PC reboot when i start a game

Mar 30, 2020
Hey guys! (before u start to read I just wanna tell you that I'm not a technical PC guy, I just like to play games, but I don't understand that much about hardware and PC stuff, be kind )

So in the last few days, my computer just started to reboot while I was gaming, I usually play Rainbow Six Siege and this never happened before. Today and yesterday I barely start the game and my PC crash(I tried with other game and happen the same).

What happens is, I'm playing, then my screen crash for like 2 secs and then black screen, I hear my fans start to rotate very fast for like 3 secs and then my computer restart.

I've already updated my Drivers, windows, did the FunMark test and Prime95, and no errors. Only crashed when I tried the afterburner MSI test, the combustor MSI (after I did the teste I just uninstalled afterburner cause I saw some forums people talking that afterburner could cause some errors).

Don't know what to do anymore, I'm kinda lost so if you guys can help me I appreciate your time!


PC specs:

Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. M5A99X EVO R2.0

CPU: AMD FX-8320 Vishera 32nm Technology

Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Storage: 931GB Western Digital WDC WD10EZRZ-00HTKB0

RAM: 8.0 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 802MHz
Operating System: Windows 10
Bios version: 2501


A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
It sounds like a heating issue. MSI Afterburner has an option to display your CPU temp, no matter the case, a CPU temperature should play around 75-80 degrees Celsius when gaming. When the computer is doing small processes or in an idle state, it should be around 45 degrees Celsius to a little over 60 degrees Celsius at most

One thing that could have happened, is when you used MSI test, did you maybe adjust your fans?

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Other thing to possibly check if temps are ok:
- running Memtest from usb-stick. There is a chance random crashes are related to RAM issues. Not common, but can't say "no" to the possibility
- if you have done any OC, go back to default values just to make sure it's not this.
Mar 30, 2020
It sounds like a heating issue. MSI Afterburner has an option to display your CPU temp, no matter the case, a CPU temperature should play around 75-80 degrees Celsius when gaming. When the computer is doing small processes or in an idle state, it should be around 45 degrees Celsius to a little over 60 degrees Celsius at most

One thing that could have happened, is when you used MSI test, did you maybe adjust your fans?
Hey, I got a water cooler, so usually when im doing small thing on my computer cpu is around 18ºC and playing is like 40ºC :/

About the Afterburner my fans were in auto, so I did not did nothing to them
Mar 30, 2020
Other thing to possibly check if temps are ok:
- running Memtest from USB-stick. There is a chance random crashes are related to RAM issues. Not common, but can't say "no" to the possibility
- if you have done any OC, go back to default values just to make sure it's not this.
I'm going to try to do the Memtest then
I think I didn't do OC but I can make it default just to make sure, the thing is that I don't know how to do it properly

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
This is interesting, this is the second topic and I experienced issues myself as well. For me it defeniately was not a heating issue since everything was below 50 degrees Celsius. I guess every issue here might have a different origin but I find it interesting that I see them passing by "often" now.

I own a ASUS motherboard too btw. (Asus Prime X470 Pro), but I think I my issue was caused by incompabilitgy between HWinfo and iCue for my watercooler. After I turned off the support in hwinfo my PC ran for over 24 hours without crash.

I read somewhere on Reddit (can't find back where though) that Asus mobo's have or had issues when several programs were run to monitor temps as well.

Based on your story I think that might cause the issue, if you uninstall afterburner or another program that does temp monitoring, does that solve the issues?

And the GPU temps?

An overheating GPU should either throttle or give a blue screen right? No black screen and then restart. When my GPU was failing I got bluescreens all the time.
Feb 17, 2020
It wouldn't always be a blue screen, no. The symptoms the OP describes fits an overheating GPU (and also a dozen other things).

There are a lot of good pointers in the thread, and I'd usually suggest being methodical about checking and ruling things out. It may well not be thermals, but thermals are an easy first thing to check and since the OP only checked CPU temps they may as well check GPU temps too :)

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
EDIT: By reading over it and correct me if I'm wrong, if funmark is a typo and it's furmark, that's a GPU stresstest right? That should heat up the GPU alot and if it didn't crash it shouldn't be an overheating issue?

But yeah it's never bad to check the temps :p

Another EDIT: Which program told you that the CPU temp is 18C and 40C while playing? I'm wondering because I strongly feel like the temps my iCue shows are the liquid temps, and not CPU temps. Following HWinfo, my CPU temps are much higher.


A nerd that found his place
Community Contributor
Jan 17, 2020
One more thing to try, that would also still make it a heating issue, is thermal paste. I had the issue once, and it was because my thermal must have had an air bubble in it when I put it on, so over time it was cooling unevenly. I couldn't see the issue in a monitor as it was reading good temps for most of the processor, but when part of the processor was heating at a different speed, it cause shut downs. You are correct it could be GPU, I also generally had it either bluescreen or simply cap out (Getting like 5 fps when I normally get around 90)