its ability to run more games. basically, if you have a previous generation xbox or a PC get the PS5. If you have a PS4 you should still get the PS5 as it has exclusives that the ps4 doesnt , But get the xbox if you dont have a pc that runs windows. Overall I suggest PS5 but you do you.
Apr 23, 2021
the ship didnt exactly go down, it just got stuck sideways in the river. It was freed a while ago tho, so things should get better. But the Evergiven getting stuck isnt the only thing, a lot of technology requires a special chip, and apperently companies like microsoft, google, apple, and sony cant get as much as they used to. That is the biggest reason for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S shortage.
the ship didnt exactly go down, it just got stuck sideways in the river. It was freed a while ago tho, so things should get better. But the Evergiven getting stuck isnt the only thing, a lot of technology requires a special chip, and apperently companies like microsoft, google, apple, and sony cant get as much as they used to. That is the biggest reason for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S shortage.
I discovered shortly after I heard about it that it was just stuck instead, then a week later freed, so that was a big relief.

And you're right about chip shortages being the real big problem with anything requiring processors. In a way I'm kinda in my own little selfish bubble lately, because I can't help but think I'm just glad I have what I have. It may not be the best, but it's all I got, and all I need.
Apr 23, 2021
Has anyone played both of these?

If so can you tell which was the most impressive?

I have just read this guide but I am not sure if these articles are written with some bias or not
I discovered shortly after I heard about it that it was just stuck instead, then a week later freed, so that was a big relief.

And you're right about chip shortages being the real big problem with anything requiring processors. In a way I'm kinda in my own little selfish bubble lately, because I can't help but think I'm just glad I have what I have. It may not be the best, but it's all I got, and all I need.
exactly, I mean, I was happy when I got my PS5 for Xmas, it allowed me to play a lot more games, but i was more happy that my dad got it for me, in a sad way, any time i get an expensive gift or something. I feel like a leech. But anyways, yeah, i was happy with My older xbox, that is why i opted for the ps5 instead, so i can play new games.
exactly, I mean, I was happy when I got my PS5 for Xmas, it allowed me to play a lot more games, but i was more happy that my dad got it for me, in a sad way, any time i get an expensive gift or something. I feel like a leech. But anyways, yeah, i was happy with My older xbox, that is why i opted for the ps5 instead, so i can play new games.
At the end of the day, all any avid gamer can hope for in a global pandemic is something that can play current games. It's a comfort and a hold me over until things more luxurious are available and can be afforded. To be honest, even though I'm sitting on a fair bit of cash from two recent stimulus payments, I'd be happy with what I have even until 4K broadcasts become a reality. I just hope the tech I have is viable for that long. The reason my future system plans tie into 4K broadcasts is I use my one display for everything, and I don't feel after having tried one before, 4K displays work well for TV yet.
Apr 23, 2021
At the end of the day, all any avid gamer can hope for in a global pandemic is something that can play current games. It's a comfort and a hold me over until things more luxurious are available and can be afforded. To be honest, even though I'm sitting on a fair bit of cash from two recent stimulus payments, I'd be happy with what I have even until 4K broadcasts become a reality. I just hope the tech I have is viable for that long. The reason my future system plans tie into 4K broadcasts is I use my one display for everything, and I don't feel after having tried one before, 4K displays work well for TV yet.
Yeah man, I feel you. but a lot of the reason people buy the latest consoles is the advancements in technology, console gaming was meant to offer as much as possible for as little as possible. But seeing a console that can offer almost as much as a quality PC is something gamers have been wanting for years. And, consoles are starting to get closer to PCs in even more major ways. Sony announced that in a summer update you will be able to purcahse a compatible Gen 4.0 NVMe SSD to expand the PS5's Sh*t-tier storage
(seriously? 667 gigs, that is barely enough to Install 5 games, including Cod Cold War and Warzone, which take up half of it. Still, with the big games, it still has half the space of normal 1TB consoles. Also the 200 gigs it hides in the 'others' tab of my storage.). Its gonna be as stressful as finding parts for PC because remember, the purpose of the console was to be cheaper, so people wont be thrilled to have to pay more money to buy storage for the console than they had payed for the console itself. But i heard the Samsung 980 Pro MIGHT be compatible with PS5 when the update rolls out, and its $80 for 250GB, $150 for 500GB, $200 for 1TB, and $350 for 2TB. So if you plan to expand PS5 storage without using a ssd that takes 30 minutes to open GTA look into that, DO NOT buy it before Sony Confirms its compatible though. I am very sorry that this reply turned into a full on rant about the PS5, but thank you if you cared enough to read this far.
I have a 970 EVO 500GB NVMe drive in my gaming PC, and it definitely gets filled up too fast. I regularly go through a routine where I have to uninstall games, retaining the save data, to install and play new ones that come out.

I'm considering a 2TB NVMe next time. I've seen the Samsung 970 EVO one on sale for $250. Trust me, anything 3000 Mb/s or more read/write speed is plenty fast enough. No need for a $350 drive.
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