Play two games at once on same PC?

One of my friends would use a program to start multiple instances of the same game, in his case Rose Online, a MMORPG, so he could buff himself with his secondary accounts. I'm pretty sure he had the game running while playing other games as well.
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One of my friends would use a program to start multiple instances of the same game, in his case Rose Online, a MMORPG, so he could buff himself with his secondary accounts. I'm pretty sure he had the game running while playing other games as well.

I knew a guy who would run multiple instances of Ultima Online so that he could level up characters in the background to sell online. Not sure on the details as I only saw it running and didnt get the details. Kept him in drink through a couple of years of University. It was almost certainly against TOS, don't think he ever got caught.
I knew a guy who would run multiple instances of Ultima Online so that he could level up characters in the background to sell online. Not sure on the details as I only saw it running and didnt get the details. Kept him in drink through a couple of years of University. It was almost certainly against TOS, don't think he ever got caught.

I think my friend might have gotten banned once, but I'm not entirely sure. He was really good at making friends in MMOs though and Rose Online has crazy strong buffs, so with the right friends you can power level really quickly, so it wouldn't have mattered much if he had to start over.
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I think my friend might have gotten banned once, but I'm not entirely sure. He was really good at making friends in MMOs though and Rose Online has crazy strong buffs, so with the right friends you can power level really quickly, so it wouldn't have mattered much if he had to start over.

I'm not familiar with Rose online but looks like it was just about post WOW so I guess MMO companies were starting to get tougher on their security by then. UO was late 1990's maybe early 2000? I guess it was the internet equivalent of the Wild West.
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i've heard online gamblers playing multiple on multiple tables, but not heard anyone play 2 games at once. I assume one was for grinding or some idle game. I personally would never do it as i have to focus on just the one game at a time.
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Community Contributor
Huh, never even occurred to me that might be possible! Do many of you do this?

Are there conditions, eg both must be Steam, or must not? Must you have 2 monitors?

Can you play co-op with yourself? :D

Back when I played an MMO, I used to run two instances of it so that I could play co-op with myself. I did that regularly in the late game because there were dungeons that were too difficult for just one character. I had each windowed, one on the left, one on the right, so just one monitor. I think if I did that today that I would just be confused and die horribly. I should point out that the game was turn-based, but there was a time limit on how long your turn was, and quite a bit to do for each character. (Edit: Actually you didn't have a time limit per character. There was a single time limit for everyone in the group)

Recently when I was playing an idle game, I left it running for about 3 weeks while also playing other games. Of course, the idle game took up almost no resources.

Yesterday's example with AC and Craftopia was sort of a rarity, where I had two demanding games running at once. However, I had my Craftopia character standing in a small room so that stuff wasn't being rendered on screen. Of course, this mostly just helped my GPU, not as much for my CPU. Then I went to AC and dropped the settings from Very High to Medium. I didn't check my FPS in AC. Was probably not great. But I checked my temps the whole time and they stayed good.

That reminds me of something I forgot to put in the other thread...
i've heard online gamblers playing multiple on multiple tables, but not heard anyone play 2 games at once. I assume one was for grinding or some idle game. I personally would never do it as i have to focus on just the one game at a time.

That reminds me that my brother once told me a friend of his was playing up to 25 games of poker at a time. The friend was great at math and could calculate his chances of winning any hand pretty accurately and quickly. So instead of bothering with reading his opponents, he'd just needed to get lucky often enough to make a profit. From what I heard he managed to make several thousands, though it wasn't a very stable income and he quit after a few months.

sometimes i do something similar i guess, lets say i play some game i am in queue so i just play osu instead of waiting.

I did use to muck around on my phone during some games, especially multiplayer Civilization or Paradox' grand strategy games. I probably would have been playing another game on the same computer if I'd had a dual monitor setup, but I haven't ever managed/bothered to set one up at home.
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