PC Gamer Reader Awards - tell us about the headsets you love!

PCG Dave

Staff member
Apr 1, 2020

What's the PC gaming gear that you've fallen in love with? It doesn't matter whether it's the latest Nvidia graphics card, a 2000-series AMD CPU, or that grinty gaming mouse you picked up a few years back but now can't bear to be without. Whatever it is, we want to know about it.

And we're not necessarily talking about what you think your most powerful superstar component is, or your most expensive purchase, we'd like you to tell us about the different parts of your gaming setup that mean the most to you. If you're regularly gaming with it today, and it sparks joy, then we want you to tell us just why that particular slice of PC gaming has found a place in your heart.

Over the next two weeks we're going to find out just what our PC Gamer readers are gaming with and why you love the kit you do. So each day there will be a new category of gear and we'd love you to get involved and tell us which products speak to you and why. Then we will gather all the entries together, come up with a shortlist for each of the following categories, and you will then have the chance to vote on which products should get the coveted PC Gamer Readers' Award.
Today we're asking about what the beloved headset is you strap to your skull.

Are you headset-over-heels for the wonderful HyperX Cloud range of ear-pleasers, do you have a long-standing membership to the Cult of Razer, or do you eschew all gaming designs and prefer a more audiophile level of headphone? Tell us in the thread below, without quoting the original post, first with the name of the product in question, and then just a line or two about why it means so much to you.

And who knows... you might even find yourself featured on the site in our Readers' Awards coverage too.
Jan 13, 2020
Never really been a headset guy. I finally cracked and got a Razer Kraken (...) shortly before the lockdown. Came in handy for all those Zoom calls. I still detest the feeling of headphones but if I have to tolerate 'em, at least I can be an irrational Razer fanboy and proud of it.
Mar 7, 2020
Last year, I bought a pair of Hyper X Cloud Alpha Pro, after bumbling through an endless line of Siberias and Logitecs. And I'm very pleased! Solid build, great sound for their price range, discreet but still cool-looking and very comfortable. And they have replaceable cushions! I can't believe we still have to list that as a plus for premium and mid-range headsets in 2020. But there, I said it!
The only downside of the Alphas is the fiddly volume wheel and that they don't seem to play along with Zoom for some reason, but I can live with that.
Jul 14, 2020
Kingston Hyper X Cloud Revolver.
It's an amazing wired headset. The quality of the muffs are incredible and perfectly comfortable for long stretches. The sound quality is on point with outside sound suppression, and from what I hear the mic is incredibly clear with no issues in being unintelligible. I actually use this headset for a lot. I bring with me on flights for music, since the mic is detachable. I use it to make long phone calls when I need my hands to do other things. I appreciate the very long cord that connects to your computer and has it's own volume rocker/mute button. It's just a very well designed headset and I've had it for many years and it still holds up so well. I would recommend it to anyone. It may be a bit pricey depending on your budget, but it has so many uses outside of gaming, that I couldn't recommend it enough.
Apr 19, 2020
So I always kinda shunned in-game audio... audio always played back from my $10 BT speaker over aux. Then I was like, "screw this, I need to get a better headset." And then I bought a $400 Audeze planar magnetic pair of cans (audiophile-level) - the Audeze Mobius. And now I have become an audiophile :). But actually, I can't imagine how I lived through play throughs without an amazing set of cans now...