PC Gamer's Game of the Year Awards 2021
We reveal the best PC games of the last 12 months.

Jacob Ridley: Hell Let Loose
Morgan Park: Jackbox Party Pack 8
Natalie Clayton: Unbeatable [White Label]
Tyler Colp: Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye
Mollie Taylor: Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Lauren Morton: Book of Travels
Sarah James: Unpacking
Andy Chalk: The Pathless
Lauren Aitken: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Siege of Paris
Chris Livingston: Farming Simulator 22
Jody Macgregor: The Forgotten City
Rich Stanton: Scavengers
Imogen Mellor: Life is Strange: True Colors
Wes Fenlon: Cruelty Squad
Shaun Prescott: Astalon: Tears of the Earth
Alan Dexter: Magic the Gathering: Arena (Innistrad: Crimson Vow)
Have you played any of them? I've played AC Valhalla, but not the expansion listed. Played some Farming Simulator 22. I have The Pathless, but haven't played it yet. Looks fun with the bow.
Might look a little closer at some of these later. The Forgotten City sounds amazing, but I just don't think I could endure repeating the day over and over.
Well, I could curmudgeon my way through the list and explain why everyone should be playing something else instead, but I'll spare you this time, even though curmudgeoning is my favorite thing to do.