PS5 controller software for PC -looking for experienced feedback on the options.

Dec 5, 2023
for the past few years I have been using Rewasd and i LOVE it - in my opinion there is not a better controller configurator on the market (steam is close though). However it has been blacklisted by several developers as cheat software (their reasons are just, but not really... way bigger things going on than folks using aim assist on KBM in the competitive shooter arena). With rewasd, every single game on the PC saw my controller as a XB One controller and therefore it worked in every game that supports native controllers, and i could manually bind for any games that only have KB support (see: Diablo 3) - my controller worked in every game with a little effort, gyro could be enabled on any game, flick stick could be enabled on any game, adaptive triggers worked on any game, RGB is controllable, automatically hides the physical controller when mapping is on, unhides it when its of without an additional app, I did not have to add every game to my steam library, so on and so forth

I am looking for an app to bring similar functionality, without the controversy surrounding Rewasd - I just dont like the idea that Rewasd can be forced off by a game with anticheat and none of my bindings, gyro, etc... work. I know there are a few primary apps that Sony controller owners swear by that can do very similar things

DS4\5 Windows
Joyshock Mapper
Steam Input

I'm not looking for a vote on which one is better - I am seeking out people who have used these apps and have found quirks or bugs in them. Interested in things like if they introduce any input lag, if they have the double input issues, if they work great but require too much time customizing. If the gyro or sticks feel weird, anything that should work but doesn't, difficult learning curve... you get it.

This is how I currently have it setup - not sure if this is clever or stupid lol (wondering if the "dual layers" of apps will be a problem)
  • get DSX free version and set it to no emulation mode - set up all adaptive triggers, leds, etc...
  • since there is no emulation from DSX; Windows sees it as a plain old hardware DS5, in this mode it only works with games that have native DS5 support since its not pretending to be XB - only passing the raw controller input to the OS
  • Steam also detects the controller as a DualSense with no emulator sitting between.
  • Enabled steam controller support and now I have the best of both worlds... Steam input fakes my controller as XB360 - all the adaptive triggers, polling rate overclock, and fully programmable LED's etc are managed by DSX Free
  • ONLY caveat is I need to add all my games to Steam.
I dont think theres too many of us here who use controllers tbh. I used to use DS4 a lot, but all the games I wanted to play on a controller have been in Steam and after a while I noticed it just wasnt needed anymore for anything I was playing, everything just gave me double inputs so disabled it from startup and have barely used it in the last few years.


On a Journey
I just took the easy option

I haven't used it a lot though.
Dec 5, 2023
I just took the easy option

I haven't used it a lot though.
SMH....There's always one on every thread. :rolleyes: (this part is totally meant as a lighthearted joke)

I have been a Xbox controller user for over 20 years (since the original XB in like 2002) and wanted to finally give PS controllers a chance so I can see if gyro aim is a gimmick or actually useful. I have 5 XB controllers, one of which is the Elite V2, nothing wrong with it at all; its a great controller in the regard that all you have to do is plug it in and it works. The remapping software by MS is very simple and there is no need for emulation, 3rd party tools, or complicated steps to hide your controller from the PC. and you can swap remapping profiles with just a click on the controller.

Xbox does not currently offer a controller with a gyro, and it doesnt seem like any 3rd paties are dropping them in (makes sense, no games support gyro on XB anyways). I think the closest thing I found was the Gulikit KK3, but all the remapping and configuration is done on the controller through hotkeys - so you would have to memorize them and understand what the LED indicators mean, or always have the documentation handy, or once again, resort to 3rd party software. I don't believe it allows for the storing of profiles either so you would need to remap and tune everything manually every time you switched a game if you skip the 3rd party software.

So far I like really like the new PS5 controller, but definetly need to get used to it. Its the most impressive when a game has full native support for the Dualsense; but this whole "have to pretend to be an xbox controller" thing is just baffling.. I mean why on earth wouldn't Sony use Xinput, or why hasn't Windows added full native support for PS controllers, and why hasn't Sony took the lead on this and created a 1st party software suite for PC like Xbox has done for the Elite? Do they not see the market opportunity there? There are swaths of gamers out there who use a controller on their PC. I'm pretty sure a lot of people turn away from PS controllers because of the level of difficulty to set up, the fact that the features just go to waste on PC, the symbols on the screen do not match the controller symbols, or they are just not technically proficient enough to understand WHY its not working - they just go buy an XB controller.

You sir, are part of the problem; not the solution (also a lighthearted joke :LOL:)
Dec 5, 2023
I wonder where the best place to ask would be... i would ask on
as more people might look there.

I did find this on some website:
Thanks, I'll take a loot at Tom's - I've already seem countless videos on how to "get PS5 features working on PC" but they all say the same thing "use software to pretend its an XB controller" - but this isn't the same as full native support. Its forced into the controller at a static value. So if I set it to "rigid" its rigid all the time no matter what is in my hands. Guns, bows, melee.. its all the same feeling. With native support a bow feels like a bow, a gun has a specific kick independent to each trigger depending on which one you are using. Raindrops are felt on the controller, haptics change based on the type of terrain you are walking\driving on.

The innovation is there - but only a handful of games are bothering to take advantage of it on PC.... shame
Dec 5, 2023
spent all weekend playing with these pieces of software (did not bother to look into joyshock mapper though) , they each offer something the other doesn't at the moment, and there are "little things" that bother me about each one.

-DSX 2.0 free - discontinued and will get no more support. So you get what you get - this is pretty barebones as far as features go and is already at EOL - it wont get any bugfixes or new features moving forward. You need to layer this with Steam input for any real functionality

-DSX 3.0 Pro - Gyro controls and other features are still "coming soon" - one of the main reasons wanted the software was specifically for the ability to bring gyro and flick into any game without steam input or adding all my games to the steam library. Paying for software that is still in beta and doesn't fully work just doesn't make sense - although Paliverse has done some amazing work, it just isn't done yet and does not fully work.

-DS4 widows - I see the reason that this software is the GO TO for PS controllers. Its pretty full featured but lacks a lot of features that are specific to Dualsnse, and the options they do have are pretty lackluster. Its not super hard to use, but there was a pretty steep learning curve (for me), I just didn't like the feel and look of it. if you don't use hidHide to hide your controller you'll get double inputs - if you switch to a game with native Dualsense support for triggers, haptic feedback, gyro, in game lightbar status.... you'll have to unhide and hide it, un-pair and re-pair each time you switch games. Its a little thing, but it bothered me.

re-enter....REWASD - with the release of 7.3!
I was impressed by the developers commitment to try and find a solution for the "scarlet letter" they had to wear, even when the developers who blanket banned them refused to work with them they found a workaround that doesn't manipulate the anticheat system - risking a ban. When developers said "REWASD is for cheating, so if you want to play our game, you cant use the software you paid for on your system" - the REWASD team didn't just lie down and accept it - they solved the problem on their own so that the loyal customers who paid for the software were not hung out to dry.... They could have very easily just gave up or released a new version that they charge you again for,,,,,

Maybe its just because I have spent more time on it over the last 2 years and know it fairly well. It does everything I want in one application, no weird steps to unhide my controller. It has a truck ton of features that none of these other suites have. Rumble\haptic emulation is precise and does a good job at taking advantage of the motors in the Dualsense. Haptic trigger settings are clearer to understand, apply and test.
EVERY SINGLE BUTTON can be remapped to do anything you want inside or outside of the game.

I love it.