I can't say I know that PSU brand name. few places I found it suggested person get a better known brand. Not sure it would cause this though.
Its been a while but its possible the bios can see it even if drive doesn't work. I used to answer questions like this all the time...
this board?
or this one?
doesn't matter as bios manual doesn't show what I am looking for.
this might:
I have to assume the windows install is cause.
If you have a win 10 installer, put it into pc and , boot into bios and choose save and exit.
On this page, pick Boot Override
This lets you pick the USB installer as boot device for one startup, without messing with boot settings.
Choose USB from list and PC will boot from it
You will have to do that each time you want to boot off USB
boot from installer
on screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install.
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up repair - this will scan PC and maybe fix this - will ask for logon info
that might help - its worth a try
Anything on PC you can't afford to lose?
- on screen after languages, choose repair this pc, not install.
- choose troubleshoot
- choose advanced
- choose command prompt
- type notepad and press enter
- in notepad, select file>open
- Use file explorer to copy any files you need to save to USB another storage drive apart from C
I have to go to sleep (its 4am) but I will look here later.
If you can copy all the files off C, you can turn around and clean install if you don't have any backups
If you are looking for the Windows 11 Clean install tutorial, you can find that here: Windows 11 Clean install tutorial (Click here) Otherwise, welcome to the Windows 10 Clean install tutorial This tutorial is intended to help you, step by step, to perform a clean install of Windows...