Problem with 5ghz wifi adapter

Jun 25, 2024
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So i need help i buyed this wifi adapter that is 2.4 and 5 ghz 2.4 works fine but 5 ghz does not work i mean i didnt tried with diffrent device or router i share 5 ghz and 2.4 from a phone to pc "mobile data hotspot" i checked everything to see if my motherboard "asus b150m-c" supports 5 ghz reinstalled drivers from device ipv6 ipv4 is turned on everything seems fine in teory but 5g is not working didnt tried other wifies too but i dont know the passwords so is there a way i can fix this is problem coused bescuase of mobile data? Idk on google there is same answers everywhere so i dont rly know what can i do here but i hope someone out there can help me with this..MOTHERBOARD ASUS B150MC... it goes with usb connection "adapter"