Question Problem with Dualshock 4 on pc ! Help me please!

Sep 27, 2021
Hello everyone! I bought a Dualshock. I connected it a week ago, everything works fine. Installed DS4Windows recently. When I downloaded it, changed some settings there, Dualshock no longer works .. It does not even connect to the phone. When connected to a PC, via a wire, it lights up in the desired color, but is not displayed. When connected to bluetooth, it simply does not see it, or writes: "Check the Pin-code and try again." Help me please! I will be very grateful
I use a DS4 controller, I've had some issues with bluetooth forgetting it but its always worked with the cable. I would uninstall DS4 and try resetting the controller.

Reset the DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller
  1. Turn off and unplug your PS4.
  2. Locate the small reset button on the back of the controller near the L2 shoulder button.
  3. Use a small tool to push the button inside the tiny hole. Hold the button down for roughly 3-5 seconds.
  4. Connect the controller to the PS4 using a USB cable and press the PS button.
  5. If the light bar turns blue, the controller has paired.
If the controller is unresponsive or is able to connect to a different USB port or another system, please visit the Fix & Replace diagnostic tool to check if your hardware is eligible for an under-warranty repair.

I think most games work without DS4 through Steam, but a few still need. Hard to say for sure as I dont use it for the majority of games.

Let us know if this helps :)
Sep 27, 2021
I use a DS4 controller, I've had some issues with bluetooth forgetting it but its always worked with the cable. I would uninstall DS4 and try resetting the controller.

I think most games work without DS4 through Steam, but a few still need. Hard to say for sure as I dont use it for the majority of games.

Let us know if this helps :)
Hey! I already tried it ( I used to play just through steam, or through a cable. But now the computer simply does not see Dualshock. And I, by the way, from a PC, so the Fix & Replace function is not available for me. Now I will try again this combination. You can Anything else to help me?
Sep 27, 2021
I use a DS4 controller, I've had some issues with bluetooth forgetting it but its always worked with the cable. I would uninstall DS4 and try resetting the controller.

I think most games work without DS4 through Steam, but a few still need. Hard to say for sure as I dont use it for the majority of games.

Let us know if this helps :)
By the way, in the device manager the gamepad is displayed as: Bluetooth HID device
Sep 27, 2021
I use a DS4 controller, I've had some issues with bluetooth forgetting it but its always worked with the cable. I would uninstall DS4 and try resetting the controller.

I think most games work without DS4 through Steam, but a few still need. Hard to say for sure as I dont use it for the majority of games.

Let us know if this helps :)
I did everything as they say here, the controller is white, it is paired by bluetooth, but it is not displayed in the incentive ..
Sep 27, 2021
Sorry I'm just Googling ideas, no direct experience.

Unless someone else has any ideas I'm afraid I'm out. Hope you get it sorted!

Maybe something here that can help?
Thank you very much, I'll take a look now
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Sep 27, 2021
Sorry I'm just Googling ideas, no direct experience.

Unless someone else has any ideas I'm afraid I'm out. Hope you get it sorted!

Maybe something here that can help?
Listen, I removed all the drivers, InputMapper, and Dualshok works through a cable) via Bluetooth it just does not see / do you know what this might be related to?